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after butchy left we talked about what was going to happen on this tour. then we all went back our rooms to get ready to leave tomorrow.

when i get back into the room ii sit down on the couch and watch some tv. harry comes walking in and plops down on the couch right beside and i put my head on his shoulder and we just sit like this for a little bit until he spoke up.............................................................................................................................................

Harry: i cant believe it.

Cher: you cant believe what?

Harry: i cant believe your coming with me on tour and your going to performing on stage for the opening act to our concerts!!

Cher: oh, yaa i cant believe that either and also im finally doing what my brother and i always wanted me to do.

Harry: yupp

we sit there and talk a little more and watch tv until we hear a knock at the door.

Harry: wonder who that could be?

Cher: i dont know.

harry walks over and looks through the peep hole and he saw people he really didnt want to see. it was my mom and dad. harry backed away very quietly and came over to me and said in a whisper....................................................................................................................................................................

Harry: i want you to go hide in the bedroom closet until thier gone.

Cher: why are we whispering and why do you want me to hide there whos at the door?

Harry: its your parents.

Cher: ohhh!!!! im going to go hide bye.

i go into the bedroom and i go to the walkin closet and i hide.

mean while harry out there talking to my parents.

Harry: hi, what are you guys doing here?

Mom: oh we came to see Cher and to see if see was ready to go back to london with us.

Harry: oh, well she not here right now.

Dad: where is she then?

Harry: i dont know how about i text her.

Mom: okay

im sitting in the closet still on facebook on my phone until my phone vibrate i checked who text and it was harry...............................................................................................................................................................

the text messages


hey where are you at ur parents r here and they want to see u?


im at the mall u know the big mall a couple miles from here I'm there with struts getting some stuff before I go back home to London with my loving parents I have.

Harry: okay thanks we were just wondering where you were at. well I might see ya later
Love ya Cher <3

Cher: yupp and awww Harry I love you too <3<3 ;)

Done texting

He shows them the messages I sent him and then my mom says this..........

Mom: fine will wait then for her.

Harry: you can't wait in here

Dad: why not?

Harry: cause in a couple minutes I'm going to be leaving for tour.

Mom: oh well we'll just wait in lobby for her.

Harry: okay then

Dad: yupp well see maybe sometime when you come back to London.

Harry: ya we hangout together.

Mom & dad: bye Harry

Harry: bye

He waves to them and as soon as they get on the elevator he comes and finds me on the floor asleep, so before he picks me up and takes me out of the closet he take a picture and puts it on twitter saying..................................

@harry_styles we were playing hide and go seek and I took forever to find her and now I finally found @143_direction on the floor curled up into a ball sleeping love ya Cher <3

He posts it and then walks over and picks me up and carry me to the bed lays me down and walks away. he hears another knock on the door, so he goes over and opens it and finds all lads standing there. he lets them in and they all go sit on couch and Harry walks back in and says......

Harry: what's up

Liam: nothing just came to see what you and Cher were up too

Louis: making sure it was nothing dirty

Liam reaches across is Niall and hit Louis for saying that

Harry: no no no were doing anything bad or dirty actually she in the bedroom right now.

Louis: why?

Harry: she fell asleep so I picked her up and put her on the bed that's all.

Louis: ooohhhh!!!!!

Harry: yaaaaa

Zayn: well they want us to be ready to get on the bus in about 10 minutes. that's what Simon said.

Harry: okay if she not awake ill just carry her out. ill have to go around back of the hotel to get to the bus.

Niall: why the bus is right out front here?

Harry: cause Cher parents are here and they want her to come back with them to London so she can run the business they have.

Niall: oh okay

Liam: man harry the stuff you do for this girl, you must really love her to go all through this trouble.

Harry: I do love her I'd do anything for her. I want her to be mine forever.


Hey what's up guys??

I can't believe tomorrow Liam is turning 20. I can't believe it. I remember him when he we 16 and was auditioning to be on Xfactor for the second time and then becoming one direction.

How u guys like my story so far

Plzzz follow me on keek.com
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