Chapter 68

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Here ya go! :)


Mitsukiko sat on a tree branch lost in thought. The others watched her from the patch of grass they were sitting on. She hasn't said a word since Inuyasha brought her back. She just stayed on the branch and looked out at the view. She refused to eat. She wouldn't even speak to Seya and he seemed to give up and decided to give her some time. Inuyasha didn't know what was wrong with her whether it was the long separation of her body or if she was mad at him for dragging her back here that had her like this. But he didn't want to leave her at their mother's grave. Not like she put up a fight to stay there either, he was starting to think that his sister wasn't in there and it was just her walking corpse without a soul. But the way she reacted to him when she first saw him was engraved in his head giving him the answer that his sister was in there, even if she didn't act the same.

"So how'd it go?" Kagome asked

"She still won't look at me" Inuyasha mumbled

"How about you Kyo?" She asked looking at Kyo who was watching Mitsukiko.

"No" Kyo grumbled, "she won't even acknowledge that I exist"

"Well at least one good thing came out of this" Inuyasha muttered

"Inuyasha!" Kagome said elbowing him.

"Yeah, but just watch me be the one pulling her out of this state" Kyo said, "I'll get her to talk to me just watch"

"Yeah ok" Inuyasha said sarcastic.

"I'll do a better job than you!" Kyo argued, "because I'm not the one she's scared of!"

"Do you want to start something?!" Inuyasha growled ready to take out Tetsaiga. Kyo was about to stand, but the wind circled around him and he disappeared. Everyone turned to look at Mitsukiko. Kyo showed up right beside her.

"Don't start causing problems" She told him as she looked up at the sky.

"Are you going to talk to me now?" Kyo asked Mitsukiko stayed quiet. He frowned. "fine then...Inuyasha how about that fight?" Before Inuyasha could respond, the wind wrapped around Kyo and he was gone. The others looked around seeing where he went. But he was nowhere around.

"Well...he was right" Sango replied, "he got her to talk to him"

" least there'll be some peace and quiet now that they won't be arguing anymore" Miroku sighed. Kagome looked at Mitsukiko.

"Well people that she knows aren't working" Kagome said standing, "so how about a complete stranger?"

"I don't think that's a good idea..." Inuyasha said, "Kikyo and her weren't exactly on good terms...and she might not like you because of your appearance"

"Well sometimes a girl just needs a sister to talk things out with" Kagome said, "Mitsuki used to be just like this when she was younger, but a little persistence can go a long way..." Kagome pulled out a bag of chips. She walked over to the tree and began to climb. Mitsukiko jumped up to a higher branch. Kagome got on to the one she was originally on. She looked up at the branch Mitsukiko was on.

"Hi, I'm Kagome...remember me?" She asked, "we met after the fight with Ryukotsei?" Mitsukiko stayed quiet. "You must be hungry, I'm not sure if you'll like these or not, they're Mitsuki's favorite and you used to have the same tastebuds so I figure you might like them, here catch!" She threw the chips in the air. But Mitsukiko just let them fall to the ground. "Ok maybe not..."

"Please leave me alone..." Mitsukiko said as she went higher up on the branches. Kagome looked at her, then continued to climb up.

"It's not good to keep your emotions locked up" Kagome said as she reached for the branch Mitsukiko was on. "So if you don't want to speak with the boys, how about me? I'm a pretty good listener" Kagome slipped and started to fall. Mitsukiko reacted fast and caught her hand. She lifted her up onto the branch beside her. "Thanks!" Mitsukiko still didn't look at her. " know-"

Inuyasha Fanfic: Mystery of Mitsuki (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now