Chapter 41

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So sorry I took so long with this chapter! it's just were entering some very serious episodes and those tend to make me lazy X( anyway I tried to make it somewhat funny for you, but enough of my ranting! Enjoy...I hope lol ✌️


We were staying in a hut that was on the outskirts of the village. The others were still talking about how Kagura was related to Naraku. Miroku believed she was a part of him. I went outside. I wanted fresh air. I sat down besides the door looking at the sky. I closed my eyes wondering how Sesshy and Rin were doing. When I opened my eyes, I was in a grassy field. I was standing by Rin who was sleeping next to A'un. Jaken was also asleep. I crouched down trying to take a piece of hair off of Rin's face, but my hand went right through. Not this again...
"I see you're pyschic ability is starting to get stronger" a voice behind me said I turned to see Sesshomaru standing behind me.
"Sesshy..." I said smiling
"Did you come to check on the girl?" He asked
"Well not exactly..." I said trying my best to lie, "ok yes...I'm sorry but you're not exactly known for your love for humans" I looked down at Rin. "she seems fine though"
"I'm assuming you'll be staying with Inuyasha" Sesshy said, "since you aren't completely here"
"What do you mean?" I said
"Even though your mind is with me" Sesshy explained as he reached to touch my face, but his hand went through, "your body is still with Inuyasha"
"So that's what this is" I said but then I noticed as my hand started to disappear.
"Sesshy what's happening?" I said as my body seemed to vanish. I opened my eyes to realize Kagome was in front of me shaking my body.
"Don't fall asleep out here, you could catch a cold" she said, "come on it's time to come inside and rest" I let out a sigh.
"Do I get to sleep with Kirara this time?" I asked crossing my arms, "because I'd like to sleep completely, not with one eye closed and the other eye open"
"Ask Sango let's go" she said entering. I followed in after her. Thankfully Sango said yes.
"Ok Kirara, if you see Miroku moving anywhere towards me" I said, "I give you permission to attack" Kirara rubbed against me. I smiled. Then I went to sleep.

We got up early the next day. It was foggy in the morning. My feet were starting to heal. I was sitting beside Sango who was currently getting some water. I heard talking, next thing I know there were silhouettes charging right for us. I focused on the weeds and watched as they wrapped around on of the man's legs causing him to fall face first into the water. Another came at us but Sango smacked him on the head and set him flying. Now that the mist cleared a bit. I saw that they were all men. Human men.
"Who are you?" a man on a horse said there were three guys...well there were three guys standing in front of him. Currently one was battling it out with my weeds.
"That's my line" Sango said, "you like ordinary men"
"She's not Koharu" a guy said I stood up standing beside Sango. I smiled. They were going to get their butts whooped in a second.
"They're beautiful..." I heard the creep on the horse say, the creep already looked like he had a rough time as is, his arm was in a sling and his head was bandaged up "bring them back"
"Yes!" the guys said together. The two free men grabbed their sticks.
"Come with us" One said
"Or you'll get it" The other finished
"You ready Sango?" I smiled she just smiled back. We got ready in our stances as the guys charged for us.
"Wait!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Then Inuyasha landed in front of us and started beating the guys to a pulp. I glared at Inuyasha. If only one of my abilities was laser eyes. This was Sango and my fight. We were going to double team not fair! she's usually with Miroku. for the first time ever it was going to be me and her and this idiot ruined it! It was supposed to be a master and disciple sort of thing! Gosh Inuyasha! You ruin everything! I watched as he punched the creep right off his horse. The horse started to go wild and ran away.
"Young master!" one of the guys said
"Forgive us!" Said the other. I watched as they ran away carrying the creep.
"Hey!" I heard the third man who was still struggling with the weeds, "don't forget about me!" I face palmed, then released him. He ran away trying to catch up to the others.
"What was with them anyway?" Inuyasha said
"Sango may I?" I said holding out my hand she gave me her small cylinder bucket. I grabbed it by the handle and walked over to Inuyasha who was watching the men leave. I gave him a good whacking on the head.
"What the hell was that for?!" he yelled at me as he turned around. A bump appeared on his head.
"Why do you always do this to me?!" I yelled annoyed
"Do what?!" he yelled back, "I was just defending you!"
"I don't need you to defend me!" I yelled annoyed, "you jerk! we would have been fine on our own! I'm sick of you stealing my fights!"
"Well next time maybe I won't help you" he said crossing his arms.
"Good!" I yelled back at him. We argued back and forth till we noticed a girl standing there looking at us.
"" she started she had brown hair and this white rag on her head. She had a teal kimono with a yellow bottom. She was younger than Kagome, but older than me.
"You were the one they were after right?" Sango asked the girl nodded.
"Sango! Mitsuki!" Kagome yelled coming toward us with Miroku.
"What's the matter?" Miroku asked
"I'll tell you what's the matter" I said annoyed pointing at Inuyasha, "this idiot keeps getting into other people's business!"
"I-" Inuyasha started but then the girl spoke up.
"Master Miroku" the girl said Miroku looked at her, but he didn't seem to recognize her, "Master Miroku! it is you!" The girl ran up to him and hugged him. "Master Miroku how I've longed to see you!" We all gave Miroku a confused look.
"Have we met before?" Miroku asked confused
"I'm Koharu!" the girl said
"Oh...that girl!" Miroku said it's sad how that girl was so happy to see him, and he didn't even recognize her...lecherous monk.
"It's been three years Master Miroku!" She said
" changed so much!" Miroku said, "my goodness, it's nice to see you"
"Is she Miroku's friend?" Inuyasha asked I shrugged.
"Seems closer than a friend" Kagome whispered
"I agree" Shippo said
"I lost my parents and siblings in the war" Koharu started to randomly tell us her life story, "the oil Keeper took me in, but worked me night and was hard work and I was hungry, I cried everyday, then Miroku who came along to do an exorcism in the village was kind to me...he asked how old I was and I told him eleven, then he asked me if I'd bear his child" I watched as Inuyasha, Sango, Kagome and Shippo scooted away. I wasn't surprised...
"Why are you guys pulling away?" Miroku asked
"He's done it to me guys" I said
"When?!" Kagome said
"He asked me while you and Inuyasha were arguing when we first met" I replied shrugging.
"Miroku! how dare you say such things to children!" Kagome yelled
"You animal!" Sango said
"I was so happy!" Koharu said Now that made me pull away. What was wrong with this girl? When Miroku told me that, I freaked. Where the hell did she get happy from?
"Poor thing..." I said standing on my tippy toes to pat her on the head, "you are confused, that need to want to throw up at the thought of something like that is not happiness"
"Miroku!" Kagome yelled, "you are taking responsibility!"
"But I didn't lay a hand on Koharu" Miroku said
"I hope not" Sango grumbled
"She was just a child" Miroku said
"Back then Master Miroku left the village right away," Koharu explained, "I believed he would comeback for me, I trusted him. But recently the young lord of the oil keeper started looking at me strangely" we all moved and sat on the floor in a circle. "Last night he tried to force himself on me..."
"And you escaped?" Kagome asked
"Yes! I beat him with a piece of firewood" she said, "and when he stopped moving..."
"Ha! so you were the one that left him like that" I said laughing thinking of the creep on the horse, "that deserves a high five" she gave small smile. I held my hand out and she slapped it.
"Master Miroku!" Koharu said kneeling in front of him, "please take me!"
"Koharu..." Miroku said
"I have no where to go" she said, "besides I'm an adult now...I can bear your child" My eyes widened. all of us were frozen in place. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Miroku was about to speak, but I grabbed his staff and smacked him on the side of the head.
"Unless your saying 1. No, you're not ready for children 2. I'm sorry you're still too young or 3. you are young and beautiful, but you deserve someone better to share your life with than a lecherous monk like me" I said annoyed, "you are not allowed to speak, one of the three or shutting your trap, got that?" He let out a nervous laugh.

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