12. The One With The Debate

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Have you ever slapped someone by accident?

You didn't keep track of how long you had been spending time in Jisung's cafe with the boys

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You didn't keep track of how long you had been spending time in Jisung's cafe with the boys. You only realised how late it was when the sky turned a calm shade of orange and brown through the window.

But for awhile, you avoided the risk of getting scolded by Woojin's parents for being home late. Nothing was more important than what apparently seems to be a heated debate on whether one should join Team Cap or Team Iron Man.

"Can we just leave this in 2016? It's been years!" Woojin heaved with a huff of exhaustion.

His cappuccino cup had been emptied a long time ago and by the looks of it, he probably need another one after that whole speech about how Iron Man made a decision of standing on the side of heroes.

Jihoon, however, had been firm on his faith in Captain America and was shooting your cousin threatening looks everytime the latter opened his mouth to strengthen his points.

"Oh, you're just saying that because it's obvious Captain America is way better than Iron Man. Admit it, Wooj! Everyone else is with me, don't be a sore thumb."

"Sorry Woojinie, but I'm with Jihoon on this one. I ain't becoming some government lapdog," Jaehwan accepted the high five Jihoon offered him.

Woojin gave the him and the others a look of betrayal. "Really now?"

Jihoon chuckles and gives his opponent an obnoxious grin to taunt him. "Captain America is all about saving others without government interference and we all know the government can be very corrupt and abuse their authority by taking advantage of the citizens for their own benefit. Heroes need freedom-"

"Tony Stark knows that you simply cannot have a desperado wild group of uncontrolled superhumans that can cause more damage than an atomic bomb. I mean, look at The Hulk and Scarlet Witch, they can't be under control of their own powers all the tim-"

"Boys-boys! You're both pretty, can we just end this right now? I'd rather we argue about pizza toppings instead, I'm craving," You interrupted. Anyone could sense heavy tension lingering over your heads. And over some silly debate.

"No, this is a matter of life and death. Pizza can wait," Jihoon said with determination, immediately dismissing your poor attempt at lightening the mood. You groaned and pursed your lips.

Seongwoo laughed. "Woojin, just give up already. We've got more points than you!"

Jihoon was clearly winning with Team Cap, and as much as you loved Captain America, you felt a bit bad for Woojin. Before anyone could make a conclusion, you tapped your fingers on the table to get their attention. "Okay uh... You haven't asked about my opinion?"

"90% of girls are usually on Cap's team, we don't have to ask," Jinyoung said.

You snapped your head towards him and squinted. "I'm part of that 10% then." A lie, but seeing Woojin's face light up with hope made you feel good inside.

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