Chapter 69

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:) Enjoy! Sorry it's a little shorter than usual!


I've been spending a lot of time with Sesshy. Most of it was spent training. It was the only way I wouldn't feel guilty. I've been getting better I guess...I mean I'd go check on the others every once in a while. I wouldn't show myself to them. They wouldn't even know. But I could actually look at them. That's a start right? I was actually doing one of my check inns right now. I watched as Kagome started to enter the well. I should tell her. I should tell her right now, before she finds out over there. I took a step toward them trying to force my body toward the clearing, but it was too late. She jumped in. I took a step back. I stepped on a branch and it broke. The others turned and saw me. I accidentally looked Inuyasha in the eyes. The guilt seemed to make me freeze and I couldn't move.

"Mitsukiko..." Inuyasha said I stood there frozen. I could feel my body trembling. I have to leave. I can't be here...the wind circled around me waiting for a command. But I couldn't move and my brain couldn't think.


With Kagome

She began to climb out of the well. She looked at the empty white box on the floor. She picked it up and began to walk out. She stretched. It was a nice day out. She went to the house.

"I'm home!" She yelled as she walked in the front door.

"Kagome!" Her Grandpa and her mother rushed to greet her. They went up to her and peered behind Kagome.

"And your sister?" Her mom asked

"Mitsuki?" Kagome said confused, "she came home a couple days ago didn't she?"

"Yes, but when we got the call that she disappeared from Bikon Mori Camp..." Her grandpa said worried

"We assumed she returned to the feudal era" Her mom replied.

"No, she didn't go back" Kagome said

"Then...she's really lost" Her mother said as tears began to roll down her face.

"But that's impossible" Kagome said, "how can she be lost? she can easily shift home..."

"Then the bear really did get her..." Her mom said, "no...not my baby" Mr. Higurashi caught her in his arms as he tried to comfort her. Kagome couldn't wrap her head around what her mom and Grandpa were saying. Her sister was missing...but how could she be missing? She's Mitsuki...she's no ordinary girl. She can't possibly be missing. She has her abilities and So'u- wait she doesn't...not anymore. Mitsukiko came to her mind. Mitsuki disappears and she suddenly appears.

'She must have done something to her...' Kagome thought as tears ran down her face, 'that explains why she's so quiet, she feels guilty'

"I'll be back!" Kagome said running back to the well. She watched as the background began to change.

Mitsukiko's P.O.V.

I kept telling myself to move, but my body wouldn't listen. Inuyasha kept his distance. I probably had a look of fear on my face.

"Why won't you tell me what's wrong" Inuyasha said softly but I could hear the annoyance in his voice. I heard movement from behind him and so did he. We all looked at the well and saw Kagome coming out.

"Kagome?" Sango said

"You're back!" Shippo said surprised. She glared at me and started walking toward me. By her expression and how stiff her body was, I knew she knew already. Inuyasha grabbed her.

Inuyasha Fanfic: Mystery of Mitsuki (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now