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when i finally find them we all go back stage and get our ear pieces and our microphones. my ear pieces are blue to match what im wearing and my microphone is white and sparkly. we get into this huddle they always do i guess thats what they told me and we sung this...................................................

THE SONG.............

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho


just to get us warm up for the concert.. i get to where im suppose to be and i am feeling so nervous right now cause im going to be singing in front of so many people. ive sung in front people before in choir but thats nothing compare to where im at right now. i look over to the boys, simon and management and they give me that look that says are you do this? i nod to them saying lets do this.so instead of one of boys going out and saying something to the fans simon cowell walks out and talks to them...................................................................................................................................

Simon: hello everybody are you guys ready for an awesome concert tonight from the boys?

you hear the fans scream even louder then they were before.

then he spoke again..............................

Simon: but before the bpys comes out we have some else singing and she is amazing at singing. you guys might already might know her by being harry style girlfriend.

as soon as he said that it got even louder and i was starting to feel even more nervous then i was before, but i know im ready to do this.

simon: here she is lets give it up for Cher 

the piece of board that was in frontme starts to lift up. i walk out and i wave to the crowd of people out there watching up here and then i say.....................................................................................

Cher: hi everyone, are you guys excited to see the boys preform as much as i am. haha!!!!

they scream then i say....................

Cher: okay well before they come out im going to sing some songs that i wrote and im hoping you guys like them okay. what do think of that?

they scream really loud, so im taking that as yes so i look to the band and nod singnaling them to start playing my frist song im going to sing................................................................................................................................

THE1ST SONG....................................

(22 by taylor swift)

It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters

And make fun of our ex's, uh uh, uh uh.

It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight

To fall in love with strangers, uh uh, uh uh.


We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time

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