A Terrible Rumour

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I lay softly in my bed as the whimpering of Eros awakes me.

I lean towards the sound to get to my son in the small bassinet beside my side of the bed...however, strong arms hold me back. For a moment, I like to think of them as Ares', holding me as he should after hearing the news of our child...but I know such a thing is impossible.

He can't come. He wouldn't risk it.

Instead, the reality is that it is Hephaestus, my acting husband at the moment.

He mumbles in his sleep as I release myself forcefully from his arms and sit up in bed. I get up from the bed and decide not to return, instead taking Eros to the kitchen to be held in my arms as the morning sun is tugged into the sky by Apollo's chariot.

I put both my feet up and relax for as long as possible before Hephaestus pulls himself out of bed, grumbling already. As he enters the kitchen, I greet him. "Good morning husband. Would you like some breakfast?" I say monotone. I can't help it. I hope he won't take me up on the offer.

"No. That is fine. I'll make it for you."

I blink for a few seconds and murmur a quiet, "Thank you."

"You have your hands full, literally. Again, if I didn't make that clear before, I do not expect you to serve me in any way with a newborn literally in your arms. You don't have four hands." Hephaestus grumbles as he rustles about in the kitchen.

"I suppose I could learn to grow four hands. That's not completely out of the question." I slightly smile to myself.

"Yes, well, that is not one of your gifts, Aphrodite. Perhaps, I could make you an extra pair." His tone is nearly completely at ease.

I sit up slightly. "That reminds me...it was mentioned to me that you had made a gift for Eros."

I face him and Hephaestus slightly nods, almost with a small smile revealing itself.

"Yes. I have two gifts for you." He sets down the knife he was currently using and approaches me. "Firstly, I sent the help away. She mentioned you weren't too pleased to wake up to her yesterday."

"Yes, that. I was not too pleased with that." I had to agree.

"Yes, I should have asked first. But, just remember to tell me when your hands are getting too full and I will ask her to return."

I opened my mouth, already ready to protest.

"IF!" He corrects himself. "IF you find at all that you EVER have your hands full...tell me."

I nod silently with my approval and wait for him to continue.

"And I do have a gift for Eros. Quite suitable for his gifts." Hephaestus holds up his hand, gesturing that he will be right back.

I wait patiently, my heart aflutter with curiousity and anticipation. What could it be? Another belt like that I have? Or does he have something more suitable for a God to wear?

Hephaestus returns with his hands behind his back. "I think you'll be pleased." He shrugs, "Not to boast or anything, but it's some of my favourite and best work."

I raise my eyebrows and stand excitedly. "Oh, don't kill me with waiting, Hephaestus. Can I see it?"

He pulls the bow from behind it's back and holds it out for me to admire its glory. Matching arrows were held in his other hand to use with it. "He will need to learn the art of archery, of course, but once he does he will become quite the expert on shooting the right love matches right along with his mother."

I hold my one free hand to my chest and gasp. "It's absolutely..." I trail off emotionally at the thought of my son and I working together bringing the humans together...now much easier than simply with my belt. "It's absolutely wonderful. Just perfect." I smile with near tears in my eyes.

"Perhaps, when he's grown, I can teach him." Hephaestus surprisingly offers.

I nearly stutter rather than speak words in response. "T-that...-w-would be w-wonderful...." I say with embarrassment. "S-sorry. I'm just very emotional right now."

Hephaestus chuckles briefly and sets it down on the kitchen table. "I'll show you how it works later, perhaps, but for now I have to get going. I have a few special requests from my dear old father." He says grimly. "I'll finish breakfast before I go."

"No, no. That's okay. I can do that. You go ahead." I assure him.

"You're sure?"

"Yes. Eros is sleeping in my arms already. I'm sure I'll be able to handle it. You go ahead." I assure him again.

"Good." He nods and makes his way to the door.

I follow him like a little puppy as he looks at me with confusion. "I just wanted to say goodbye," I say shyly, the guilt rising so high in my chest I have to show him some kind of reassurance that I am truly thankful. Guilt that he has put this much work into a gift for the child of his brother...

"Oh, well, farewell." He says with furrowed eyebrows, still quite confused.

"Yes, goodbye, husband," I say awkwardly and lean up quickly to kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you very much for your gift. Eros will love it when the time comes."

Hephaestus nods, nearly blushing. "Yes, well, I figured as much. I will...see you tonight."

I stand in the doorway and watch him leave until he's out of sight. Part of my chest is still aflutter, not because of the gift anymore, but because I suppose a small part of me truly did want to kiss him on the cheek.

* * * * *

The day passes by painfully slow. No news back from Ares. No sign of any life around Hephaestus's small, little home either. It is as if the world is sitting still for a moment until my husband comes back home.

I am certainly not meant for the housewife life.

When I finally see the shadow of my husband in the moonlight approaching, I am nearly relieved and go and set Eros down. When he comes in the door, however, I am quite the opposite as soon as I see the look on his face.

What happened?

"Hello...husband. Is everything alright?" I say nervously, watching for any clue on his face, but hardly any are to be seen.

"It is and it isn't." He mumbles, a hint of anger in his voice. He turns away from me and rests his hands on the kitchen table. "It all depends on if you tell me the truth or not during our next conversation."

My chin trembles in anxious fear and I wait for him to continue.

He groans to himself. "I heard some troubling things about you today." He turns to me slowly, watching my expression very carefully.

"D-did you?" I say, holding back tears.

"Yes." He says, pausing for a moment before asking the next dreaded question. "Did you, or did you not, go out of your way to send a message to Ares yesterday?"

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