Chapter 32

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"Sure. Do you have clothes?"

"Yeah. I brought my bag over here." I kissed his gentle lips again.

"Then I would love for you to stay here." He kissed my exposed stomach. "Let's go inside. You can get dressed and we can get to bed."

"Okay." I still wasn't happy. My life wasn't the same. Vic is special to me but not as special as Andy is. We went inside and I went into the bathroom. I pulled my hair up leaving the two strands down. I redid my make up and put on a looser black long sleeve shirt that slid off my shoulder. Also some yoga shorts and plain black knee high socks. I walked back out to him, he was in his bedroom. I laid in the bed and he laid down next to me. I laid my head on his chest and my legs intertwined with his.

"Can I ask a question?" He said breaking the silence.

"Sure." I looked at him.

"Are we a thing?" I bit my lip. As badly as I wanted too I still needed to get over Andy.

"I don't know. Can we not think about that right now." I moved the hair out of his face.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with." He smiled. I leaned up and kissed him. Then another kiss. And another. He grabbed my right leg and pulled it across his stomach so I would straddle him again. I was on his lower stomach. I put my tongue in his mouth. Insecurity passed through my body. I'm not having sex with him. That's final. Our friendship is already fast as it is. But Vic broke the kiss this time. I got off of him and turned away from him. His arm wrapped around both of mine making me feel safe. I fell asleep without even knowing it.


I laid besides Vic. I missed him when I returned back home to Ash's house. I just needed to go home for a while. See Cassie and Ash. Of course i told them nothing, they'll probably make a big deal out of nothing. As soon as I saw him I hugged him tightly then kissed him. Cassie awed us into the car and we went to his house after that so I can cuddle the hell out of him. We we're not a thing. NOT. There was nothing between me and Vic. There isn't a problem if there was but I just don't want to date anyone else. Pittyful me..

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know." I laughed. Then I looked at him.

"I can compliment you all day till your cheeks catch on fire from the blushing?" He teased.

"No!" I demanded. We both laughed.

"Then pick something."

"Hmmm. Netflix and popcorn."

"Okay." He kissed my nose. He left the room to make popcorn I assume and I picked the spongebob movie on Netflix.

"Spongebob is amazing!" I laughed.

"Yep! But you know what's more amazing?"


"No, you." He kissed my forehead.

"You are more amazing." I grabbed his face.

"I don't think so." He whispered in my face. Our noses touched.

"I do." I whispered back. I let out a small quiet laugh and he did the same. We kissed. I wrapped my arms around his neck, making sure we didn't separate anytime soon. He put his arms around my waist. He lifted my shirt a little bit and rubbed my tailbone. Our tongues danced around each others and I put my fingers in his hair. I pulled away. This is wrong. I looked down and bit my lip.

"Lets go to bed." I sighed. I only stopped for one reason. I kept kissing him because I saw Andy. We went upstairs and I laid in bed. He came in after and cuddled me. A tear rolled down my cheek. Like they always do. I fell asleep.

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