Chapter 3

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"I'm so sick of your shit.!" Yelled my mom. Another day of being woken up by screaming, I'm not surprised. I walked down stairs to go and break it up. When I got downstairs, it was the usual, yelling in each other's face.

"Can you guys please stop for one day?" I asked

But I saw something that he's never done before. He grabbed my moms hair and smashed her head against a mirror multiple times.

"Bruce get the fuck off of her.!" I yelled while yanking his arm off of her. He then whipped around and punched me in the face and pushed me into a shelf. I fell to the ground and I felt something flowing down my back. When i felt my back, there was blood on my hand. My mother fell to the floor and was bleeding bad. I knew then when she didn't get up, that my mother had died. Everything was blurry, I couldn't stand up. The room was spinning and I felt like I had to throw up. When I got my balance I stood up and looked Bruce dead in the eye. He grabbed a piece of broken glass from the mirror and said "There can't be any witnesses!!!" He yelled. I didn't know what he meant until he came at me with the piece of broken glass. I backed up and ran into the wall, I was trapped. I moved at the last second before he struck the wall with the piece of glass. I ran up to my room in complete terror. I closed and locked my door and pushed my dresser against the door. He was going to kill me if I didn't get away and I had no idea what to do. I turned around, looked at my Black Veil Brides poster, looked for my phone and called Andy.

"Hey what's up?" He said gingerly

"I need you to come pick me up right fucking now!" I yelled in tears

"What is going on Ally?"

"Please just come pick me up right now god dammit!" Bruce punched a hole through the wall and was starting to tear it down to make an entrance.

"Just come get me please Andy!" I yelled into the phone and then hung up. I opened my window, looked at the distance from the window to the ground and thought shit, but I had I do it anyway. Andy arrived as soon as Bruce got through the wall, I closed my eyes and jumped.


I saw her running towards the car, she was covered in blood. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bus. She ran into the bathroom and threw up. I ran after her into the bathroom and pulled her hair back. Then I saw all the bruises and marks on her arms and got furious. Why am I getting mad? I can't have feelings for her, I'm dating Scout and I love her.

"What happened?" I asked

"H-he killed her. He killed my mom." She said balling her eyes out. I leaned in and hugged her tightly, when I went to let go she pulled me back in.


"My stepdad. H-he tried to kill me too."

I tried to pick her up but she screamed. I slowly put her down and asked what's wrong. She told me it was her back and I lifted up her shirt. There was a big gash on her back. I told Jinxx to go grab me a wet towel. He came in confused and saw what was going on. He didn't hesitate, he went and grabbed towels. I told her to lay on her stomach, I carefully tried to clean it but she wouldn't let me, it hurt her to bad. I told Ashley to hold her hand so I could put peroxide on the cut. When I did, she screamed at the top of her lungs and then I heard Ashley yelp from her squeezing his hand so tight. I grabbed the gauze wrap and wrapped it around her ribs. All the guys went back to doing their thing and I stayed next to Ally.

"How many bruises do you have on you?" I asked frightened. She hesitate and her face went blank. I saw a tear escape her eye and then she stood up. She pulled of her shirt and took her pants off. Not in any way did I find it sexual, I felt so bad for her. She was covered from head to toe with scars and bruises. My jaw dropped and I stood up too. I put my hand on her waist, she let out a cry and I pulled my hand back. I pulled her hair to the side and kissed her on the shoulder.

"I still think your beautiful." I said. She blushed and wiped the tears off her face.

"Let me go get you some cloths" I told her. I came back with batman pajama pants and a black tee-shirt. I gave her the clothes and pulled her close to me. "Your safe now." I whispered into her ear.

"You should probably go to sleep Ally."

"Okay." She said. I then led her to my bunk, she jumped in and then I pulled the covers over her. I kissed her forehead and held her till she was sleeping.

I sat down and thought long in my head. How long did this happen to her, did she have somewhere else to go? I defiantly did not want her to go back home, I didn't want her to get hurt again. I let out a long sigh and thought of her body. I felt so bad for her mostly but some part of me felt somewhat attracted to her. I shook the thought out of my head and then thought of Scout, but I just didn't feel the same way anymore. She was never with me anymore, she was always out while I was at home by myself. I closed my eyes and drifted off.

I woke up to screaming and looked at the time. They guys were gone and it was 1am, they probably were out partying. That didn't matter, I had to go check on Ally. When I went in she was doing the same thing like last time. She was screaming, kicking, and crying, but this time she was yelling Chase. I went into my bunk with her and held down her hands so she would stop punching. She wasn't waking up an she kept yelling about someone named Chase and telling him to get off her. Who the hell was Chase and why was she yelling that.

"Ally, Ally it's me Andy wake up!"

She finally woke up and let out a scream. I held her close to me till she stopped crying.

"What happened in that dream?" I asked worried

"Andy I'm fine."

"Ally I know your not, please tell me. Who's Chase?"

"M-my boyfriend." She said in a low voice.

"Does he hurt you too?"

"Not anymore, he used too." I know she was lying when she said that. Her voice was trembling.

"What happened in that dream?" I asked

"I was in the bathtub and Chase was sitting next to me with a bloody knife. Blood was dripping from above me. When I looked up..." She stopped for a second and looked at me.

"I saw you hanging there. Then Chase grabbed my hair and dragged me into the hallway and I saw my mother laying on the ground covered in blood. And then he." She stopped again, she started to cry.

"He what?" I said with a puzzled face

"H-he tried to kill me too." She mumbled. I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.

"Your safe here Ally. I'll make sure nobody hurts you." She looked up at me and I moved her hair away from her face and I smiled at her, then wiped the tears from her eyes. We were still hugging but this time I wouldn't let her go. I got out of the bunk but she grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Stay here Andy. Please." She asked

"Of course." I said while smiling. I climbed in the bunk and laid next to her. She's was the only thing on my mind, the only thing that mattered to me. She laid her head down on my chest and I put my arm around her. I didn't care if Scout walked in at the moment because I wasn't letting go of her. I started to play with her hair and then we both fell back asleep.

*A/N* so craaazzy stuff happened😁😁 Ally explains what happened with her mom. Is Andy starting to have feelings for Ally? Is he not? You have to read and find out !!!!!(: hehe and yes we did quote PTV because well why not? PTV is bae😍

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