21. Shelter {part one}

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Chapter Twenty-One
Part One

"You've got it all wrong, Princess,"Johnny drawled, stepping up to Skye and wrapping his arms around her. "You're supposed to be with me."

She stood there for a moment, frozen in fear, before she took a deep breath and closed her eyes to think straight. "No, Johnny," she snapped. "I've got everything just right. You're the one who's wrong. I will never be with you." Fear surged through her body, adrenaline pumping. She was trying to stay strong, to not give in, but her pounding heart was driving away her confidence. His touch, so familiar and sickening, violated her, bringing back the horrific memories of his assault.

He pulled her into him more, as she struggled a little, and nuzzled his face in her neck. His warm breath brushed her hair, chills springing down her spine in response. He kissed her ear, whispering, "You will be, Skylar, I promise."

Screaming loud enough to shatter glass, Skye bolted upright in bed, only to be stopped short by skinny hands gripping her shoulders. Tears cascaded down her pale face as she gasped for air to scream again, shaking erratically in the grip someone had on her. "Please, stop!" she wailed, eyes squeezed shut from fear.

"Skye sweetie, it's okay," Leah soothed, giving Skye's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "It's just me. It's your mother."

Relief crashed over Skye in a wave, washing away the horror of what was only a dream. I'm safe, she reminded herself. Johnny can't hurt me again. She stopped pulling away from her mother's grip, even though she was still somewhat afraid of contact, and let out a quivering breath. Although, when she remembered the events of the night before, shivers ran down her entire body, chilling her to the bone. But maybe I'm not safe. Johnny is out there, somewhere, and he never got what he wanted. He never got me, all of me.

Sweat ran down the sides of her face, along with a few tears, as she peeled her eyes open. The room around her came as a surprise. She was in the guest room, greeted by warm brown walls, dim sunlight coming in from the shaded window, picture frames that hung on the walls, and one person whom she knew cared about her very much. Leah was with her, watching over her, and that was all that really mattered. She had to try to believe that everything would be okay, no matter how strong her fear of Johnny really was.

Leah sighed beside her daughter. "After the ambulance arrived, I pushed them away but asked that Joe would stay and take care of you. I thought it would be safer if you were in a familiar environment when you woke up and Joe agreed with me. So that's why you're in the guest room. Because we figured you'd want to be far away from that room and the terrifying memories it holds." Leah's voice faltered as she spoke. She hadn't even looked at Skye as she spoke; only stared at the bedding with weary eyes. And suddenly, without warning, she broke into sobs, falling on weak knees beside the bed.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie," she cried, patting Skye's knee. "I—I'm just so, so sorry. I can't imagine what you must be going through right now, and I only wish I could do something more. I wish I could help you, sweetheart. What he did to you was unforgiveable. And I'm terribly sorry I let it happen."

At her mother's words, Skye trembled, gulping down her own sobs. Images of the Johnny were scattered throughout her mind, replaying the many different times he'd abused her, including little from the night before. She couldn't help the stray tears that slid down her cheeks as little forms of her misery, nor could she bear the pain that pierced her heart when she thought of her mom blaming herself. No matter how much she did blame her mother for inviting Johnny into their lives, she couldn't blame her for what Johnny had done to her. It wasn't Leah's fault, but Johnny's. He was the one who stole away Skye's freedom; no one else had. And she kept it from her mother to save her. She'd given Leah no reason not to trust Johnny, and neither had he—until the night before, that is.

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