A Little War, A Little Help

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I soon realized this was going to be a long night.

After biding the Prince a farewell, I promised that the next time he sees me I will have his bride in hand.

I have never orchestrated a kidnapping before, unlike many others of my kind and I'm feeling a tad nervous.

I never had parents, but I imagine individuals feel similarly to their parents as I feel towards the sea, but this is true love that we're sacrificing for! Surely, the parents will have to understand.

The girl, Helen, was famously one of the most beautiful girls in the entire village. Everyone knows her and adores her...it wasn't exactly difficult to track her down.

Even so, I've been standing outside her home for far too long already, just pondering on whether or not I should do this. Of course, I must, but I have to summon up the courage.

I take a small stroll while I do this, clenching my fists in frustration. I already begin hissing words under my breath before I discover that I am not alone.

"It's nice to see you again, Aphrodite." That familiar husky voice shakes me back to reality. I let out a surprised gasp and clutch my chest, both from surprise and sudden, overpowering starstruck.

Ares smirks, and comes closer, his helmet resting on his hip, ready to be mounted back on his head as if he were anticipating a war to erupt.

"W-what are you doing here?" My voice shakes from my throat nervously. Just his presence was making me question every thought I thought I knew for certain.

In this moment, would I throw all I have with Hephaestus out the window just for one lay with the God of War? It is more than tempting...

But I won't.

I can't.

"Not delighted to see me?" He asks inquisitively, feigning offence.

"No, it's not that. I'm just in a stressful situation...so if you'll excuse me-" I try to turn my back on him and walk back in the direction of Helen and her family's home.

"Who's the father?" His voice is slightly hurt as if he hadn't even noticed my pregnancy the last he saw of me. Such is an impossibility now...it's only a matter of time before I officially become a mother.

I turn hesitantly, furiously flushing with embarrassment. "I...shouldn't say."

"If it isn't Hephaestus, then you aren't truly committed to resisting anyone, are you?" He accuses.

"I have to be...committed to resisting you. That is the deal." I wring my hands together restlessly. I was battling tears already. Often, this marriage is fine for me, but more often than not I am still daydreaming of a reality I cannot make mine. A reality where I am free to choose my own love.

No one but Ares seems to do, and I have not even been with him. His lips have not even touched mine, and yet they are all I can dream of when Hephaestus is out of sight and out of mind.

"You're making me a terrible person." I whimper, covering my face in defeat. "I would be fine if it wasn't for you!" I whirl around accusingly, pointing my finger at him. "I can be with anyone I want! That's the deal! Except for you!"

He stays quiet for a moment, drinking in my moment of weakness. "So, do you truly only lust for me because I am forbidden? Is that it? You're acting like a selfish girl who can have any toy she wants but that isn't good enough?"

Horrified, I turn on my heel to exit this confrontation. "No! Just leave me alone if you aim to humiliate me!"

He grabs my wrist and whips me back. "I. am. not. wishing. to. humiliate. you." His nose is barely an inch from mine as his words roughly, and enticingly leave his mouth.

"Then what are you doing, tormenting me?" I whisper worriedly.

"No, no. I wish to seduce you until you give in, blondie. And it will happen." His husky voice sends a shiver through me and I try to remove myself from his grasp in fear of what I might do.

"Now, tell me, who is the father? Confirm what I already know." He asks sternly once more.

"And...what do you know?" I murmur.

"That Hephaestus is no husband to you. He doesn't deserve you." The tip of his nose skims my hairline as he speaks softly in my golden hair. "And he sure as hell did not impregnate you."

I shiver but do not answer. I am terrified to open my mouth in case a gasp of pleasure escapes my mouth and encourages him more.

"You know, there was a rumour that Hephaestus is not even able to father a child after his terrible fall from the heavens. I'm surprised anyone bought it at Olympus." He continues. "Or, perhaps, none of them did and they're all laughing at him even more behind his back."

I frown, sad for my husband for everyone's cruelty. This isn't making it any easier...

"I hate that everyone treats him so terribly." I simply whisper.

Ares briefly chuckles. "He is celebrated for his inventions."

"Sometimes." I correct quickly. "And a wonderful inventor he is." I step away and reveal my glorious belt. "He gave me this to use my powers with."

"Mhm." He grumbles, irritated that I had pulled away. "The love belt. I heard what you did to Hades with it and I'm looking forward in seeing how it turns out." He snickers.

I shrug. "I gave him a gift. He will thank me later."

He laughs again, simply staring at me. "You are quite the Goddess."

"Mhm." I cross my arms and nod my head in agreement.

"Alright, blondie." He says seriously. "Tell me who the father is, and I will do your kidnapping for you."

Set aback, I stare at him open-mouthed. I must admit, I am already tempted. He would be the expert, no doubt, and it will help the Prince take me seriously. I wouldn't want him telling his Kingdom the Goddess Aphrodite turned out to be useless to him and could not even follow through with her deal.

I open my mouth to agree but he shushes me by placing his finger to my lips. "Shh, there is one other condition."

"Please don't make me betray Hephaestus." I plea, wide-eyed.

"No, no. When you finally leave my brother I want you to do so upon your own accord. What I want now is what I always want."

"W-war?" I conclude, defeated.

"This little kidnapping is not going to make anyone but the Prince and his girl happy. Just allow me to do the work for you, and my reward will be my right to have a little fun with the situation given to me." He smiles from ear to ear.

"A little fun?" I ask quietly. "And you expect nothing else from me?"

"Yes, just a little bit of fun. That is all, and when I return with the bride, you will tell me who the father is." He smiles even wider as he waits for my go ahead.

Slowly, I nod slightly. Ares lets out a pleased chuckle before quickly clasping me to him and forcing a quick peck on my cheek.

I raise my hand to my cheek in shock and gasp, but he is already long gone.

The Love of Aphrodite - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now