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i go back to where my dressing was at here and sit infront of the mirror and touch up my make up, before i go back up on stage with the boys for twitter question. then i was thinking about it i decided to change my outfit im wearing a red tank top that says A true love story never ends, with a pair of jeans that have rips in them, and also my red sandals i bought today, im also wearing my black leather vest i got today, i put my hair up in a fishtail braid then iwalked over to where Niall stuff was at and grabbed one of his hats ( he wont mind), i put on my earrings and my headphone necklace,then grabbed my ear pieces and my microphone and walked out to where the stage was at. i wait backstage until they call me to go out on stage .

Liam: Cher come on out here with us

i walk out on stage the fans are cheering for me i wave to them and say.........................................................

Cher: hi guys again are you guys having an awesome time tonight???


Cher: thats awesome love to hear that. haha

Niall: hey i have a question Cher

Cher: whats up Ni?

Niall: is that my hat your wearing?

Cher: uh ya 

Niall: okay just wondering

Cher: okay how about we get to the twitter question now

the boys: okay


@onedirection @143Cher i was wondering if you could sing happy brithday to my cousin that is here with me plzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so we sang happy birthday on to the next question......

@onedirection@143Cher  Cher wear did you get that awesome vest your wearing and also is that Niall hat u r wearing??????

Cher: oh i got this vest at delias down the road not to far from here and yes im wearing one of Niall hats it went with what im wearing haha..

We anwsered a couple more question then i walked off stage and they sang more songs and soon the concert was over and we were going to a hotel and staying there until we get our tour bus back. we walk into the hotel getting mobbed by fans and other people there. when we finally get in there and go to our rooms. as soon as i got into my room i fell on the couch and fell asleep there until i hear loud knocking at the door. i get up strech a little bit then walk over to see who it is. i look through the peep hole and see its  harry and liam so i open the door and let them in asking...............................................................

Cher: whats up guys?

Harry: nothing we were just wondering if you wanted to go downstairs and swim with us then maybe go to our room after and watch movies and order pizza?

Cher: that sdounds awesome i would love to guys let me go get ready and ill be down or do you want me to meet you in your guys room?

Harry: you Can meet us in our room okay

Cher: okay ill be over in a couple minutes

Harry And Liam: bye

Cher: bye

i walk to where i put all my stuff at and got my light blue bikini on i have a pair of light blue flip flops to i put my hair up into a messy bun then i put on my cover up then  i grabbed my light blue towel with flower on it. now i was walking over to where the boys were at i knock on the door a wait a couple seconds until Zayn open the door and let me in. when i walk in i see louis, niall and harry trying to whip one another.i just stand by liam and laugh at them . then i tell liam

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