Dominate Them

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I can't help but laugh at her claim to the apple. "Athena, it's not even a competition." I hiss under my breath, trying to hide my own embarrassment.

How many people believe she is the fairest? I believe it's practically my duty to be the prettiest. I am the goddess of beauty for goodness sakes!

She smiles defiantly at me. "Fine. Let's not fight." She turns to the crowd sternly and announces her proposition. "Let's have this settled once and for all." She turns back to me slyly. "By a third party, of course."

I narrow my eyes while Hera applauds. "Excellent idea, Athena."

A sick feeling erupts in my stomach and I slink away to collect my thoughts while the crowd whispered amongst themselves. The bride and groom were already forgotten and the ceremony continued and ended quickly while no one paid attention. I watched, of course, but only paid half attention while I sit on a nearby boulder outside of the outdoor ceremony.

Hephaestus approaches me eventually. "They've settled on the judge." He says softly.

I only scoff and turn away. "This is ridiculous."

"I agree. It isn't a competition." He chuckles to lighten the mood while I softly blushed while he couldn't see that I was.

"It's like another God trying to compete against me for the title of the best craftsman. They all have their own roles already, why take yours?"

"I won't let them," I reply in a growl. I felt like a child throwing a tantrum but I didn't care. I thought these women would be my friends, but all they care about is proving that I'm worthless and that they're better than me. They are nothing like I thought they were when I first met them on the day I rose from the sea. 

"That's my girl," Hephaestus says simply. "Do whatever it takes to keep your place. Dominate them." He crosses his arms and sits alongside me as I stare up at the now setting sun. Apollo was already soaring through the sky in the distance and I nearly laughed aloud...I couldn't help it thinking of the day I met him and thought for a second that I could ever be married to him. Strangely...I can't imagine marriage to anyone else now.

"Who is the judge?" I ask though I doubt I would know who it is.

"Paris of Troy."

"Sounds important." I mutter. "Should I know who that is?"

"Not really. He's only a human prince." Hephaestus shrugs. "I would head over there soon. They're departing soon to stand before him for him to come to his decision."

I throw myself off of the boulder. "Fine. I'll meet them there."

Hephaestus stands in front of me, leaning against his cane ever so slightly. "Alright. I'll meet you at home." To my surprise, he leans in and kisses my cheek. "Let me know when you win." He winks and bustles away, leaving me a little in awe.

I'm touched but have little time to part with him before a chariot arrives for me, steered by Zeus himself.

I roll my eyes at his arrival and quietly climb on behind him. I would have rather it be anyone else, but he's the ultimate decider of everything it seems.

It was a short ride, and upon arrival the other two pride-filled goddesses were already present, modestly kneeling - but not so modestly dressed, before the Prince as if he was the God and they were the subjects. I grimace at the sight, but join them briefly before standing on my own. When I stand, I notice that a crowd has begun to gather, mostly common folk. 

I watch the crowd, already disinterested, and notice some wonderful opportunities for matches. Longing, hidden glances from men towards the girl they adored and never noticed them. Admiring looks of girls takin peaks when the strong warriors aren't looking. 

Oh, innocent, human love. I absolutely am envious of it. 

Finally, I see one look of longing that isn't aimed to another man in the crowd. One sweet, little woman is staring directly at the Prince. I can sense her heart. I look to the Prince, who even dares to take a peak back at her while the girl adverts her eyes immediately. 

Why are they so scared of love? Do they not think the other looks at them the same way? 

I smirk to myself...thinking of this while I suddenly overhear the obsurdity of Hera's gift. 

We were supposed to bring gifts? 

My heart pounds with panic. They never told me, and for good reason. They'd rather compete dishonestly rather than allow me to win my own title. 

I clench my jaw as I watch Athena approach with her gift: an assortment of delicate flowers and fruits. A regular gift basket. 

I roll my eyes, finally seeing my advantage. When it comes to me, I first acknowledge both Hera's and Athena's gloating looks and approach the Prince smoothly, a small smile already showing on my lips. 

"May I approach closer?" I ask softly and sweetly. 

He nods silently and I walk closer, his eyes all over me as I did so. 

At first, I thought I could offer myself. That was my first instinct...But when I saw the looks of the sweet woman, I knew that would be the only appropriate thing to give. That is what he wants most. I don't know how I know it, but I do. 

I lean in close and whisper my offer in his ear. "I am the Goddess of Love. I can give you something that no other Goddess can: love itself. I can give you the prettiest girl in all of Troy and she will love you for all of your days, just as you will love her, equally, and forever." 

I wait for his reaction. It is very slow, but I can tell he's already convinced. "Helen of Troy?" 

"You already desire her to love you." I confirm, to which he nods. "Then, choose me, and she will." 

Satisfied with my bribe I walk away from the Prince, swaying my hips tauntingly at the other appalled Goddesses. They have no clue what I offered, but I can tell from the expression on their faces that they do know one thing. 

I have won. 

The Love of Aphrodite - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now