23. The One With The Endgame

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"Have you ever tried letting go of someone you love?"

"You know, you don't have to go if you don't feel comfortable seeing him yet."

You sighed and looked out of your window to see Jihoon looking at you from his own room. You left your phone on speaker and placed it down on your desk before holding up two hangers with a plain comfy-looking brown shirt in one and a white blouse with embroidered flowers in another.

"Pick one," you lifted them up to the window and Jihoon's hum emitted through your phone speakers.

"The white one looks different for once. You're always wearing those plain looking shirts, it's getting boring to look at you now," Jihoon's answer made you roll your eyes but you went along with his choice anyway. What you didn't know was that Jihoon could see you in the weirdest outfit ever but still think you were cute.

"I'll just wear this with a skirt then," you decided.

"Don't get one too short," Jihoon said.

"Seriously, who's gonna stare at me when I've got 11 boys surrounding me tonight?" You tossed the brown shirt away and held up the white one to your chest while you inspected yourself in the mirror.

Jihoon hummed. "Point made."

"And to answer what you said earlier, I'm going anyway. He's leaving tomorrow afternoon, it's my last night with him for I don't know, a couple more years?" Your heart clenched as you said that. Even a year was too long.

You walked over to your window and gave Jihoon a wave before pulling the curtains close.

"Ouch, why?" Jihoon teased.

"Gonna change. Can't have a pervert peeking at me."

"You're gonna strip while talking to me? Hot."


"I was joking!" Jihoon quickly added with a laugh. "Go ahead, I'll be quiet."

You got yourself changed into your new clothes and opened the curtains again to let a bit of light in. Jihoon wasn't at his window this time and you furrowed your eyebrows. Where did he go?

"I'm changing too, don't talk to me," his voice suddenly pulled you out of your thoughts.

You picked up your phone and pressed it to your ear. "Wasn't planning to."

"How many times do you have to break my spirits today," Jihoon whined. "Anyway, hang up if you want. Since when are we even this close anyway?"

"Since the day you invaded my privacy and found out about my pitiful crush," You replied. Not realising it, you smiled to yourself at the memory of the time you had noticed that the phone in your hands wasn't yours, but the boy next door's. "I'll end the call. See you later?"

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