Chapter 13

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So it was the end of the school day. I was hanging out with Sena and Satoshi while waiting for Kagome. I kept trying to communicate with Mitsukiko, but I never could. I wondered how she was doing? I hope she was ok...I wanted to tell Inuyasha, but I didn't want to defy the last thing she told me not to do. Kagome came running out and dragged me away from my friends. I waved a quick bye. When we got to the shrine, Inuyasha was already waiting for us. We grabbed our bags and headed off to the well.
"Inuyasha, what do you think the chances are of getting back by Saturday?" Kagome asked I looked at her confused.
"What's going on Saturday?" I asked
"Uh...fair to moderate" Inuyasha said, "if we're lucky"
"Oh great!" Kagome said as Inuyasha grabbed her by her backpack and picked her up.
"When exactly is this Saturday of yours again?" Inuyasha asked
"Ugh! I should have known" Kagome groaned and I shook my head. He dropped Kagome in. He reached for me, but I stopped him.
"I got this" I said jumping in. He followed after me.

A day has passed that we've been in the feudal era and we were on a boat. Kagome was so excited about the scenery and the fish. I was holding poor Shippo in my arms. Poor thing was a little seasick...well more like riversick. I had my hand in the water.
"Would you mind focusing a little?" Inuyasha complained, "we're not here to look at the scenery"
"Ay, ay my capitan" Kagome joked, "on the look out for shards of the Shikon Jewel" I had no idea what to do. I felt bad. Mitsukiko lost her body and if she isn't in my mind...where was she? I heard Shippo whimper. I rubbed his back with my other hand.
"Shippo! you call yourself a demon?" Inuyasha complained, "your not suppose to get seasick!"
"I'm not trying..." Shippo said
"Inuyasha, leave him alone" I said
"This is pathetic" Inuyasha said, "we're not going to find any shards unless you guys snap to it!"
"I don't see you doing anything" I muttered.
"Well you guys haven't found any demons with shards what do you want me to do?" Inuyasha retorted, "hm...spider webs" I looked up confused on what spider webs had to do with anything. I saw the webs stretched across the river.
"Those are spider webs?" Kagome said, "are you sure?" Inuyasha clawed at the webs as they came near. I heard Myoga speaking, but I couldn't understand what he was saying.
"Nothing to be concerned about" Inuyasha replied then I smelled this weird nasty smell. I looked up at the cliff to see a girl in a green kimono.
"Up there" Kagome pointed at the girl.
"Keep away from me!" the girl yelled loud enough to hear. then I saw this black thing hit her and she started falling. Inuyasha jumped and caught the girl. He landed on a rock.
"Good catch Inuyasha" Kagome cheered something was wrong with me today. I wasn't feeling good. The girl smacked him and they fell off the rock
"What the hell is her problem?!" I stood up yelling. I covered my mouth. Why did I become so defensive over Inuyasha? I think Mitsukiko got to me somehow...

We got off the boat and Kagome started healing the girl's wounds. I was sitting across from them holding Shippo on my lap. I glared at the girl. I guess I was just focusing my anger anywhere that I could. Inuyasha was just as pissed as me. He was sitting by the river trying to dry off. Kagome asked her what demon was after her. I listened to her reply.
"A demon known as a spiderhead" The girl replied, "these mountains have been plagued by their evil presence since Spring time, several villages have already been attacked, spiderheads trap humans in their web to paralyze them and devour them alive, they're terrifying demons" well...great! demons! meaning shards! yay!
"You can say that again..." Kagome said, "hey Inuyasha we have to do something to help"
"Any sign of the Sacred Jewel fragments?" Inuyasha asked
"Not yet" Kagome and I replied
"and I didn't pick up anything from this spiderheads just now" Kagome added
"Neither did I" I sighed
"Then let's move out" Inuyasha said, "I want to cross these mountains before nightfall" Inuyasha stood up. I've been getting these anxiety vibes from somewhere. I just couldn't place from guess was the girl. I picked Shippo up and stood up as well. I didn't really care what we were mind would wander off to Mitsukiko...what if when I crossed that barrier...I sent her to her body and to the demon...if she's dead...its all my fault.
"Mitsuki!" Kagome said annoyed with me. I sighed and fell back on my butt. "Inuyasha! we can't just walk away! there's a demon on the loose"
"Listen! I don't go slaying demons every time a human comes running scared to me" Inuyasha said looking back at Kagome. Ok so that's a nope. I stood up. Kagome glared at me. I sat back down. will someone make up their mind?
"No one is suggesting you do" Kagome said looking back at Inuyasha. The girl stood up.
"I'm leaving!" The girl said, "being obliged to a demon does not sit well with me!" ok that's it! I stood up and walked to the girl.
"What the hell is wrong with being half demon?!" I yelled in her face the girl stepped back and with every step she took I followed, "they're strong and have some unnatural powers so what? but they are also human! they have emotions and feelings and it's people like you that make them feel like crap! when they should be happy by who they are and what they are and if you don't stop making crappy comments about his demon side I swear I will make you worry about other things than Spiderheads got that?!" She just nodded her head. I felt so much better now.
"Feigning some measure of gratitude might sit better with us though" Shippo said from my arms.
"Insolent beast!" She yelled at him.
"Watch it!" I yelled at her, "did you not hear a word I said?"
The girl started running and climbing vines. Kagome stood up and walked to me.
"Where did all that come from?" Kagome said, "you've been acting strange lately, everything ok?" before I could respond, I heard a scream and a crash. Kagome and I looked at the bush that had two human legs sticking out from it.
"How about displaying some of that old fashion chivalry?" Kagome asked Inuyasha. I rolled my eyes. She ended up convincing Inuyasha to help the girl who hurt her foot. She showed us the way to her temple. An old man came out of one of the buildings.
"You have returned" The old man said, "are you injured Nazuna?" the girl jumped off of Inuyasha and ran to him. so much for the injured foot. But then she fell to her knees in front of the man. Oh...there it is.
"Oh Master!" she cried
"Oh, I feared that a spiderhead attacked you" the old man said
"It spiked me while I tended to the grave sights" the girl explained, "I had no choice, but to rely on these demons to bring me home, I'm sorry master"
"Can I hurt her?" I muttered Kagome elbowed me.
"Put yourself in her shoes" Kagome said, "she's been attacked by these Spiderheads for who knows how long"
"Well let her give them attitude" I complained, "she has no reason to be treating Shippo and Inuyasha like this"
"Since when did you become protective over me anyway?" Inuyasha said
"I'm not protective over you" I said crossing my arms, "I just don't think anyone has the right to hit you except me or Kagome"
"Gee...thanks" Inuyasha muttered sarcastically.
"Your welcome" I said
"All demons are not created equal you know?" Shippo said
"I don't suppose they are" the old man said. I don't know what it was, but the old man gave me the creeps. I just got a vibe. I wish Mitsukiko was here to back me up on my suspicion. I looked at Inuyasha wondering if he sensed it.
"Aw man! Don't worry" Inuyasha said, "we're leaving anyway"
"Wait friends!" the old man said, "you must stay the night here with us at the temple"
"No master..." the girl whispered, "I really don't like them especially that girl with the fox" how the hell did I hear her from over here?
"Go, prepare a meal for your kind guests" he said welcoming...still don't trust him.
"Yes..." the girl sighed in defeat as she walked away.
"Let's leave" I muttered to Kagome. Kagome elbowed me. The guy came closer.
"I beg you forgive Nazuna for her rudeness" The old man said he smelled really weird, I don't know from where, but I recognized the smell, "her parents were killed by a spiderhead and she has harbored an understandable fear of demons since the incident, I have attempted to calm her fears, but to no avail"
"So we probably won't run into one of those Spiderheads on our way through the mountains" Kagome said nervous, "will we?"
"As the number of men dying" he said, "and war increases, so do the number of Spiderheads by leaps and bounds"
"Leaps and bounds?" Kagome said scared, "say how about we take him up on his offer?"
"No!" I said annoyed, "I am not staying at an isolated temple surrounded by these damn Spiderheads! we are better off leaving!"
"I agree, we're on a quest!" Inuyasha said, "and I refuse to allow some measly spiders to stop us!"
"Your out voted Kagome!" I said crossing my arms.
"Stay the night with us" the old man persisted, "and rest with ease, I have posted sutras throughout the temple to ward off any demons from attacking us"
"Come on!" Kagome persisted, "what do you say?"
"Suppose there is no sense arguing" Inuyasha said
"What?!" I said annoyed, "no take backs! we're leaving and that's that!"
"We are staying!" Kagome said I glared at her. She frowned at me. I turned away from her. I wasn't speaking to her till we left this creepy man with his creepy temple behind us. I stayed in the corner plugged in to my music player. I noticed the entire temple smelled like the old man. It was disgusting. I didn't understand how Inuyasha could stand it, since he had a stronger nose than know being a dog demon and all. It was so bad, I had my nose in my hoody. What was worse, Kagome actually wanted to me to eat with this disgusting stench. I just turned my back on her. I could tell I was really pissing her off. I didn't care though, since she pissed me off first. So I stayed in my corner. It was already getting late. I saw Kagome crawl up to Inuyasha. Then Shippo turned into a spider. Inuyasha gave him a good punch, and he transformed back to normal. Then it hit me. The man put up sutras to ward off how the hell is Shippo in here? I mean Inuyasha's a half demon, so I don't know whether it'd apply to him...but Shippo? It just didn't make sense, unless there wasn't any sutras. The old man lied! I knew he couldn't be trusted! Inuyasha stood up and started to walk out. Then I saw Kagome freak. I stood up and ran over to see what they were looking at. That's when I noticed...we were surrounded by spider heads. I took off my head phones and hung them around my neck.
"Look out!" Shippo said, "they're behind us too" I turned to see two of them. I took off my shoes and got in a fighting stance.
"Don't make me use these" I warned I wish I had a sword or some kind of weapon, but sadly all I had were my shoes.
"They're numbers are great" I heard Myoga say, "but they're not a formidable enemy, up for some after dinner exercise master?"
"Oh yeah" Inuyasha said, "ward them off? so much for the old priest's sutras"
Inuyasha started fighting. I looked at the two Spiderheads coming for us.
Just remember what she taught me...I focused on the air. I felt the wind pick up a little. I waved my hand and the wind blew the two Spiderheads into the wall. I looked at my hands that had my shoes.
Mitsukiko! I did it! I actually did it!
I didn't get a response. I knew I wasn't...but I couldn't help but hope you know? I went and grabbed my things.
"Do what I say" I heard Inuyasha say, "I can handle these demons" I went beside Kagome and watched him fight.
"Why is he acting so strange today?" Shippo said he's been acting strange all he the one that I was getting the anxiety from?
"And why isn't the Tetsaiga transforming?" Kagome said I watched as he got covered in the webs. We ran to him.
"Fox fire!" Shippo yelled and threw blue flames at the demons. We tore the webs off him, well we were in a rush so we only focused on the ones attaching him to the floor. I slipped my shoes back on and we started running through the woods. We stopped underneath this giant tree.
"We should be safe here" Kagome said
"Damn it..." Inuyasha said
"What's with you?" Kagome and I asked, "your acting weirder than normal"
"Leave me alone!" Inuyasha yelled
"Hey! we're just worried about you" I yelled tearing the webs off his head, "that gives you no- hair is black...and where are your ears?"
"You should be more worried about yourselves" Inuyasha said sitting down, "if you think you can rely on my strength to save you this time then you better think again"
"Well what do you mean?" Shippo said
"Inuyasha..." Kagome said, "is that you?"
"No!" Inuyasha said sarcastic, "I'm a talking puppet!" Shippo jumped on to him.
"His dog ears are gone" Shippo said
"Your not half demon anymore" Kagome said, "your human!"
"Your lucky my fangs and claws are gone" He told Shippo as he smacked him against the ground. I reached to grab him by the dog ears, but then I remembered.
"Your human for one night, every night of the new moon right?" I said Mitsukiko told me about this human thing. She told me she turned human every full moon. I asked about Inuyasha, but she never told me which night it was for him, "I should have guessed"
"How'd you know?" Inuyasha said looking at me. Myoga sat on my shoulder.
"I...uh.." I was at a loss of words. He waited, "I...research? yeah! research! I just googled half demon and that came up"
"Why master?" Myoga complained jumping onto his shoulder, "why did you not inform us that your period of vulnerability was impending?!"
"Because if I had, you would have taken off a long time ago!" Inuyasha said Suddenly I started to feel hot and my head started to throb. I could barely focus on the conversation. Everyone was so focused on Inuyasha. I used it as a chance to get away. My jaw started to feel funny.
Mitsukiko? are you doing this? what's going on?
I kept going further and further away from them. The heat was becoming unbearable. I heard rustling. I fell to my knees. My body was aching. what was happening to me.
"You guys?" I said trying to focus. but that's when I saw the Spiderheads. I tried my best to stand up but the pain was unbearable. I felt this wet icky stuff get sprayed onto me. I tried to call for help, but the web soon covered me and I couldn't breathe. Sad thing was I could careless about the Spiderheads, I was more worried on what was trying to control me. I lost consciousness soon after that.

The Spiderheads surrounded Mitsuki ready to eat her. The web started to glow this bright light. Suddenly there was a low growl coming from the web, it became louder. The web was torn apart. A demon stood where the web once was. She had silver hair and dog ears. The demon showed it's fangs and raised it's claws. Her eyes were a deep blood red you could barely see her pupils. The Spiderheads went and attacked, but they were no match for it. The demon grabbed one and decapitated it by slicing one's neck with its claws. She ripped others' hearts out. The Spiderheads kept coming, but no matter the number, she destroyed them. She sat in the center of the clearing with Spiderhead corpses all around. She grabbed the backpack on her shoulder and ripped it apart. She raised her head as she caught a familiar scent. She started to run. She arrived at the clearing on top of the hill. There stood Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's brother, and Jaken, Sesshomaru's green monster. A'un, the two headed dragon, was beside them. The demon ran up and jumped ready to attack Sesshomaru.
"I see your demon side came out to play" Sesshomaru said as he dodged her attacks, "just as I suspected" No matter how hard the demon tried, it couldn't get a single hit on Sesshomaru. It growled in frustration. The sun started to rise and the demon got tired. It fell unconscious. Her hair turned jet black. Her fangs and claws began to shrink. Sesshomaru lifted her up and laid her on A'un.
"What are we going to do with her Lord Sesshomaru?" Jaken asked Sesshomaru stayed quiet as he walked away. A'un and Jaken followed.

With Kagome
Now that Inuyasha was back to normal and destroyed the leader of the Spiderheads, Kagome and the others were following him as he followed Mitsuki's scent. They followed it to a clearing. the clearing was full of dead spiderheads.
"Whoa!" Shippo said, "these killings are kind of brutal"
"Hey Kagome..." Inuyasha said, "you might want to see this" Kagome ran over to Inuyasha to see Mitsuki's bag all torn apart. Kagome fell to her knees.
"Oh no..." Kagome said as her eyes began to water, "well...her body isn't here...I mean there's still hope right? she could have gotten away right?"
"I don't know, whatever it was took down a lot of these Spiderheads" Inuyasha said, "but I can't pick up its scent all I smell is the blood from the Spiderheads..."
"But we have to find her!" Kagome said standing she grabbed Inuyasha by his shirt and started shaking him, "she's not dead until I see her body"
"Ok, ok" he said trying to calm her, he hugged her, "we won't stop searching till we find her.."

Inuyasha Fanfic: Mystery of Mitsuki (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now