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We both woke up really early cause we had to pack up and get ready to move on to our next place we were preforming at and it was Miami Florida so I put my tank top that says meow on it and my skirt that was long in the back and short in the front then I put on a my black sandals with studs on them. I put a tiny black bow in my hair, put on my airplane necklace, put some make-up on then grabbed my phone and then went to go find the rest of crew I was going to be hanging with for awhile on this plane ride. when I found them I went over by Harry and put my arms around him. he looks down at me and smiles at me and I give him one back

Harry: ready to go

Cher: yupp lets go

Harry: we can't we have to wait on the rest of the boys and simon and the car not here yet either

Cher: oh okay wait where is the boys at

Harry: up in their room still

Cher: we should go up there and get them

Harry: i'll go if you go

Cher: lets go then

i grab harry hand and pull him back upstairs and i used his card to get into the the other guys room and they were still asleep so i took off my shoes and over to where louis and liam were sleeping and started jumping on the bed yelling


louis gets up and pushes me off and i go flying off the bed but harry catches me

Cher: thanks

Harry: yupp no prob

we hear a knock on the door i walk over and open the door and see Simon Cowell standing there

Cher: hi simon

he just pushes right through me

i turn around after shutting the door and i walk up right beside him and say

Cher: well hello there too

he gives me look then says to the boys

Simon: were leaving in a hour i flight is late.

then he walks out of room

they all get up and get ready and make sure they have everything before they leave the room for good. i was putting my shoes back on and waited for everyone to go downstairs so we could get breakfast. i was staring to whine to harry that i was hungry and my whining payed off cause they got their stuff packed in their suitcases quicker then we went downstairs for breakfast yay!!

I ran down the stairs to get breakfast. I got there before the boys did while waiting for them some chick walks up to me and says............

The girl: OMG! Are you Cher? The one dating Harry Styles

Cher: ya why?

The girl: I don't like you.

Cher: what did I do to you to hate me?

The girl: your with him and I'm not. you should be back home in London with your parents that try to kill you.

She says with a smile on her face. before I could say anything she spoke up again saying.....

The girl: besides I'm way prettier then you, I'm not fat like you, I have way better taste in clothing then you do at all.

After she said all that stuff she had this smirk on her face. I know what she trying to do and that was trying to make me cry in front of everybody here that is watching this going on. but I wouldn't let that happen I need to stay strong and beside i say this............

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