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i wake up to hearing harry and the boys talking out in the living room. before i walk out into the living room i hear

LIam: man harry the stuff you do for this girl, you must really love her to go all through this trouble.

then i hear him say....

Harry: i love her i'd do anything for her. i want her to mine forever.

When he said that I had a really big smile on my face. I walk out into the living room and go over to Harry an put my arms around him.

Cher: you know I love you very much.

Harry: I do know that and I love you too.

He says smiling down at me.

Cher: ya I do know that.

Hey guys what's up? sorry I fell asleep.

Zayn: it's okay and we already knew you were asleep.

Cher: oh okay then. hey I have a question for you guys.

Niall: what is it?

Cher: when are we leaving to one on tour?

Harry: we're leaving in a couple minutes.

Cher: really?

Liam: yupp

Cher: okay

In a couple of minutes some bodyguard named Paul I think it was I can't remember but anyways we all go down the stairs and get on the bus without anyone seeing us. we sit on the bus and watched tv and talked for awhile until everyone got tried and went to their bunks and went to sleep.

While me and Harry just sat on couch wrapped in a blanket still watching the movie called The Vow.

Harry: this is nice, just two alone watching a movie wrapped up in a blanket together.

Cher: ya it is really nice just being the two of us out here.

I put my head on Harry shoulder and we just sit there enjoying each other company. We sit there and I eventually fall asleep on Harry and he picks me up and carries me to the back of the bus and lays me down on the nice comfy bed and walks out to turn off the tv and then came back to where I was at and laid down right beside me and put his arms around my waist and brought me closer to his chest and fell asleep. the next morning I wake up and see no one beside me so I go out to the small kitchen and see all the boys eating breakfast.

Cher: morning guys!!!

Louis: morning Cher you sound cheery this morning.

Cher: yupp I am

Zayn: and why is that?

Cher: cause I'm with you guys I'm going to be singing and I'm not going back to London with my parents to work at the stupid business!!!!

Zayn: oh cool

Cher: yupp

Liam: that's awesome now eat before Niall eats anymore of it.

Niall: HEY!!!!!! it's not my fault I'm hungry it's just how I am all the time.

We all laugh at what Niall said and I went over to the counter and saw a plate filled with eggs and bacon and some toast. yummmmmm

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