Chapter 50

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Episode 51 & 52

I was out in the woods walking around. I did my best to heal Miroku. He just needed rest. Sango was with him back at the hut with Shippo. Kagome and Inuyasha were at the river. My mind couldn't get off of what was happening to my body. I looked at my hands half expecting claws, but luckily they were just my nails. I hated this. I don't know what I was going to do. What if one day I woke up in a half demon body? I can't go back to my era like that! I think I'm starting to crack. This whole Mitsukiko/demon side of me is becoming unbearable. Once they find out, they'll ditch me...I know it. I'd be alone and no one would want me around. Inuyasha, Sesshy, and Kyo would be angry that I locked away Mitsukiko in my subconscious. And at home, no one would want a half demon around. They'd hate me and I'd be alone. I suddenly couldn't breathe. I fell to my knees. My breathing was becoming rapid and short. Everything was spinning. I felt this sharp pain in my chest. What if my family rejects me, because I became a half demon? Then I'm all alone...I don't want to be alone...I felt sick to my stomach. My body started to shake. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder.
"Mitsuki..." A voice said it sounded weird, so I couldn't recognize it. I could barely understand what they were saying, "what's wrong?" I can't...I don't want to be alone. I want to go home. I want to be with Mom...Mom...don't leave me...
"What's going on?" a different voice said, "she's having a panic attack!"
"What's that?" another voice said
"Mitsuki, calm down" one of them said, "hold your breath" I don't want to be alone...I don't want my family to reject me. My eyes began to water. I don't want that...I want to go home. I want my normal life back.
"I...I..." I moved my lips trying to get the words out of my mouth, but I was struggling, "d...don't be alone...don't"
"Mitsuki, you're not alone and we don't hate you" A voice said, "hold your breathe"
"I...I c-can't" I said, "I...I can't even...breathe" I tried calming my breathing, but it was still rapid and short. My sight began to darken and I fainted.

I woke up lying on the futon beside Miroku. I let out a bloodcurdling scream. I backed up against the wall.
"What the hell?!" I yelled, "you trying to give me a heart attack! what are you doing laying beside me?!" the others rushed in.
"What happened?" Sango asked
"What am I doing in here?" I complained, "laying me next to the lecher! what's wrong with all of you?!"
"I told you she wasn't going to like it" Inuyasha said
"I didn't do anything" Miroku said
"I sure hope not!" I replied
"He didn't" Shippo said coming up to me, "I watched over you, don't worry"
"Thanks Shippo" I said
"How are you feeling?" Kagome asked kneeling beside me.
"I'm fine" I said
"Come on" Kagome said extending her hand out to me, "you and I are going for a walk" I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up. We went walking through the woods.
"What now?" I said knowing I was going to get lectured, "you can't blame me for freaking out with Miroku beside me"
"You had a panic attack" she said, "mind telling me what you're feeling anxious about?"
"It was not a panic attack" I argued
"Oh really?" she said, "then what was it?"
"It was uh..." I started trying to think, she looked at me waiting, "ok so it was a panic attack, it's over, just let it go"
"No, if you open up and tell me what's wrong, I'm sure the anxiety will stop" she said stopping from walking, but I continued until she grabbed my arm to stop me and made me face her, "you used to tell me everything and lately you've been distant, you've been hiding things from me, you're constantly going off on your own...what is going on?"
"I..." I started I really wanted to tell her about the Mitsukiko thing, but I was scared. "Naraku...he's getting to me" she glared at me. "what?"
"You said I don't want to be alone and don't hate me before you fainted" She said, "that panic attack wasn't about Naraku, why are you lying to me?"
"I..." I didn't know what to say. I looked at the ground.
"You know what?" she said annoyed, "you don't want to tell me, don't" she started walking back to the hut. I didn't want her mad at me. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
"Lately...I've been feeling strange" I said, "I feel like I can go out of control any minute"
"Your powers?" she said I nodded my head even though that wasn't it.
"Well just contain yourself from using them" she replied grabbing a strand of hair from my face and putting it behind my ear. "And you know I could never hate you right?" I looked at her putting a weak smile on my face. Well Inuyasha is a half demon..and she did fall for him. But that's different...she knew from the start he was a half demon. It will be a major shock to her if I turn.
"I also think I'm the reincarnation of Mitsukiko like Kaede guessed" I said
"I kind of figured" Kagome said looking at the sky, "but you were so defensive about it, I just went along with you"
"Gee thanks" I said sarcastically she playfully bumped into me.
"So there's also something else I want to talk to you about" She said I looked at her as she looked down at the ground, "it's about Kyo..."
"What about him?" I asked
"Are you sure about him?" she said looking up at me, "you told me, He used to be in love with Mitsukiko, then he comes into your life swearing he loves you, but couldn't it be the emotions he's feeling are just because you remind him of the person he used to love, what if Mitsukiko shows up one day? Who do you think he'd pick?" her words hit me hard. I felt like the Wind Scar would have been kinder. But she was right...I never thought of it like that. He's not in love with me. He's in love with the person locked in my subconscious. I didn't realize I was crying till she pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her neck since I was her height now. "I'm sorry Mitsuki...I just don't want you getting hurt like I did, but I guess I was too late for that huh?"
"Life sucks..." I said, "when is my heart going to choose right?" First Satoshi, then Kyo...really how blind is my heart?
"Hey..." she said, "think of it this way, you're one heartbreak closer to Mr. Right"
"Well can I know how many heartbreaks more are left?" I laughed but it sounded pathetic with my tears.
"There is no denying we're sisters" Kagome said I could hear the whine in her voice meaning she was crying now, "we both fell in love with the guys that are hopeless for our ancestors" We stayed like that for a while, before returning with the others. Miroku was feeling a lot better so we went back on our journey. We suddenly heard a weird cry. we all looked around.
"What was that?" Inuyasha said
"It sounds like it came from over there" Kagome said turning around. we all looked back to see a kid screaming as he ran toward us.
"What's wrong?" Sango asked as he tripped and fell to the ground.
"It's my grandpa! he needs help" The boy yelled, "please help him!"
"Is it a demon?!" Inuyasha yelled already running, "where is the old man?"
"Uh...ok? we'll wait here...I guess" I replied as I watched Inuyasha become smaller and smaller as he got farther, "he sure was in a rush, I'll admit he has changed a bit since from when we first met him"
"You see?" Kagome said
"I still don't trust him" I replied so she wouldn't get high hopes. He came back carrying an old man.
"Grandpa!" the little boy said
"And the demon?" I asked Inuyasha, who had an extremely annoyed face.
"There was none" he replied, "he fell and twisted his ankle" That explains the face. We started walking toward the village.
"Thank you lad" The old man said smiling, "that's a great help"
"I thought a demon attacked..." Inuyasha muttered, "but no, you got me all worked up over nothing"
"Good thing they came along" The boy said
"Thank you so much lad" the man said again, "I twisted my ankle when I fell over an now you're even carrying me back to my village"
"Oh don't worry Inuyasha is happy to help" I said smiling even though I was lying.
"And it's no trouble since it's more or less on our way" Miroku added, "isn't that right Inuyasha?"
"Well I'm certainly indebted" The old man replied.
"Look the village!" Shippo said excited that it was just up ahead.
"You're right!" Kagome said smiling, "there it is" when we got there, Inuyasha set the man down. "take care you two"
"Aye" the old man said
"Thank you lady and you too Mr. Dogman" The little boy said. I tried my best, but I started laughing despite my efforts.
"Dogman?" Inuyasha muttered annoyed and that made me crack up harder.
"Mitsuki.." Kagome said I took a deep breath to stop laughing.
"As thanks I'm going to give you my treasure" The little boy said running over and handing him something, "bye thanks again!" the little boy and old man retreated into the village. We all gathered around Inuyasha curious about what was in his hand.
"What did the boy give you?" Miroku spoke up for all of us.
"Molted snake skin" Inuyasha said showing us.
"Cool! just what you always wanted" Kagome said
"Wow Inuyasha!" Shippo said excited jumping from Kagome's basket of her bike onto his arm, "can I have it if you don't want it? Please!" we started off on our way again and Shippo was happily playing with his snakeskin.
"Wow neat!" Shippo said enjoying his new gift.
"Glad you like it!" Inuyasha said sarcastic, "we don't have time to be saving people"
"Don't start with your little mood" I complained crossing my arms, "you're the one that went rushing to the rescue and we didn't tell you to go, so-" I stopped talking when I smelled something in the air. I lifted up my nose a little trying to be discrete about it.
"Besides it's not like we went out of our way or anything" Kagome added seeing as I stopped. I recognized one smell, but the other? I kept sniffing what was it.
"Whenever you do a good deed, you become ill tempered afterward" Miroku said I know it was smoke, but what else? I looked around and I saw smoke in the air.
"I smell human blood" Inuyasha replied, "smells like a lot of people" I covered my mouth wanting to throw up. Is that what I was smelling? I think I'm going to be sick...
"There's smoke coming from over there" Sango said
"Isn't that the village where we left the kid and his grandfather?" Inuyasha said
"I'll meet you guys there" I said
"Wait!" Inuyasha said but it was too late, the wind circled around me and I was gone. I showed up in the center of the village to find it burning and dead bodies everywhere. I covered my nose. The scent was stronger here. Oh eyes were watering from the putrid smell. I saw woman and children trying to get away. Bandits were all around. Some saw me.
"Come here wench" one said as they came toward me. Focus...Mitsuki! ignore the smell...seeing the bandits coming toward me. A picture of Toru Kita appeared in my mind.
"Cowards like you make me sick" I growled I felt my temperature rising.
"Cowards are we?" the men said surrounding me. But they suddenly stepped back.
"Her hands are on fire" one said shocked I looked down to see them just like he said. My eyes widened. I shook my hands trying to put them out, but then it hit me. It didn't burn. I looked at my hands. I didn't even feel it on them. I felt something coming toward me. I ducked. I turned around and punched the guy in the face leaving a burn on his cheek. One charged for me sword ready. I moved to the side catching his wrist and flipping him to the ground. It knocked the wind out of him. One grabbed me from behind, but quickly let go because I burned him. They charged at me and I easily fought them off. It was really pathetic. But it could be that my reflexes have become faster. Anyway It wasn't till one decided to run me over with a horse that they had me. So I got out of the way you know, but I fell down in a pool of blood. My nose couldn't handle it. I felt nauseous. I got on my knees as my head started to hurt.
"Get up wench!" one said grabbing me by my hair and pulling me up. My mind flashed to that night. What I had endured, so that bastard didn't win and now this? I tried to focus the air around me, but I couldn't. My head was spinning and my stomach was turned. I was terrible. I couldn't walk. So they started dragging me by the hair. It sure the hell wasn't helping the migraine.
"You're going to pay for what you did to me" one man said, "you're going to be mine"
"She's going to be in for it tonight" Another said, "I'm sure a lot of us would like to have a piece of her"
"Enough!" a voice said I focused my sight as I saw this white horse stop in front of me. A man well dressed, unlike the rest of the bandits, was sitting on top of it. He had flowing black hair and pale skin. He had black eyes and red lips. "this one, no one touches, she's mine...I like my girls with a fire in them" he wants fire...I'll give him fire. As soon as I get my strength...I'll shove it down is throat and make him eat it. I shook my head to erase the negative thoughts from my mind.
"Y-yes chief" both men said I suddenly heard some bandits cry out.
"Where's your leader?" I heard a familiar voice say. Inuyasha...that's definitely him...he's here..never have I been so happy to hear his annoying voice before. I could hear the fight going on, but I couldn't see it. I squinted my eyes to try and see. I saw the hatchet the black haired man was wielding break from the force of the Tetsaiga. The man threw one of the woman at Inuyasha. Inuyasha caught her, then the man blew this yellowish powder and slashed Inuyasha in the chest with the hatchet. No...Inuyasha...The demon or the chief of the bandits spit out this web like stuff. Miroku rushed over and they were both cocooned in the white poisonous webs.
"No..." I said trying to crawl toward them, but the bandit pulled me back by the hair.
"He's a demon..." one of the bandits said
"What? do you fear me now?" the demon asked
"No of course not chief" One bandit said
"Who wouldn't want a strong demon as their chief?" Another replied.
"Serves those fools right!" another said and then he started crying in pain.
"It's a poison cocoon" the demon said, "one touch and you'll melt away, the two inside would have totally disintegrated by now..." What? no! they can't...I felt my body heat starting to rise. The wind started to pick up. "hm...wait they haven't disintegrated! Oh so they've created a barrier inside" oh they're ok...I need to get the smell off me or I'll never get better. If I can focus the fire...then I can burn my jacket without burning my shirt. I focused on my sleeve and watched as a small fire consumed my jacket sleeve. It was so small, it was barely noticeable. I could hear the demon talking, but I didn't really pay much attention. I was focusing on the fire. But then I heard the demon cry out.
"Little man! what is wrong with your sword?" the demon asked, "why does it reject me?"
"I'll tell you about my Tetsaiga" I heard Inuyasha reply, "it's choosy about it's user and it would never let a low class demon like you wield it" The fire was now at the shoulder.
"Then how come a low class bandit was able to hold it?" the demon said
"Oh come on Chief" a bandit said it was quiet for a moment.
"Oh I see your a half demon" the demon said laughing, "a half demon like you had the gull to pick a fight with me, the demon Gatenmaru!" oh here comes the half demon crap! honestly what demons can't come up with anything new? that's all they got? honestly though! My jacket was almost there.
"Chief what should we do with the sword?" A bandit said
"Do as you please" the demon said, "I am not interested in a sword I can't use"
"Oh thank you" the bandit said, "I am most grateful"
"It's only a matter of time, before the barrier gives out and the cocoon melts them away" The demon said, "so I'll just sit here and enjoy the view! bring the woman over to me!"
"Here Chief!" I felt the bandit drag me along, "the one you wanted!"
"Get your hands off me!" I yelled trying to pull away. He tossed me right in front of the demon. I sat up doing my best to glare through my blurry eyes.
"No! Mitsuki! Ah!" I heard Inuyasha cry out in pain. I felt my vision slowly starting to return. I was far away from any bodies and pools of blood. They just did me a favor.
"We found some Sake over here Chief!" One bandit said, "wench, come over and pour the Chief something to drink!"
"Shut up you kiss up!" I yelled, "I'm nobody's slave!"
"What'd you say?" he grabbed me by the hair.
"Let her go!" Inuyasha growled from inside the cocoon. My strength was slowly coming back. He shoved me right into the demon. The demon caught me by the shoulders. He smiled.
"The half demon really seems to care about you..." he smiled, "tell me are you afraid my little spit fire?" Ew...
"Not really..." I sighed acting bored. I couldn't show my fear, if I did Inuyasha would go crazy and Miroku is barely keeping up the barrier as is, "I've faced stronger, you just caught me on a bad day" He didn't seem so happy about my answer. I tried my best for it to have that affect. All I could think of was buying time till I could figure out how to break out the guys from the cocoon. I couldn't let them melt away in there. But for now, just had a buy time to get my strength back. "I mean I'm not calling you weak...but you're not really strong" I let out a sigh. "ok I'm sorry, but you really are weak, Inuyasha would have you dead in no time, it's just like I said really bad day, and I mean really really bad" he opened his mouth and his tongue shot out but I caught it with my hand. I smiled. "would you look at that? I've got my strength back! Let's see how long your tongue stretches" I pulled on it till it ripped off. My eyes widened and blood splattered everywhere. I sat there eyes wide taking in what I just did. I didn't even realize what I was doing till I did it. I dropped the tongue out of my hand completely grossed out. My hand was stinging from his poisoned saliva. I felt strange with the adrenaline pulsing in my veins. The demon glared at me as he stood. "what's the matter? human got your tongue?" I stood up. I heard a struggle going on behind me. I turned to see the old man getting beaten on. "no! Leave him alone" I ran over. I suddenly felt something coming after me. I turned and saw the demon with his broken hatchet. I quickly moved out of the way and the hatchet pierced the ground. I completely forgot about him. I mean he's so quiet now and man did he like to hear the sound of his own voice. I quickly stood up. Roots lifted from the ground, but he spit out some of his poison and my roots shrunk. I ran and beat one of the bandits stealing his spear. I used it to block the hatchet, but it broke right through. The bandits ran away.
"Take the sword" the old man said handing it to me. I grabbed the Tetsaiga. He swung the hatchet at me and I used the Tetsaiga to block.
Want me to take over?
You're out!
I've been actually...for a while now, well somewhat only during fights
No! I can handle it!
Fine! let me do something I've been practicing...
I didn't really care what she was talking about, I was just focusing on the fight, but suddenly the Tetsaiga transformed into it's amazing fang form and I went face first into the ground. Shoot! what just happened? I stood up not letting go of the Tetsaiga, but not being able to raise it.
What the hell did you do?!
I transferred a little demonic energy into it and it changed, see I figured full demons can't wield the Tetsaiga and humans can hold it, but can't awaken it's full potential, because it's a sword for half demons which there aren't many around, and well the Tetsaiga can be used by you with me in here, since you technically are half demon since I'm feeding it my demonic aura
Well thanks! now I can't even lift it up! it's too freaking heavy!
It wouldn't be heavy for me...
No!...wait a minute, does this mean you've been messing with my senses using your demonic energy?
No, I don't think so...maybe
The demon smirked. I glared at him.
"Hold on! only a coward would kill me right now..." I said putting up a finger, "if you really are the strong demon you say you are, you'll hang on a minute to let me get this thing up" he waited and everyone stared at me watching me struggle. "damn it! Who the hell makes a sword this heavy?! Totosai!" I'm gonna kill that sword maker the next time I see him! I felt it lift up. I slowly felt it get higher. " this!" the demon swung putting pressure on the Tetsaiga and I fell backward because of the weight. "damn it! Time out again!" The demon looked really annoyed. "are you strong? Cause a strong demon would wait just to show he could kill me on my own terms" he crossed his arms waiting. I stood back up. I focused on lifting the Tetsaiga. I am so done. How the hell does Inuyasha handle this thing? Then I thought I control the air. I focused the air around the Tetsaiga. I used one hand and lifted it.
"That's better" I replied the demon started to attack again. I blocked his moves. This was so much fun! I want a sword! I knocked the hatchet out of his grasp. I knocked his feet from underneath him. I pointed the tip of the Tetsaiga at his neck.
"Mitsuki!" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see Sango and Kagome coming down with Shippo and the little boy from before.
"Hey guys, what took you?" I said
"The Tetsaiga..." Kagome and Sango said looking down at the sword together.
"Mitsuki look out!" Sango said next thing I knew I went flying into a hut.
"Ow..." I complained
"capture those delectable women right there, while I deal with this nuisance" he said damn...his tongue grew back pretty fast.
"And here I thought I was your little spit fire" I said standing up, "but new women come along and I get tossed away and called a nuisance"
"Oh don't worry I'm going to enjoy eating you" he said I grabbed the Tetsaiga. I looked at the cocoon. I had to get it to Inuyasha. But first...this demon. The Wind the hell do you use the wind scar? I pictured Inuyasha the last time he did it. I lifted the Tetsaiga and got in the stance.
"Wind Scar!" I yelled swinging the Tetsaiga. I looked at the demon in front of me, "you sir are supposed to be blown to bits! how the hell do you do this?!" I swung it multiple times. Damn it! this was frustrating! Was I missing the scar? where the hell is the scar? I don't see it! The demon suddenly disappeared from in front of me. Well might as well get this to Inuyasha, he's definitely the owner of this sword. I was about to run over, but I was grabbed from behind.
"Now time to eat" I heard the demon say close to my ear. I felt his tongue on my neck and I started growing weak. I felt my grip loosen on the Tetsaiga as I dropped it. I suddenly heard a loud growl. I felt the demon let me go. I fell to my knees. I was exhausted. I barely had any energy to breathe. I laid there. I had to get the Tetsaiga to Inuyasha. I stood up. I was a little wobbly, but I managed. I grabbed the Tetsaiga that was beside me. I saw Inuyasha. He was in that demon form. His blood red eyes shining bright with every kill. I watched as he jumped from bandit to bandit slaughtering them. He finally stood still in the center. He glared at the demon.
"You amuse me, but the show is over!" The demon said as he transformed into this giant moth creature. "You are no more than a half demon! you cannot defeat me the demon Gatenmaru!" Inuyasha smirked.
"Inuyasha wait!" I said trying my best to rush over, "use the Tetsaiga!"
"Die little man!" The demon said making a whirlwind of his poison straight at Inuyasha. Inuyasha jumped out and clawed one of the demons wings. The demon came crashing down. The demon shot the poisonous white weblike material at Inuyasha. Smoke went all around, and when it cleared Inuyasha was no where in sight.
"Haha! I melted him" the demon said, "he was merely a half demon!"
"You talking to me!" Inuyasha said from up above. "Filthy vermin!" Inuyasha clawed the demon to pieces. The surviving bandits started to run. I went over to Kagome.
"Here go give it to Inuyasha" I said handing her the Tetsaiga. I didn't want Kagome near him when he was like this, but if I got close to him like this, my demon side might join him. He already started chasing down the surviving ones. I watched as he took pleasure in every kill. Inuyasha...what are you doing? I have to stop him. I just have to stay far away from him. I watched the others trying to get him to come back. He didn't even listen to Kagome. I focused the wind around me and I appeared a couple of feet in front of him.
"Inuyasha!" I yelled he turned to look at me, "stop it right now!" He smirked.
"Would you like to join me sister?" He asked
"No, not really" I replied, "and I really mean no"
"Then I'll make you join me" He growled as he demon jumped toward me. I made a air barrier around me. I suddenly felt someone pull me from behind. Next thing I know, I am standing behind Sesshy.
"How'd you go through my wind barrier?" I asked
"I didn't know you had one" Sesshy replied as he pulled out the Tokijin. Well...thats depressing. Was it really that weak? why did he have to be so brutally honest?
"Wait, Inuyasha's not being himself!" I told Sesshy, "but that doesn't mean it's a chance for you to kill him!"
"Don't worry..." Sesshy said, "let me take care of this"
"What do you mean by take care of?" I said crossing my arms.
"Trust me..." Sesshy said as he pointed Tokijin at Inuyasha and sent him flying back.
"He's just a murderous demon..." Sesshy said under his breath, didn't help since I still heard him. I looked around and saw all the bodies on the floor. "Come after me Inuyasha! I want to test your strength transformed as such" Inuyasha started running towards us. He jumped and Sesshy pointed Tokijin. This time little rays of pink were coming from the Tokijin.
"Inuyasha!" Kagome said
"No don't do it!" Miroku said, "Sesshomaru's new sword can slay the enemy with the slightest bit of pressure, you'll be destroyed before you even get close to him" But Inuyasha wasn't giving up. I grabbed onto the white fur that was hanging off of Sesshy. I really wanted to trust him...but he hated Inuyasha so much. Inuyasha punched the sword. He jumped away. I watched as cuts showed up on his arm.
"That was foolish" Sesshy said Inuyasha came running back. Sesshy grabbed me and demon jumped out of the way. Sesshy pointed the Tokijin and did another attack. "Stay there!" Sesshy jumped away from me and Inuyasha followed after him. Sesshy would dodge every one of Inuyasha's attacks. "you are not a full demon, you're a half breed, know your place in the world, a half demon should act like one! On your knees!" Sesshy did one last move, but it was so bright, I could barely see. I heard Inuyasha cry out as he flew back.
"Inuyasha!" I heard Kagome cry out. Inuyasha lay a few inches from me on the floor. He was unconscious. Sesshy started coming toward him.
"Thanks Sesshy" I replied I saw Kagome running over with the Tetsaiga. She got on her knees and leaned over Inuyasha.
"Please stop!" She yelled turning to look at Sesshy.
"Kagome..." I said
"He's finally been brought down" Sesshy said
"Don't come any closer!" Kagome yelled at him.
"Geez Kagome!" I said annoyed, "he was just protecting me! besides if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be able to be this close to Inuyasha"
"If you wish him to stop, use the Tetsaiga to reverse his transformation" Sesshy said, "otherwise he'll continue to fight when he awakens"
"Thanks again Sesshy" I said, "and I'm sorry for my rude sister" Sango and Miroku ran and stood in front blocking us from him.
"You could have finished him off if you wanted to" Miroku said, "instead you merely held him off with your sword, why did you stop at that? we all know you despise Inuyasha! I can't imagine you developed feelings for your brother" What the hell Miroku? what do you care? do you want him to kill Inuyasha?
"I will slay him eventually" Sesshy said, "why do it now when he doesn't know himself? There would be no point" he started walking away. He said exactly what I suspected, but didn't want to hear. Damn it! I blame Miroku.
'Make sure he doesn't let this happen again, if you do his human soul will be taken over by his demon and all he'll do is kill' I heard Sesshy say sending me a message. I felt Inuyasha stir.
"You awake?" I said his gold eyes looked at me. "good!" We wanted to get him to rest, but he refused. He wanted to see the village. So Kagome and I helped him return. He saw all the bodies of the bandits.
"Did I do all this?" Inuyasha asked
"Uh...well..." I said not sure what to say.
" claws absolutely reek of the bandits blood" Inuyasha said looking down. I could see the disgust and disappointment in his eyes.
"Well they had it coming" I said crossing my arms, "they were ruthless and mean"
"Besides you did it to save the innocent" Kagome said I saw the little boy from before trying to come toward us. But then two women stopped him.
"No he's a demon!" One said
"If you get to close, he'll rip you to pieces" the other said as they glared at Inuyasha. I just about had it today.
"I'll show whose going to rip who to pieces" I said angry but Inuyasha stopped me as I struggled from his grip. "they don't deserve your protection!"
"I don't care if he is a demon!" The little boy shouted, "he did everything in his power to save my grandpa! he helped get rid of all the bad men!" Inuyasha looked down at the ground. We left the village soon after. We went down to the river. I sort of avoided the others. I knew they would soon come looking for me wondering how I managed to transform the Tetsaiga. But I haven't thought of excuses yet. Luckily they had Inuyasha's demon side on their mind...Inuyasha must really be tearing himself up about this though...I've never seen him like that before. Every time he transforms...its like he loses himself. But I won't let that happen. Not again.

So a lot happened in this chapter! what'd you guys think of Mitsuki's failed attempt to wield the Tetsaiga? love to hear your thoughts!

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