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-----------3 years later--------

At home in London with our two boys ( Ian and josh ) outside playing ball and throwing a tennis ball for our dog ( JT ) to go fetch and bring it back to us. Harry goes inside and calls up the rest crew and to come over for a cook-out later and they all agreed to come over for it. we all went inside and got cleaned up before they got here. Harry went to the store to get the stuff for the cookout. when he came back Niall, Struts and their little boys hunter was here. the boys were all in living room watching some kid show. while we were in kitchen. I hear the door bell ring so I run over and grab it while picking up Ian cause he was in front of the door. I open it and see Louis, Eleanor, Zayn, Perrie, Liam and Danielle there. I move out of the way and they all come in while they all walk in Louis takes Ian from me and swings him around and gets Ian laughing which makes everybody laugh. Struts and I take the three boys outside in the backyard and let them run around. soon Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn all come down into the backyard and plays with them. it was just the cutest thing ever watching them playing with their uncles. I wish my brother was here but right now he is probably on stage preforming. oh ya I forgot to tell you guys Butchy he's a solo artist like I am. he preforming right now in Japan. Harry yells saying food done so we all go inside and sit in the living room together and eat and talk about. we told story about what happened years ago and what's happened recently in our lives. After we were all done eating I went upstairs and grab a book not just any kind book a photo book. it has all the picture that has been ever took by me or any of them. I walk downstairs and into living room with smile on my face Harry gives me a look and I pull out from behind my back the book and they all were laughing cause they knew what the book was. I sit down by Harry and open it up and we talk about the memories that those photos were. there were photos from when I first met the boys from hanging out them, there pics in there from concerts, some silly and goofy photos in there of us, some from Harry and I wedding. some from when Ian and josh were born. some photos of the trips we all took together and had a blast. No matter what people say to me. I'm happy the way my life is now. I wouldn't wish for it any other way. this book isn't just full of pictures of us. No its a book of Photos To Remember.


Hey guys this is the last chapter of this book.

I hope you guys really liked this story as much as I did. I had fun writing it.

I love Harry Styles!!!!!!!!!

I wish I could meet him someday but I doubt it.

Anyway read some of my other stories that are on here to also

Love y'all



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