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Teacher: Okay class I want each and everyone of you to go to a concert this month and take as many good photos as you can. Okay?

Before class was almost over

Teacher: Oh wait you guys have to pick the concert your going too. I have a list of concerts up here. I'll call you up to come pick one.

Okay I'm going to stop this story for a sec. Hi my name Cher. My parents named me after some famous pop singer. I'm 19 years old I go to a photography college in California, Palm Spring (just making it up) I was born in London. well thats pretty much it about me. Oh wait I forgot one more thing. I am obsessed with One Direction. Now back to the story.

Teacher: Okay lets see  Hmm......... Cher your up first to pick your concert your going too.

I walk up to the front of the classroom to the black board and see who's on the list. There was........................

- Justin bieber

- The Wanted

- Emblem 3

- Austin mahone

- Little Mix

-Lady Gaga

- One Direction

- Cody Simpson

- Fifth Harmony

- Miley Cyrus

- Selena gomez

And so on......................

When I was looking through all the concert one concert caught my eye and it was the One Direction concert it was their last two concert in the U.S. before they go back London.

Cher: I'll pick ummmmm................................... The One Direction concert. ( I say smiling cause I know there are some bimbos in my class here that wanted to go the their concert but not now suckers hahaha!!!!!!)

Teacher: ooooooo good choice Cher now when you go to this concert you will also have to go their meet and greet after okay?

I nod my head saying okay. While everyone Else is picking what concert their going to I'm sitting in the way back thinking what's going to happen when I'm at the concert and meet and greet.

WHAT IM THINKING????....................................

Ill be wearing a really awesome outfit that harry will notice me in and then he'll tell one of bodyguards to come and get me and take me backstage and wait for the him to come back. When he does he asks me out on a date and we happily fall in love and then will get marry and live happily ever after.


I quickly gather my stuff grab my camera and rush out the door before any of those bimbos could say anything to me. They think their so cool because guys want to be with them. The only reason those guys want to be with them is so they get something. Couple of jocks here have asked me out but my heart is set on someone but ill doubt it will ever come true but you never know. Ill keep wishing on 11:11pm for it.

I walk out of the school and to my house. Thank god my house is not very far from the school and also where One Direction going to be preforming at. I've been to a couple other concert there like big time rush, Taylor swift, Ed sheeran, Justin bieber (but now I'm not a really big fan of him anymore cause of what he does) but now i finally get to see the people I've been obessed with ever since they were on xfactor

Cher: EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited Struts I'm finally going to see them in person!!!!! ( I say while doing all little happy dance. Btw Struts is one of my closet friends I've had ever since I've moved here)

Struts: okay okay I know your really excited and also your so lucky and you totally got a those bimbos in our class so mad haha!

Cher: I know they are mad at me but I don't care. Now help me.

Struts: with what?

Cher: pick out what I'm going to wear to the concert to make sure he notices me.

Struts: who notice you?

Cher: Harry styles now help me

Struts: okay okay Ill help ill help. 


Hey guys here you go the full chapter

My computer some how published only half of it but here all of it.

What so you guys think she is going to wear to get mr.styles attention at the concert????


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