Chapter 7

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~O~ time lapse

11:00 AM

December 25, 2010

I was woken up by CC yelling about how it's Christmas morning, I wanted to punch him. I got up and walked down the steps to the living room being greeted by the other guys. Under the tree were a lot of gifts but none for me, I told the guys to not give me anything because they have gave me enough this past year. Finally Andy decided to get out of bed and join the rest of us. I handed the guys their presents. I got Jake a ProCamera, Jinxx a mini mac book, CC gobstoppers and a new leather jacket, Ash a pass for the strip club, and Andy skippys chunky peanut butter with a stuffed bear holding a Seagrams 7 whiskey bottle. The guys got me gifts even after I told them they didn't have too. I got clothes, chocolate, perfume and makeup. Andy didn't give me a present tho, it don't matter, he's gave me enough.

7:00 PM

After we ate dinner Andy told me to go get ready, I had no idea where we were going but I didn't ask any questions. I came back downstairs and Andy slipped his fingers between mine. As soon as we walked out the door Scout was standing there.

"He- who's she?" Scout said looking mad, I tried to let go of Andy's hand but he wouldn't release, he didn't even seem nervous.

"This is Ally."

"Why is she here?"

"She has been staying with us for almost a year now, you would know if you would come around and pay attention to me." Andy stammered back

"Whatever. So how about we go out to get dinner?"

"Me and Ally are going ice skating tonight, and plus we already ate."

"Why aren't you spending time with me? It's Christmas Andy."

"I left your present under the tree, Merry Christmas." Andy said them walked away from Scout. We started walking to the ice rink, when I looked at Andy he looked pretty bummed.

"What's wrong Andy?"


"What about her?"

"She's been acting weird lately."

"Are yins gunna be okay?" He didn't answer my question.

"Have you ever been ice skating before?" He said changing the subject


"Your kidding me?"

"Nope." I said while laughing

"I'll teach you, it's so much fun."

When we arrived we got on our skates and went onto the rink. As you can imagine I fell.... A lot. Every time I fell Andy helped me back up and wiping the ice off my butt purposely grabbing it after, sometimes I would fall on purpose. When I got the hang of it Andy let go of my hand and we skated around the rink freely. He was right, I was having a blast! I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:59, I skated over to Andy and pinned him up against the wall. When it turned 12:00 I kissed his neck making him moan and then whispered 'happy birthday handsome' and skated away knowing that he was turned on and upset because I teased him. He skated after me quickly and them pinned me up against the wall, he kissed my neck and whispered "that's not nice Ally." "What?" "Teasing me like that." "Do you mean like this." I said then kissed him even harder on his neck and grabbing his dick. He let out a moan and put his hands on my ass and squeezed it. A voice came over the speakers saying that everyone had to leave because it was closing. We walked back to the house and headed straight up to bed. I walked into my room and then Andy pulled arm.

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