Chapter 24

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For all my slacking off lately, I am releasing this chapter early! hope you like :3

We stayed in our era for two days before heading back to Inuyasha's. Those two days I avoided Satoshi the best I could. The times I couldn't avoid, I at least avoided the subject on what happened that last time. Anyway we already started our journey. It was night time. Kagome was already in her sleeping bag sleeping. Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippo were sitting around a fire. I was up on a tree branch. I had headphones stuck in my ears listening to the song Sena and the others were going to perform to. I opened the lid to my water bottle and started playing with the water inside. I sat there bored trying to fall asleep, but couldn't. Ever since Miroku's been with us, I've been sleeping on trees. I didn't trust the perv to control himself. The first couple of times, I'd forget I was on a tree and I'd fall off. Inuyasha would end up always having to catch me. But lately, I've been getting the hang of it. The tree branches were surprisingly comfortable for me. I always thought it'd be the worse. Boy was I wrong. I actually liked it better than my bed.
He's wrong all the demons I fought till now were rotten from the's a mere coincidence that's all! I'm different from them... I looked down at Inuyasha. different from who? what is he so worried about? I could feel some major anxiety vibes coming from him. I took off my headphones, but by that time they already finished talking and went to sleep.

The next day we arrived at the village to find out a girl took the sacred jewel shard. This pissed off Inuyasha and now he was bullying the villagers. He had a man up by his shirt.
"Who was she?" Inuyasha demanded, "come on answer me!"
"Oh no! look!" another villager said, "another demon!"
"Call for the slayers!" another yelled
"A giant centipede!" the man Inuyasha had cried out.
"I am not a centipede!" Inuyasha yelled at him. I kicked Inuyasha in the shin.
"Your scaring the poor guy!" I yelled Inuyasha let go of him.
"Ow!" Inuyasha shouted. After everyone calmed down, they told us how a giant centipede was attacking the village and a demon slayer came and killed it.
"Wow! so people make a living going around slaying demons?" Kagome said
"And this demon slayer has collected the jewel shards instead of payment you said?" Miroku replied.
"Aye..." One of the three villager's said, "she said that this sacred something or other jewel originated from her home village in the first place" I looked at them. The jewel originated from there?
"Huh?" Kagome said
"Inuyasha..." Miroku asked, "have you heard of the jewels origins?"
"Not at all..." Inuyasha replied, "when I learned of the Sacred Jewel of the Four Souls, Kikyo held it in her protection, I never given any thought to where the jewel came from or how it was created...Mitsukiko was the one that usually worried about things like that"
"So you and your sister both went after the jewel?" Kagome and I said
"Sort of...Mitsukiko never was interested in the jewel," Inuyasha replied, "she always thought that all the power she had that father had given her was enough...only reason she went after the jewel was because I talked her into it..."
So you're a pushover...never saw that coming...seeing as you always argued with me!

We were traveling again and it was night time. We were looking for the Slayer village. I didn't want Inuyasha or Shippo coming, you know them being demons and all...but Inuyasha wasn't going to stay.
"We must be getting close..." Miroku said, "it's hard to believe that no one could tell us where the slayers were from..."
"Somewhere in the mountains wasn't to helpful" Kagome sighed
"Stop complaining!" Inuyasha yelled from in front of us, "let's just find it!"
"Inuyasha do you plan on stealing the jewel fragments from the village?" Shippo asked
"Yeah," Inuyasha said, "what do you think?"
"Let's just hope they don't slay us in the process" Miroku said
"It could happen too..." Kagome said, "they're suppose to be pros..." Then it hit me...I could ask to train with them! They could teach me about demon slaying! Then I will be able to handle any demons that try to attack us including Inuyasha.
"What are we waiting for?" I said starting to run excited, "let's find us a village!"
"Hey! Mitsuki!" I heard Kagome yell, "don't run!" Suddenly there was this ominous wind. I stopped and looked up at the sky. The wind was warning me...something was approaching. I saw an ominous cloud didn't take me long to realize that the cloud was actually a group of demons. Where were they headed off to?
"Mitsuki wait..." I heard someone from behind me say, but too late I was gone. I appeared on top of a snake demon. I looked down at the ground. We were high up. I saw a clearing of trees in the distance. Then I spotted the buildings. That must be the slayer village...oh no...I have to warn them. I used the wind and I appeared in the center of the street. No one was around.
"Wake up!" I yelled into people's houses, "demons are coming! a billion of them!" people rushed out and grabbed their weapons. I saw them coming. Maybe I can...I focused the air around the village. I won't be able to keep the wind like this for long, but if I'm lucky Inuyasha will be here any minute. The demons rammed themselves into my wind barrier and with every slam a migraine would appear. I could handle blocking one or two of them, but this was too much. The slayers stood around with their weapons ready. I watched as the demons started to retreat. My head was spinning. So you could just imagine how thankful I was...I felt something dripping from my nose. I touched it to see blood. Then I felt it. I looked up to see all the demons rushing back and all at once smack right into the wind barrier. I fell back and the demons broke in. I started to cough. I covered my mouth as I coughed. I saw blood all over my palm. I was horrified. I wiped my hands on my skirt. Violence was all around. I saw a demon coming toward me. I quickly stood up. I ran over and grabbed a weapon that was against a shed. It was a double edged sword. All I could hear were screams all around me. There were also explosives. My ears were ringing. My body was shaking. I waited for the snake demon to come at me. I swung the sword. I barely managed to chop his head off. I looked around to find that the demons were winning. I saw men and women on the floor dead. The village was on fire now. There was so much going on. I saw a baboon coat run past.
"Naraku..." I said I start running after him, but demons got in my way. I fought, but I was starting to become slow. My body was giving out on me. I got stabbed from behind. There were too many and we were outnumbered. I had to get Naraku. I stabbed the demon in front of me in the head. I saw a little girl running away from this demon. The little girl could be no older than two. she had her brown hair braided and she wore a dark blue kimono. I ran over to her. The demon raised his claws ready to attack. I grabbed the little girl protectively. I felt a sharp pain down my back. I fell to my knees. hurts. I should use the wind...but I've already over done it. I grabbed the double edged sword. I set the little girl down. I turned to face the demon just to notice it was gone. Then I saw this big creme cat demon with two tails attacking the demon. I was weak. I couldn't take anymore. Then I heard the little girl scream behind me. I turned to see her running.
"Papa!" she screamed running away.
"Wait!" I yelled chasing after her, but a demon got in my way. I quickly killed it. I lost sight of the little girl. I ran around a burning building. That's when I spotted her. There was a giant rat demon in front of her with it's tail stabbing into her body.
"No!" I screamed I ran toward it. I used the sword and cut the rat's tail off. It squealed at me. It jumped at me. I held the sword up. I felt as it pierced right through the demon's chest. I pushed the demon off me. I stood up.
"Lady Mitsuki..." Myoga said from my shoulder. I ignored him. I walked over to the little girl. She had tears running down her face. She opened her mouth trying to speak, but no sound would come out. I held her tiny little hand in mine.
"Your going to be ok..." I said with tears already coming down my face, "It's going to hurt, but your going to be ok" I pulled the rat's tail out. Her pained expression was burned into my mind. I put my hand over the wound. I healed Sesshy's arm before...I could do it again. She reached out with her other hand and put something in my hand. I looked at it. It was a small simple gold bracelet with the name Yumi engraved on it. Nothing was happening. I didn't feel the sensation I did before. There was no water around. I couldn't let her die. She looked at me and I could see as the light left her eyes. " got to stay with me!"
"Lady Mitsuki..." Myoga said, "it's too late...she's gone"
"She can't be!" I cried holding the little girl in my arms, "she can't! she just can't!"
"You've used too much of your powers already" Myoga said, "even if you didn' can't heal the dead..."
"This is all my fault" I cried, "if I didn't let her run...she would have been safe..."
"Lady Mitsuki..." Myoga said
"I will avenge her..." I said quietly as I remembered Naraku, "you bastard...where are you?!" then I sensed them...the jewel shards. There were shards here. I set Yumi down. I'd give her proper burial as soon as I found Naraku. I stood up ignoring the pain of my body.
"Lady Mitsuki...stop!" Myoga said, "your wounded terribly! this is not the time to look for fights!" I found the hut the jewels were in. I walked in. There was a bright light. I covered my eyes to find Naraku standing in the middle of the room.
"Naraku!" I shouted he turned around.
"My my...just like fifty years ago" Naraku said, "barging in as I'm about to take the shards" I glared at him. I ran toward him. But then a cloud of miasma filled the room. I fell to my knees coughing. I couldn't breathe. "I don't have time to deal with you" I felt something lift me up as I lost consciousness.

With Inuyasha and others
It was morning. The others were walking looking for the village.
"Mitsuki never came back" Kagome said worried
"She probably went with Ozo" Shippo replied
"Or she went back to your era" Inuyasha said stretching
"She doesn't really like this era" Miroku agreed They entered a clearing and they could see the gate of the village and the smoke escaping into the air.
"The village..." Miroku said
"It's burned..." Inuyasha said stopping in his steps.
"This must be the village the demons were after..." Kagome said
"Hm...quickly!" Inuyasha yelled as he started running toward the village. The others followed right behind him.

They arrived to find it completely burned to the ground. There were corpses of demons and humans.
"This is horrible..." Kagome gasped
"The villagers must have battle with the demons..." Miroku said
"There's no mistaking it," Inuyasha said, "this is the very same village of the demon slayers we were seeking..." Kagome walked around looking. "what is it Kagome?"
"I'm not sensing any jewels..." Kagome said
"None any more" Miroku said, "they were stolen..."
"Maybe if we hurry, we can catch up with them" Shippo said
"We'll think about that after we lay these people to rest" Inuyasha replied, "they deserve that at least"
"Inuyasha's right" Miroku said
"Wait...I'm sensing..." Kagome said, "jewel shards...Mitsuki" Kagome stopped talking when she saw a big demon cat with two tails. It held a bucket full of water in its mouth. The cat growled. Inuyasha pulled out Tetsaiga. The cat dropped the bucket and the water spilled all over the floor.
"Lord Inuyasha..." Myoga said, "can that be you?"
"It can talk!" Kagome said confusing the voice for the demon cat.
"Down Kirara" Myoga said, "these people are not our enemies" Fire surrounded Kirara and she shrunk into a small little kitten.
"Huh?" Inuyasha said
"It's so cute!" Kagome said Myoga hopped over to Inuyasha and bit him in the nose.
"How I longed for this nose" Myoga said sucking his blood. Inuyasha smacked him.
"Still irritating..." Inuyasha said
"What are you doing in a place like this?" Kagome asked
"Something's never change..." Myoga said floating to the ground.
"You know this flea?" Miroku asked
"Yeah!" Shippo said from Miroku's shoulder, "it's Inuyasha's vassal sort of"
"Lord Inuyasha..." Myoga said, "what took you so long?"
"What do you mean?" Inuyasha said, "how'd you even know I was coming?"
"Lady Mitsuki arrived last night" Myoga replied, "despite her warning, things ended like this..."
"Mitsuki!" Kagome said shocked, "where is she?"
"She's badly injured, but she refuses to let us help her" Myoga said as he got on Kirara and Kirara showed them the way. They found Mitsuki waist deep in a hole. Her clothes were torn and bloody. Her hair was a disaster. She had a scratch on her cheek. Her face was puffy and her eyes were blood shot, "she's been at it for a while first she kept trying to heal the human child...I finally managed to stop her but now she's digging graves and she refuses to stop...we were getting her water so she could at least heal herself but even then she refused to stop digging...Lady Kagome maybe you can get her to stop...she's seriously injured and I fear for her life if she isn't treated soon" Kagome walked over to her.
"Hey Mitsuki..." Kagome said kneeling beside the hole, "you want to talk?" Mitsuki kept digging. She didn't even acknowledge Kagome. Inuyasha walked over and lifted her out of the hole. Mitsuki started to scream.
"Let me go!" she screamed, "she needs to rest! she needs to rest! it's all my fault! I killed her...I killed her...I couldn't save her...why couldn't I save her?" Mitsuki broke down in tears. Inuyasha held her. Kagome looked at Mitsuki with sad eyes as she cried into Inuyasha's chest. Mitsuki cried until she finally fainted from the pain...

Mitsuki's P.O.V.
I woke up laying on Kagome's sleeping bag under a tree. My wounds were bandaged and every little move would send a pain signal to my brain. I stood up.
"Whoa...careful" Kagome said seeing me and running toward me. I looked at all the graves. Kagome helped me. "come on let's pick some flowers for them ok?" I nodded. We went into the forest. I picked different colored flowers. Kagome and I put flowers on each grave. Kagome pointed out Yumi's grave to me. I knelt there praying for her. The others were talking about the jewel. I didn't really care anymore. Until I heard Myoga say something about Naraku. Then all my anger seemed to spark inside me...

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