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Cher: what never seen a girl in a bikini before?

The boys: ya we have before.

Cher: okay then why so you do guys keep starring at me then?

Harry: ummmm..........cause we all think you look sexy in that.

The boys glare at him after he said that.

Liam: that's what he's thinking us were thinking how cute and adorable you look in it.

Cher: ummmmm. Okay well I'm going to swim now.

I start to swim away from them and I just float there relaxing and think of what has happen to me tonight.

1. I got to go their concert

2. They picked me to come up on stage

3. I got to with them to their meet and greet

4. Harry kissed me in front a whole bunch of fans to make them jealous

5. Played just dance against Harry and beat him at it haha!!

6. He kissed me again and it had sparks that time

7. I'm swimming with them now

I look down at my wrist and my left side of my hip and see the scars I left from cutting myself a couple weeks ago from people calling nasty thing at me and saying I'm useless here and no one would go out with me, they would shove me and push me down the hallway. They jocks in school would ask me out then would just be mean to me. So as soon as I got home I took out the razor and cut myself to let all the pain wash over me and I felt just numb sitting in the tub cutting myself. Maybe that's why they were starring at me cause maybe they saw the cuts. Who knows?!.

I was swimming for a little bit longer until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. I turn around and see that I'm in Harry arms. He just smiles at me not saying a word at all. I smile back him not saying anything. Then he spoke up.........................

Harry: what happen?

Cher: what? What happen?

Harry brings my wrist up and shows me what he was talking about. I look down at the water until I felt two of his finger lift up my chin. I look straight into his eyes and in his eyes I could see him asking me to tell him how this happened.

Cher: ummm I got bullied at school and I just couldn't take anymore.

Harry lifts up my wrist an kisses the scars I had there.

Harry: well don't do it again please for me?

Cher: okay I won't

Harry: promise?

Cher: promise.

Harry smiles at me then gives me hug and then swims away I swim over to the diving board I get out and walk over to it before I jumped off of it I look over see the boys watching me. Harry must of told them and I'm okay with that. I run and jump into the deep water. When I came back up for air I hear all this cheering from the boys I roll my eyes at them and swim back over to them.

Cher: thanks guys

The boy: your welcome

Cher: I'm getting out of pool

Harry: okay, wait why?!

Cher: just cause I am.

Harry: okay.

I get out of pool and wrap my British flag towel around my body and just there and watch these five guys I've alway dreamed of meeting them playing in the pool. After while everyone got out grabbed their stuff and walked to their own hotel rooms. I walk with Harry to his when we get in there I grabbed my pj an went into the bathroom to get changed. When I came back out I saw Harry in a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips and had a white V-neck shirt on. I walk over the couch and just sit there and wait for him to come over. He come over with a couple of movies in his hands and puts one of them in the movie we are watching is the titanic. I love this movie, I watched it so many time but I still cry when I watch it.

We sat there watching It for a while until I drifted off to sleep. I felt like I was getting carried but I was to tried to open my eyes to see.


                                                                                      The next day



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Today is going to awesome I'm going to my uncle pig roast today gonna hang with my awesome cousin there and just PARTY!!!!!!!!!!


Enjoy guys!!!!!!!

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