Our constellations (AU)

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Long ago....
In the land of emperors and heroes of China...
There lived a famous hunter called Genji...

He lived with his Brother hanzo who joined his hunts and adventures.

One day, during his hunt. His brother caught a beautiful bird, with angel like wings.

The poor bird shivered in fear under his touch, her legs tied with a string.

Genji ordered his Brother to release the bird and he complied.

He took the bird home and bandaged it's foot, then let rest at home.

"What an angelic bird you are... can a bird be this beautiful?" The hunter said admiring the red feathers.

For weeks and months the bird lived with him. She would help the hunter with his adventures and perched on his shoulder to town.

Then on a February night, one of the soldiers of the castle asked the hunter to come meet the Emperor and to bring the bird along.

Both were confused but accepted the invitation.

The Emperor that ruled China was a greedy King. Who wanted only riches and pleasure in his castle.

When the Hunter and the bird came to his court, the Emperor's eyes laid upon the beautiful feathers.

He asked Genji
"How much does it's feathers cost?! I wish to use the beautiful wings for my crown!!"

The Hunter frowned
"I am sorry your highness, but my companion is not for sale... for no bar of gold can compete with this beautiful creature...."

The King was angry at the hunter and ordered his guards to kill him and the bird, leaving only the feathers to him.

The many soldiers surrounded them, the hunter took out his sword and fought them off. But it was not enough.

The man stood helplessly.

Then the bird's golden feathers started to glimmer. For, the beauty blinded the soldiers with its light...

Genji closed his eyes, and when he opened them. There stood a beautiful maiden with wings made of fire, wearing a dress that seemed to be golden.

"I am the Vermilion Bird of the south!! One of the famous Chinese Constellations. I represent an empress... However, I will never be one under your rule!! Mark my words your greed has gone too far!! Let your sins be seen and the cause of your punishments!!"

The Emperor screamed as his cloak went up in flames, he begged for forgiveness on his knees.

But the Goddess only ignored his pitiful pleas, she turned to the hunter who's face was twisted with shock.

"Genji Shimada... the famous hunter of China.... I want to thank you for the warm hospitality and protection you have given me these past months... and as show for my thanks..."

She lifted up her hand, the man expected her to set him on fire, but only a gentle warmness spreaded through his body.

He looked down to see armor on his body and gaulents on his arms.
On his face was fur with a tiger like helmet and horse hair on the top.

When he took off his helmet he kneeled down to his goddess. "My lady!! If I may ask!! What have you done to me?"

The women smiled "I have made you one of the Chinese Constellations!! For now in!! You will be the White Tiger of the west!! You will live protecting others, and living your life with pleasure and immortality!!"

Genji smiles
"I thank you for what you have given me... however a hunter like me deserves nothing so powerful!!"

The women shakes her head
"You are no mere hunter in my eyes.."

She rises her wings fluttering in the air, as her flame roars in delight.

"Now rise Shimada, for you will be known in history and let people tell your famous tale!! About the Phoenix and the Tiger..."

Author's Note:

Okay, so I didn't follow the mythology concept of the 4 constellations, since I have no sort of knowledge on Chinese mythology. I just wanted to do a chapter honoring Chinese New Year.

 I just wanted to do a chapter honoring Chinese New Year

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God.. these two are too pure...

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