Chapter 58

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Episode 63 & 64

Haha 63 is absolutely one of my favorite episodes ;)


I came out of the well with a bag full of things. I rushed over to see everyone was already awake. Aleu ran up to greet me.

"Hey Mitsuki" the others said ok not all of them said that and they each greeted me differently. I just didn't pay much attention to it because I was too focused on Kagome

"Hi" I replied as I sat down in front of Kagome. She was in the middle of a sentence when I shoved a thermometer in her mouth.

"Mitsuki..." she said trying hard to keep the thermometer from falling so it sounded like mimsuki.

"Sorry, no one here by that name" I said, "now lay down, the curse might be lifted, but we should check if there are any side effects...I brought your pillows, some blankets, a heating pad in case you have a stomach ache or something, headache medication for headaches cause I honestly doubt you don't have one, an ice pack, brownies for everyone, I brought different kinds of tea, I mean I got your favorite but I figured you might not want that kind at the moment, but I still brought it in case I was wrong, mom also helped me make some soup" she gave me a look. "I didn't tell her anything, I just asked for help on the food ok? last thing I needed was to kill you with my let me see your temperature..." I pulled the thermometer from her mouth and checked. Her temperature was normal, so no fever. I let out a relieved sigh. "I also brought NyQuil in case you have trouble sleeping, some games in case you get tired of laying down, have you guys played monopoly? Clue? Bingo? Sorry?" The others were shook their head no. "Huh...I'll teach you sometime, anyway Kagome I think mostly you should just lay down and rest"

"Mitsuki I'm fine" she said

"That's what you always say" I said as I made her lay down and covered her with a blanket, "and I never believe you" I placed an ice pack on her head to help with whatever migraine she was having.

"But I'm fine" she argued

"Oh shut up and be happy you have a slave to boss around while you do" I replied, "now seriously did I forget anything?"

"My bed" Kagome said sarcastic.

"This is a lot of stuff" Sango said, "you seriously carried all this out of the well?"

"I told you she'd go overboard" Kagome said

"I actually did try that" I replied, "mom didn't let me separate your bed and bring it to you, so sorry your stuck with the futon"

"You couldn't even fit the mattress in the well anyway" Kagome said annoyed, "Mitsuki, I'm perfectly fine"

"Nope, refuse to believe it" I said, "and besides I would have found a way, I mean Inuyasha shoved a tree in there"

"We have to go after the priestess" Inuyasha said, "before she comes after Kagome"

"Agreed" I said, "you guys go, I'll look after Kagome"

"What?!" Kagome said sitting up, "no I want to go!"

"No!" I said crossing my arms, "last thing we need is a repeat of what happened last night"

"I refuse to stay here" she said, "while they're out there fighting"

"Fine, you don't want to be here" I said, "then you could go to the modern era with Mom to cater to you and then I could join the others to kill that witch"

"No!" she said annoyed, "Mitsuki! you know what I meant!"

"This is a nonnegotiable subject" I said annoyed, "so you stay here or go with mom and she realizes your the sick friend in need, what's your choice?"

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