Chapter 5

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*Very long chapter😈💋😍*


I cant sleep still because to many questions are running through my mind.

Is Scout cheating on me?

Am I cheating on Scout with Ally? I mean we never kissed on the lips or had sex.

How long has Chase been hurting Ally? I woke to my senses when Ally kicked me. She is having another night terror, I held her closer and tighter. She realized it was me and then she stopped. I wanted to stop thinking of all the questions but they just keep popping up in my head.

Who would Scout be cheating on me with?

Do I love Ally?

Should I break up with Scout to date Ally? My mind went blank and I finally drifted to sleep.

"Wake up!!!" Ashley screamed into my ear

"What the fuck Ash! It's only 10 am!" I groaned

"What's going on?" Ally said hazy

"Nothing just go back to sleep" I said

"Noooo! We're going to the amusing park today!" Said CC

"We will go later.." But it was to late because Ally was already out of bed and getting ready. I flopped out of bed and then began to get ready. When I was done I woke up Jinxx and Jake. We walked to the boardwalk and Ashley and CC where to excited. They began to sprint flying past people, then Jinxx and Jake joined them. Ally looked at me and I looked at her then we smiled and started running also. When we got there Ashley's jaw dropped. We looked up at this roller coaster called the "Sea Serpent". They guys all looked at each other, laughed and then ran towards the line. I grabbed Ally's hand but she was dragging her feet.

"What's wrong?"

"I am NOT riding that! Especially if it goes upside down!"

"Pleaseeeee Ally" I begged

"Fine!" She said while rolling her eyes and walking over to me. The line was very short so we got on quickly. Due to my luck we sat in the front, I was okay with it but Ally wasn't. When we got on, Ally laid her head on the head rest and we slowly went backwards up the hill. I grabbed Ally's hand to remind her that everything was gunna be okay. As soon she grabbed back on the harness we where shot down the hill. Next thing you know where going through a loop, corkscrew and another loop. Then when stopped on a hill and it pulled us up to the top.

"Are you okay?" I said while laughing

"No! Why aren't we at the station thing!?"

"It's not over!!" I taunted. As soon as I finished we were let go and going backwards through the track. When we got off the guys told us they were going to go ride more things. We left the amusement park to walk to a piercing store Ally had told me about earlier. We both decided to get piercings there. I knew instantly that I wanted my nose pierced, Ally said that she wanted to get her tongue done.

I sat down in the chair and Ally smirked at me. The guy came in and started feeling my nose for the thinnest part of my nose. Next thing you know I feel a needle go through my nose, it didn't hurt but it felt weird. The man grabbed a mirror and showed me, I defiantly liked the piercing. I looked over at Ally and she had the biggest grin on her face.

After Ally got her tongue pierced we started to walk back to the amusement park. While we were walking Ally kept playing with her tongue and damn she looked good with it. This time I couldn't stop my self from thinking about her, I would usually stop and think about Scout but she was the last thing on my mind. When we met back up with the guys we all walked up to the concession stand to get food.

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