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Genji's P.O.V.

Drip. Drip. Drip.
The sound of blood tapped onto the floor.

However, it wasn't the women's blood that was spilled. It was my hand that was cut by the sharp butter knife as i wrap my fingers around it. Holding the blade, so that it wouldn't be pierce her chest.

I wince in pain, grabbing the nlade and throwing it aside.

I growl, grabbing the collar of her shirt. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! You can't just kill yourself that's our job!!"

She looks down her eyes showing no emotion.

I look back at her, I felt a little frightened about the way she looked. "Tch... listen!! I'm not the person you're looking for, okay!! So just accept the fact that you're Talon's prisoner and get over it!! The person you're trying to find isn't here!! And it's not me!!" I sneered at her, giving her a glare that would scare any enemy away

But she smiles "Actually you are the person I'm looking for.... you saved me... that's how I now you're Genji, because he's a good person...."

I hesitated for a second, is this women crazy... I release her roughly pushing her back into the wall.

"You... have no idea, what I've done!!" I said angrily before leaving the room.

"Commander Akande!!" I said saluting. He looked up while wiping his gaulent. Reaper was there too

"Agent Genji.... is there anything I can help you with?" Doomfist says putting down his gaulent.

"Sir, I would like a full profile of prisoner 104..." I said, Reaper tenses up.

"Dr. Ziegler? I'll have it send to you as soon as possible..." Akande says, Reaper looks at him with wide eyes. "But!!"

I saluted at both of them and existed the room.

Reaper's P.O.V. (ayyy the edgrlord's back)

As soon as Genji leaves the room, I scold at Akande. "What do you think you're doing!!" I slam both my hands onto his desk.

He looks at me with no emotions.

"Sombra already told you, Genji can't be near Angela!! If he is he'll gain his memory back and we'll lose our weapon!!" I yelled.

"Oh? Is that what she said?" Akande leans closer to the desk "But do you know what she actually did?"

I hesitated "What... are you talking about?"

He sighs "Sombra's one of the best hackers in the world, and to not even complete this simple little task? I don't know about you Gabe but doesn't that sound sort of, suspicious to you?"

My eyes widened "So what you're saying is that Sombra knew how to wipe out Genji's memory, but she didn't do it on purpose?"

Akande nods

I sneered at him "How do you even know that's possible!!"

"During our mission in Château Guillard, I told Sombra to hack Genji and wipe out his memory. Originally she would obey me, however she hesitated and countless times she tried to come up with reasons to persuade me to not hack Genji."

I tense up. "But why!! It doesn't make sense!! Sombra doesn't even like Overwatch!! And she would never betray Talon!!"

"I know..." He puts a hand under his chin. "Something... or someone is pulling her back..." he frowns "But the question is.... who?"

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