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Back in London


I was now living with Harry in his amazing house he has and it's going great. were planing the wedding also too. and his mum and sister are helping with it also as much as they can. oh and also I got to meet Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor finally. whenever I met them it felt like we were best friends already. Struts is also living in London too. she lives with Niall. Anyway Anne and Gemma are at the house with me while Harry with the boys. we were meeting up with Perrie and Struts at the wedding dress store and they were going to help me find my perfect dress. I tired on so many beautiful dresses and I finally found the prefect one (the outfit is on ployvore.com under alexsharrar)

After I bought my dress we went and got shoes, jewelry, make-up, my tiara and the bridesmaid dresses. also got the flowers for me and the bridesmaids to hold in the wedding. we were finally done with planning the wedding and getting everything for it also the setting the date too. the date is July 23 2014 the same day when one direction became well one direction. that was only a couple days away and I'm really nervous right now. cause I'm afraid that I will trip and fall while walking down the isle or I'll mess up my vows I have to say. I just know something is going to happen I just know it. anyway the girls that are in my wedding are staying at Harry and I house cause the house we live in is huge just for one person and also Anne is also here to help on the day. it's been so much fun with all these girls.







Hey sorry to make it short but the next chapter will be longer I promise










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