25. The One With The School Fest

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Have you ever been so flustered because of something completely unexpected? You couldn't say it was unwelcomed though.

Have you ever been so flustered because of something completely unexpected? You couldn't say it was unwelcomed though

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It was a fine, peaceful afternoon and Wanna Cafe was bustling with cheery customers. In a corner sat a group of boys and a single girl, laughing their hearts out over the coffee spilt on Daehwi's shirt after the poor boy had spotted a spider crawling up his arm a few seconds ago.

A beautiful sight to behold it was, until a certain boy with a face passable as an angry Jigglypuff stormed through the doors and towards their table like a literal bull.

"ALRIGHT, WHICH ONE OF YOU NASTY ROACHES SIGNED ME UP FOR THE BEAUTY PAGEANT," If Jihoon was a real cartoon character you'd be seeing fumes coming out of his nose and ears.

Instead of quivering under the boy's wrath, the table's occupants stifled their laughter. If anything, they were amused.

"Excuse me, come again?" Sungwoon piped out in curiosity.

Jihoon glared at them and slammed his phone down on the table. Since you were the closest to it, you peeked over and spotted a snapped photo of a form hung on the school's main notice board. On top of the sheet of paper were the words, "PRODUCE HIGH FESTIVAL; BEAUTY PAGEANT OFFICIAL PARTICIPANTS" and Jihoon's name was right smack at the bottom.

You snorted, earning yourself a scowl from the fuming boy.

Jinyoung, who was trying to contain his laughter, spoke up first. "Is this legit? Jihoon hyung's gonna wear a dress and put on makeup this is the best thing I've ever heard all year."

"Shut up," Jihoon growled and snatched his phone back. "Whoever you are, I will find you and I will drop kick your sorry ass back to whichever godforsaken sewer you came out from."

"Well you're pretty enough to pass as a woman. You can probably win it if you're lucky," Woojin teased with a devillish smirk as he imagined all the scenarios that might happen on the day of the school festival. Oh, the amount of blackmail content he'd gain.

"True. What harm could walking around on stage for a few minutes do?" Jisung added from behind Jihoon, causing the latter to jump as he didn't realise that the older had been there the whole time.

Jihoon groaned, unamused and unconvinced unlike most of the others at the table.

"What's the prize if you win?" You asked.

"Some money and free cafeteria passes for a whole week."

"Of course you should do it!"

The boy rolled his eyes at your enthusiasm.

"You know, if you really don't want to do it you can just tell the school it was a mistake?" Minhyun suggested as he sipped on his coffee.

"I did. They said its been confirmed and I can't cancel anything now," Jihoon lamented. Jisung offered him a sip of his frappe and patted his back comfortingly. "I hate this family," he whimpered later. "All you do is make fun of my height, my engrish, my life--"

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