Chapter 52

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*A/N* Long chapter guys. Hope you enjoy <3

"Baby." Andy shook me.


"Color guard today."

"Ughhhhhhh." I groaned. I messaged Michelle telling her I wasn't going to practice today and that I'd do it at home, also that she isn't going to decide against it. I felt sick to my stomach. I ran into the bathroom and began throwing up. Andy came in after me, pulling my hair up. He went and got me a glass of water.

"Are you okay baby?"

"Yeah. I think I'm just getting sick." I wiped my mouth and took a drink of water. He helped me up and I instantly felt a lot better. I went down to the workout room Andy had made for Christmas. I started out with the simplest stretch. I bent forward and touched my toes, then went farther down. I felt a hard slap on my ass and I stood up instantly. Andy had that perfect smirk on his face and a water bottle.

"M'lady." He bowed politely and handed me the bottle.

"Why thank you." I curtsied and took the water bottle. I took a drink from it and continued my stretches.

"I enjoy watching you get all hot and sweaty." Andy said in a preppy girl voice. The same way a cheerleader would say it to a football player.

"No you enjoy looking down my shirt when I bend forward." I laughed.

"Well, that too." He bit his lip. I stuck my tongue out and finished the stretches. I did the dance that Michelle gave to me. Championships are only a week away and I need to practice the solo dance as much as possible. I tried doing my ariel and stumbled. Andy stood up and grabbed me before I could fall.

"Wow. That was terrible." He chuckled.

"Okay fuck you. Its not as easy as you think." I snapped with a smile.

"I can dance."

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically. I went back to the corner so I can get a running start on my ariel.

"Yep." I did my ariel as he spotted me. I did it without falling over.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"No problem. Wouldn't want you to break your neck." I went back to do it again. He remained spotting me so if something went wrong he could help. I ran into it but went very low, making it very easy to break my neck. I put my hands down to push me away from the ground. I pushed myself too hard making me fall backwards. Andy ran behind me and caught me before falling again.

"Like that." He helped me up.

"Bad timing." I lied. I just had way to much energy.

"Mmmhmm." He rolled his eyes.

"So, you know how to dance?" I asked changing the subject.

"Of course I do. A chimp can do it." He scoffed.

"Oh really? Show me." I demanded. He walked over to the middle of the floor and exhaled. He was acting so serious. He began flailing his arms around and jumping like an idiot. It only took me 3 seconds to actually start laughing my ass off. He continued doing it with him cracking up. I decided to join his stupidity and dance like a dumb ass with him.

"You are an amazing dancer!" I cooed.

"I know I am." He laughed. We stopped dancing like bosses and he put his arms on the small of my back. He leaned down to kiss me but I backed my face away. He leaned in more until I went into a back bend.

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