Chapter 1

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A/N 11/1/14 ~ okay so I just realized that the little description thing sucks monkey butt. Also I read over the story and I feel like we rushed it and Ally's and Andy's relationship a bit, so excuse or inexperienced writer selves. I promise the story gets better, so just read the whole story and hopefully yins (I say yins a lot, we're from Pittsburgh.) will like it.❤️ There is mature content in this fan fiction (smut) and you will probably have to be following me before you can read it :/
Enjoy this lovely picture of our beloved Mitchell Adam Lucker who passed away today 2 years ago. R.I.P and Stomp High❤️ 10/20/84 - 11-1-12


I woke up to my mother screaming as usual. I never woke up peacefully anymore since my father left and my mom remarried this asshole. He abuses me and my mother and so does my boyfriend. I've mentioned breaking up with him before but he would just kick and punch harder. I always wore long sleeves or jackets to cover up my bruises and scars. Some from my boyfriend and some from my only friend.. The razors. It seems to give me relief from all the pain and it's the only thing helping me write now, well not the only thing. My favorite band Black Veil Brides has helped me through all this shit in my life, they are my saviours.

I did my hair and makeup to go over Chases (my boyfriend) house... blahh. I never liked going over there but it would save me from pain later. He never calls me beautiful or says that he loves me, it's always "hey sexy" and then slaps my ass. He doesn't want to cuddle with me, he just wanted to cuddle with my vagina.. I would always tell him I didn't want to but some how I would always black out and he would get what he wanted. I thought that would get me high or drunk but that's the only conclusions I have. He wouldn't drug me would he? No he wouldn't do that, I know him. Before I left I looked at my autograph poster of Black Veil Brides and then I smiled. I will always remember that day I got to hang out with Black Veil Brides.


"Cass, are you ready yet? I want to get there early to get to the front of the line so we will be closer to the stage.!!!" I yelled. Me and Cassie are getting ready to go to Warped Tour. I always wanted to go but I was never aloud, then when my dad left my mom let me do anything to see me smile again. "Yeah I'm ready! Let's go." Said Cassie. I drove towards Philadelphia PA. To my surprise there weren't that many people so we were close to the front of the entrance. So many bands were playing and they were good don't get me wrong but I was waiting for Black Veil Brides. Me and Cass head band till there was no tomorrow, thank god I took tylonal before we left. Then my heart sank to my stomach when Andy Sixx called me up on stage. We danced and sang around the stage for a couple of songs and then he gave me two VIP passes. I'll tell you, I've never cried so hard in my life. Later when Cassie came backstage the first thing you heard was "God Damn ;)" from the no other Ashley Fuckin' Purdy. Of course she had to wear her high waisted shorts and a Black Veil Brides crop top. She winked backed at Ashley and bit her lip. "How old are you" he asked. "I'm 18 and Allison is 17" Cassie said "By the way I'm Cassie" she added. "Wanna go back to the tour bus?" Ash said "Ashley fucking stop" Andy said while chuckling. "No it's fine, sure" she said while winking. They left while I sat and chatted with the rest of the band and Scout (Andy's girlfriend) came later. He didn't show much affection towards her when she cane in, all he did was kiss her cheek. I'm pretty sure he just didn't want to interrupt me talking. Awhile later Cass returned with Ashley and each other's number were written on each other's hand. Well you know what happened, I think we all knew. When Warped Tour was closing we started to say our goodbyes and thanks you's. "You have an amazing singing voice" Andy added after saying goodbye. "Thank you" I blushed badly and I guess Andy could tell because he smiled and blushed back too. We hugged one last time and I didn't want to let go. END OF FLASHBACK

I will never forget that day, I could still feel his hug. But to bad it was just a memory.

*A/N* woohoo ! First chapter done!! Hoped you guys liked it! Please comment on how yins feel about it(: me and my friend did this together so hope yins like it .! This is our first fanfiction so if it sucks sorry and hope you keep reading.!(:

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