27 0 0

The person: hello there Cher

Cher: hi and who are you?

The Person: I'm Mr.X and I'm here to take you back to London to your mom and dad

i turn around and i keep yelling, screaming and banging on the door calling for help. but then Mr.X put a cloth in my mouth and grabbed ahold of me and took me out this door that led out of the arena. He dragged me to his car and put me in the back seat and locked the door and shut it. Then he got into the front seat and drove off. Right now in my mind I am freaking out. Also wondering if they will find me.

------------------------------------------Back At Madsion Square Garden-----------------------------------------------------

Harry: where is Cher? I cant find her anywhere.

Butchy: i dont know, we checked everywhere

Louis: she really good at hiding.

Butchy: wait i just remember something

The Boys: what???

Butchy: me and Cher have tracking devices on our phones just in case one of us gets lost.

Butchy pulls up the tracking and it says...........................................................................................

Butchy: it says shes on a plane to london

Liam: guys she been kidnapped by a person name Mr.X

Niall: how do you know liam

Liam: this

He holds up a piece of paper that has something on it.

THE LETTER::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Dear whoever reading this,

i just wanted to let you know that Cher will not be with you guys anymore, Cause she said she rather be in London then here with you blokes. So ya anyway dont try to find her you never will. HAHAHA!!!!!!!!! (thats suppose to my evil laugh)


Butchy: we got to go save her

Harry: then lets go

Louis: but what about the concert

Harry: we will cancel it cause im going to find the person that makes me happy and im not going to lose her.

they all run to the car and go to the airport and get on a flight to London

--------- back in London--------------------------------------------------------------------------

I finally wake up and see that I am tied to a chair my hand tied behind the chair and my legs to the chair. I lift my head up and a instant headache comes to me and also little but of dizziness.

Then I look around wondering where I was at and I just realized I was in my old bedroom and everything was how it was the day I left to go to college and was never to return here but I guess I was wrong about that. anyway when I was looking around I hear the door open and I look to see who it was an it was people I really didn't want to see at all never again in my life........













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