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The day of the wedding


Today is the day when I become Mrs. Styles for the rest of my life. I am so freaking out right now. right now Anne is doing my hair for me. I've been sitting in this chair in front of mirror for two hours now. after she was finally done with my hair it was finally time for me to get into dress and put on everything else on. ( FYI the outfits are on ployvore.com under the username alexsharrar) after I was ready I stood in front of a long mirror and just stood there and looked at myself. I still couldn't believe that I was getting married to the one person I fell in love with from XFactor. while standing in my thoughts someone came over to me and it was Gemma.

Gemma: ready to do this?

Cher: yeah but I'm really nervous

Gemma: you think your nervous I went over to see Harry and he is freaking out.

Cher: I was like that earlier

Gemma: don't worry he'll be fine when he see you walking down the isle to him and becoming his wife.

Cher: I just want to get this done and over with and go straight to the party. haha

Gemma: I would agree with you on that. haha

Anne comes walking in with smile on her face

Anne: Cher its time

Cher: "sigh" lets do this

I walk out to where I meet my brother at and as soon as he saw me I could tell he trying to hold back the tears.

Butchy: well look at you your beautiful sis. haha

Cher: thanks butch. haha

I give him a hug

Butchy: ready to do this?

Cher: yeah I am

Butchy: here we go

I took a big deep breath and the doors opened and Butchy and I were walking down the isle. I looked down a couple times making sure I would not step on my dress. when I was looking up I could only see Harry face. it felt like we were the only people here in this church. he had the biggest smile on his face. which made me smile even more then I was. We finally get down to where Harry was and my brother gives me a kiss and hugs me and hands me off to Harry and goes and sits down by Robin.

skipping the ceremony to the end

The priest: Harry do you take Cher as your lovely wedded wife?

Harry: I do ( says with a big on his face)

The priest: Cher do you take Harry to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Cher: I do ( I say with a big smile)

The priest: I now pronounce you guys husband and wife you now may kiss the bride.

Harry grabs ahold of me and kisses me and around us I could hear cheering. after the kiss we run down isle heading to our car so we can go to where the wedding reception at.

----------Skip the drive--------

Everyone else got there before we did. so when we walked in the dj announces

DJ: ladies and gentleman lets give it up for the newly weds Mr & Mrs. Styles!!!!!!

You hear everyone cheering when we walk in. after that happened it was time to eat. man I was hungry cause I didn't really eat anything this morning cause I was so nervous. but now it's over so I'm hungry now we all go sit down and our food comes out. the food was delicious. after we were done eating Louis gave his best man speech which was funny cause he was telling some embarrassing story about Harry. after that it was time to cut the cake. we walk over to our beautiful cake we got and cut a piece out but instead of eating it we smashed it in each other faces and everyone was laughing at us. it was all over both us. I even had some in my hair. after we got cleaned up it was time for our first dance together as husband and wife. we were dancing to the song "You and I by One Direction"

While dancing Harry and I were talking.

Harry: this is the best moment of my life right now

Cher: I couldn't agree more with you on that.

Harry: so where do you wanna go for the honeymoon?

Cher: i don't know? where should we go?

Harry: hmm... we should go somewhere where it's tropical.

Cher: I'm up for it as long as I'm with you that's all that it matters.

Harry: then it's settled

Cher: yupp

Harry: I love you

Cher: I love you too

We kiss and here a couple awes from people. The music stopped and it was now time for the father daughter dance but my dad not here he's in jail so it's a brother and sister dance instead. Butchy comes out and we start to dance. the song was called "I'm already there by Lonestars" while dancing Butchy spoke up...

Butchy: I'm very happy right now for you

Cher: thanks butch I'm so happy you could make it to London for the wedding.

Butchy: I'd go anywhere for you sis and you know that.

Cher: yeah I do know that

I hug him and we dance like this until I spoke up again.....

Cher: thanks you for being there when I needed you the most.

Butchy: sure thing sis

We danced silently until the song was over. Then it was time for Harry to dance with mum. the song was called "Remember when by Alan Jackson" after that dance was over it was time for the dollar dance ( which is when someone pays a dollar to dance to with the bride or the groom) the song started play which was "Wanted by Hunter Haynes" the first person I dance with was Robin and Harry was dancing with Gemma. A lot of people were putting dollars into this bag that Anne was holding out. we danced this dance for awhile then we went to dancing to other music. which was so much fun and funnier too. we did the.............

Cha cha slide

Cupid shuffle

The chicken dance ( just for Louis. haha)

Gas pedal



Gangnam Style

Stanky leg

The tootsie roll

And lots more. after awhile Harry and I went to go get pictures done real quick. then came back and dance more. toward the end of night I took off my heels and went barefoot for the rest of the night. I had a couple drinks during the reception and they were starting to kick in cause I was starting laugh for no reason at all and Harry and the rest of boys were getting a kick out of this. in my head I knew I was going to have a huge headache tomorrow when I wake up, but hey it's my wedding so I'm going to live it up while it last. i was out on the dance floor with Struts and was dancing to "Thriller by Michael Jackson." which I guess was pretty funny cause there was people around was laughing at us but we didn't care sooner or later the boys joined in and we all dancing to "Talk Dirty." eventually everyone started to leave and that meant it was time to start cleaning up. the boys, Struts, Gemma, Anne, Robin and Butchy all stayed to help and Harry and I were very thankful for that they did. after we cleaned up the stuff we all said our goodbyes to each other and we all went separate ways.









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