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We both walk off stage. as soon as we are backstage I hug my brother saying........

Cher: this is probably best night ever in my life right now.

Butchy: why's that

Cher: cause your here right now we got sing together on stage and also I got to see you preform earlier today which was also amazayn.

Butchy: oh, well tell ya the truth tonight has been the best night in New York ever! cause your here

Cher: thanks butch

Butchy: yupp Cher

We Hug each other for a couple seconds then I look at his watch and see that it was almost time to go back out in stage again so I told him I was going to my dressing room to get changed then I lefted. When I got in there I grabbed my shirt that says "I'm with a band" on it and put it on then put on a pair jeans and my white supras then curled me hair and made it look really wavy too, then put on my music note necklace and my earring that is one of those one that has the cuff on one side and a little earring on the other side. then I put a bandanna on my head and made a bow on the top with it also looking like a headband too. I also put on some make-up and my 1D perfume too on. grabbed my ear piece and microphone and headed out of my dressing room to go on stage with them. I walk over to Butchy and say.....

Cher: heeeeeyyyy!!!!!! Big bro what's up?

Butchy: not much just waiting for the show to over ,you?

Cher: going back on stage with them

Butchy: sounds fun

Cher: it is you should come back on with me.

Butchy: I don't know Cher

Cher: please Butchy for me

Before he could say anything back we hear Louis voice............

Louis: okay before do any other twitter question lets bring back out with us Cher and Butchy!!!!!!

I look over at Butchy and he looks at me. I had a big smile on my face then I said come on and I dragged him underneath the stage and we got shot up on to the stage. were both laughing about it. then joined the boys.

Liam: hey guys!

Cher and Butchy: hey guys!!

Niall: lets start the twitter question.

We did lots of twitter question some were so funny I was laying on the stage laughing so hard about it. after we were done with the question Butchy and I walked off stage and watched from there. the show was finally over and it was time for us to go back to our hotel rooms. we said our goodbyes to Butchy and I gave him a hug and he also told Harry and the guys to take care of me and they said they would and then he left to go back to where he was living at. as soon as I get into the hotel room I kick off my shoes and jump in the bed and just lay there until I feel the bed dip down a little bit and then feel two arms wrapping around me and bring me closer to their nice warm body and also could feel his warm breath on my neck. I turn around and come face to face with the love of my life I want to be with forever no matter what happens no one will ever be able to break us apart from each other. people have tried but had failed at very badly cause we don't let those hater get to us or between us. we just brush them off and keep on moving with our lives. i watch tv for awhile until I could feel my eye lids starting to close cause I was tired but before I went into my deep sleep dreaming stage I heard.........

Harry: goodnight beautiful love you

I whisper: Cher: night love ya too

Then that's when I fell asleep and was in my dreaming mode and this time I was dreaming about me and Harry being together forever like getting married, having kids, growing old together, watching our kids kids grow up and be happy with our lives we lived before were gone forever and watching over people.


Here another chapter

The outfits are on ployvore under the username


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Love ya peeps!!!





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