Chapter 34

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We were walking through a path. I was so pissed off. Kikyo better pray I don't see her, especially when I get my powers back. Because I swear all hell was going to break loose. How dare she steal Kagome's jewels and attack her...the others didn't know about my mind abilities and that night was engraved in Kagome's head which I got a glimpse of. No one messes with my sister. That was a lesson I was going to have to engrave in Kikyo's mind the next time I saw her. And If Inuyasha gets in my way, he'll go down with her. I wasn't sure if he'd been quiet lately because of who he thought I was when I transformed or because of Kikyo. Honestly right now, I couldn't care less because I was fuming about what happened between Kikyo and Kagome.
"I can't believe my jewel shards were taken" Kagome sighed disappointed.
"Stop worrying about it Kagome!" Inuyasha said, "it's not like she stole all the pieces or nothing, we still have Mitsuki's, all we have to do is go out and find some more" or we could steal them back if you were willing to sniff her out! or I don't know you could have taken them back the other night as well. I was just annoyed at him. He didn't do anything to defend my sister.
"Why is Inuyasha being so understanding?" Sango whispered, "it is so unlike him"
"It's because that bit-" I started but then shut my mouth. Mom doesn't let me cuss.
Come on, say it
No I won't
You know you want to
I will not
You're no fun
Don't you like Kikyo?
Not really, I put up with her mostly. But what can I say? Yasha loved her.
Well, all I'm saying is, Sota is dating a girl I like, or she's getting the boot
And you don't think I tried?
"I suspect it was because it was Kikyo who stole the sacred jewel shards" Miroku said for me.
"Well what can he do when the culprit was a woman he's been in love with?" Shippo sighed.
"Will everyone just please shut up!" I said annoyed. All I could think about was how Kagome was feeling about this.
"Thank you" Inuyasha said
"It wasn't for you!" I yelled angry at him crossing my arms.
"You too?! Listen you morons!" Inuyasha yelled, "if you think I'm protecting Kikyo, you got another thing coming! Ok!" he turned to look at Kagome. "You think I'm going soft on her too don't ya?! Well then speak up!" Kagome rushed away from him. "ugh! if you got something to say, then say it to my face!"
"Hey! don't you start yelling at her!" I said angry I looked at the ground and watched as roots started to grow. They wrapped around Inuyasha's foot and he was now hanging upside down.
"What the heck Mitsuki?!" He yelled struggling to get free. I drew a circle on the ground with my finger. I watched as the plant swung Inuyasha in a circle. He was going pretty fast.
"Your ex-girlfriend shows up and steals Kagome's shards, not only that but attacks her while she's at it" I said casually, "you were there, she was there, you could have easily taken the shards back, but instead you let her walk off with is that not going easy on her? not to mention that now my poor sister is traumatized and you're being a major jerk and yelling your head off at her! I'm sorry but where in your mind, is this okay? and how is it okay?!"
"Uh...Mitsuki?" Miroku said
"I think he lost consciousness" Sango said I looked up. I stopped making the circle. Inuyasha was there hanging upside down and he was knocked out. I let out a sigh my beautiful speech gone to waste. I snapped my fingers and the plant released him. He fell to the ground. He let out a groan.
Don't you think you were a little harsh?
No I don't think so, he'll be fine, he deserved worse if you ask me.
That's my brother you know
Yeah and that's my sister? your point is?
We heard a cow moo. I looked around, but not a cow in sight.
"Huh?" Shippo said
"A cow?" Sango said I looked at Inuyasha who was now getting back up and glaring at me.
"Where is it?" Shippo asked, "I don't see any cattle" It mooed again. I looked up because that's where the sound was coming from. "In the sky?" Lightning shot down between me and the others. I don't know what surprised me more lightning shooting from a clear blue sky or a cow being up there. There was a major dust cloud around us. I coughed. When the dust cleared, I saw a black ox with three eyes and an old man on top of it. The old man was very wrinkly and had a hammer with a long stick.
"Who the heck are you?" Inuyasha said getting in front of me. I looked at him. I could take care of myself.
"My name is Totosai" the old man said, "draw your sword Inuyasha" Inuyasha stood there confused. "I'm coming at you whether you draw your sword or not!" Totosai jumped to attack Inuyasha.
"Get back Mitsuki!" Inuyasha said
"I could take care of myself-" I started but Kagome dragged me away. Inuyasha pulled out Tetsaiga. Totosai made a direct hit on Tetsaiga's blade. Inuyasha was pushed back. The blade started to shake and ring. Inuyasha looked at the Tetsaiga confused.
"He thwarted the Tetsaiga using a hammer?!" Miroku and Sango said confused.
"Oh that sword is singing like an old saw oh..." Totosai complained, "this kid can't be the right one to use it!"
"Tell me who the hell you are!" Inuyasha yelled charging toward him. He didn't seem worried about it much though. He pulled out an old sheet of leather. He licked it and used it to stop the Tetsaiga. I stood there amazed. How did the Tetsaiga not break through? there was just no way. I wasn't the only one reacting like this.
"He stopped the sword!"Shippo said amazed
"That's a piece of leather" Sango replied
"You've been to rough with her!" Totosai lectured, "this blade is all nicked up, have you been chopping down trees? Hmm..." he started rubbing the leather against the blade.
"What do you know about it?" Inuyasha said, "who are you?" Inuyasha looked down at his shoulder. "Myoga?" I went over and looked at Myoga.
"Oh hey Myoga! long time no ditch!" I said, "it's been awhile hasn't it? When did I see you? oh that's right the day you ditched me when Jinenji was coming toward me thanks for sticking with me...oh wait you didn't!"
"I didn't ditch you...I-I just..." he struggled for an excuse, "I just noticed Kagome and Inuyasha weren't there so I decided to keep on looking, I did not mean to leave you behind"
"ya liar!" I said

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