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harry: i would never think you would like to dance just by looking at you.

cher: ya i know my friends and brother say the same thing when we play this game.

harry: you have a brother? how old is he?

Cher: ya i do his name butchy he is 21 years old he'll be turning 22 this December 24th.

harry: really his birthday is December 24th?!

Cher: ya why?

Harry: cause thats the same day Louis brithday

Cher: i know everytime its butchy brithday i always say its Louis brithday and he just gives me a death stares. but i just ignore it. haha!

harry: haha! thats funny. where does your brother live like around here or back in london?

Cher: i don't know he left before i left to come to california cause him and my dad had a really big fight, so i have no idea where he is at. i dont even talk to him anymore wish i could talk to him again he was always there for me and he was the only person i could go to for anything.

harry: dont worry someday you guys will see each other again.

Cher: i hopping we do. sooo tell me a little about you. i say with a smile on my face.

Harry: well what do you want to know?

Cher: anything!

Harry: okay well, im from cheshrie, i have a sister her name gemma, i like cats, my favorite colors orange, my favorite place to eat at is TGI firdays, and you know im in a famous boyband called one direction. he says with smile.

Cher: cool is your sister older or younger then you?

Harry: she's older then me

cher: cool, so now what?

Harry: umm do you want to play just dance?

Cher: sure i would love too, so i cant kick your butt at it. haha!!

harry: thats not going to happen im going to the winner at this.

Cher: okay will see about that. haha!

we play for about two hours and i beat harry at just dance 4, 3, and 2. while i was dancing around being happy cause i won he tackled me to the ground . we didnt say anything all we did was stare at each other eyes and it felt like time froze. then harry started to lean closer to my face and we kissed and this kiss i felt sparks in it i wonder if harry feels the same thing in this kiss i hope so. then we both heard a knock on the doors. he got up a groaned and said...................................

Harry: why do people have to ruin perfect moments.

i just stood there and laughed at him. then thought ....... wait did he say the perfect moment was ruined, maybe he has feeling for me but it's to soon for feeling i just met him tonight, but who knows. walk out and see him talking to niall and louis and they were wearing their swimming trunks.

niall: oh i see harry has little bit of company here. hi Cher! ( he says smiling)

Cher: hi niall. hi louis ( waving to them both)

they wave back to me. then louis asked....................................................

Louis: hey do you guys want to go the pool?

harry looks back at me then back to them then says..............................

Harry: cher you dont a swim suit do you?

Cher: ya i packed one just in case if we wanted to go swimming.

Harry: okay then will be down in a couple of minutes boys k!

The boys: okay the rest of lads are down there too. see ya when you get down there.

Cher & Harry: bye guys

harry shuts the door and turns towards me and says................

Harry: where were we.

he leans in but i put hand up and say..............

Cher: getting ready to go swimming.

i turn away from him and go get ready

The swim suit I brought was my anchor navy bikini, put on a California college crop top and a pair of Hollister shorts, a pair of white flip flops, I put my hair down, I then grabbed my British flag towel and walk out of the bedroom ready to go.

When I got out to the living room I saw Harry in his swimming trunks with a white t-shirt on and a pair of flip flops also. He grabs the key so we can get back in and we were on our way down to the pool to hang with the rest of crew.

When we got down there. There was only a couple of people down there and the boys of course we get to where the rest of the boys put their stuff at and I sat down on one of the chairs. Harry took off his shirt and shoes and jumped in doing a cannonball. When he got back up to the surface he looked at me and said..........

Harry: aren't you coming in?

Cher: I don't know?

Harry: why not? If you won't get in by yourself I will bring you in.

Cher: you wouldn't

Harry: I would (he says smiling at me)

Niall: come on Cher please come in.

Niall started to give me that puppy dog face that is way to cute to resist. Then Niall motion the others to come over and do the puppy dog face with him. I gave up and said...............

Cher: fine I'm comin in. Just give me a sec.

They nod their heads and started to talk. While I was taking off my my shirt and short that were covering up my swim suit. I take off my shoes then I hear a gasp right behind when I turned around all the boys were starring at me with their mouth wide open. I smile at them and say...................

Cher: if you don't close your mouth your gonna get files in them. Haha!!

They all close their mouth and just stared at me.

I walk over to the edge of the pool stuck one foot in to see how cold it was it wasn't cold at all it was warm. Must be one those heated pools. So I back up a little and I jump in doing a cannonball. When I came back up for air they were still starring at me.


Here you guys go

Hope you guys are liking this story

One more whole week of summer


I don't want school start

But when school starts that means only a couple days until me and cousin go see ONE DIRECTION THIS IS US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't wait any longer for hat movie to come out!!!

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