Chapter 37

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Sorry it's so late! DX


I was walking around a lake. Mitsukiko lead me here, but I didn't see anyone around. I saw the water fall. Suddenly a spear flew right over my already injured shoulder. My eyes widened. They are so lucky they missed or I'd kill them. I looked up as four wolf demons jumped down.
"You made a big mistake coming up here sweetheart" one said licking his lips, "you're on wolf territory" he didn't seem to notice his buddies struggling against my roots behind him. Boy did I miss my roots. I grabbed the spear that was piercing the ground behind me. I felt him coming at me. I moved to the side just to watch him fall to the ground beside me. Idiot...these wolf demons weren't so smart were they?
"Yeah ok honeybun" I said pointing the spear at him pushing it against his throat, "I'd like to have a word with Koga" he shook his head.
I told you no matter how stupid they are, they're big on loyalty
"Ok fine" I dropped the spear and put my hands together, "I am your prisoner, but you try to take a bite out of me and you'll be cocooned like your buddies got that?" he nodded and tied my hands together.
I swear what a moron...
It's been a while since Mitsukiko and I said the same thing. I followed him as he lead me to the wolf's den, which was a cave. We got there to find it completely empty. I was so pissed. I found a spear lying on the floor and cut the rope off.
"Where is everyone?" he said baffled
"Is this a joke?!" I yelled grabbing the guy by the ear, "come on you're leading me to my sister!" I started dragging him out. He kept whining. It was pretty frustrating. I focused on my link to Kagome. I went up this rocky cliff.
"I don't care next time I see him I'll put a spear through his heart and feed it to my wolves" I heard Koga say as I made it to the top. I saw all the wolf demons gathered around. Koga was holding this giant pig over his shoulder. And Kagome was by the cliff. "Then he won't be much competition anymore, just a pile of old bones"
"Hey! I have no idea what the hell is going on" I yelled, " but Koga! get the hell away from my sister!" I released the wolf demon. The whole pack turned to look at me. Shoot...there is no way I could kill Koga and get away with Kagome.
"Mitsuki!" Kagome said, "where's Inuyasha?" She's always asking for Inuyasha.
"I'm sorry but I won't fight my girl's sister" he said I stared at him completely lost.
"Excuse me?" I said, "Kagome? what the hell you thinking dating your kidnapper?!"
"I never agreed to this!" she yelled at me, "he's making it up!"
"Mitsukiko?" a voice said I turned in the direction to see an old man. I looked at him confused. "that is it not? where are your dog ears? and how is your hair not white?"
"Um..." I said, "I can change my appearance to look how ever I give me back my uh...human?"
What are you doing?
Trying to impersonate you, so shut up
Well you're failing terribly! you have to be more demanding and a lot more...just let me do it
Ha! you're funny! Kagome is right there! Not to mention you can't! remember?
"That's a lie, you're her sister" Koga said
"I pretend to be her sister because..." I said freak think of something, "I'm weird like that? just give her back!" Koga started walking toward me. He stood inches from me.
"What game are you trying to pull?" he said looking in my eyes.
"I help your tribe out by getting rid of some stinking birds and this is how you repay me!" I yelled in his face. My mouth was moving without my permission...only one possible thing was happening: Mitsukiko!, "stealing my human, excuse me but wolves have loyalty down pat, what about your word?"
"You'll have her back..." he said looking me in the eyes, "after I get the shard from Birds of Paradise" we glared at each other.
"Is it me or do you see sparks?" I heard a wolf demon said
"It's not you" another said
"Fine" I said this time it was really me, "but to be clear, I do not like you"
"Funny...seeing as I saved your life once" he said smirking and walking off with the hog over his shoulder. I watched as the rest of the pack followed him. I was fuming.
I saw that bird I swear! I would have had it even if he didn't kill it! now I remember the bastard! he saves you once and taunts you about it the rest of your life...God!
Damn it! Why out of all the ones he had to be the one to save you?! thanks for telling me this!
I didn't remember
Didn't remember...damn it Mitsukiko!
Kagome came running up to me. She hugged me.
"Nice job" she said, "but how'd you know Mitsukiko fought along with the wolves before?" I looked at crap!
"I...uh" I said, "I took a guess"
"Nice..." Kagome said she didn't sound like she believed me, but it's not like she was going to automatically assume Mitsukiko was in my head so I brushed it off.
"Come on, the faster we get the bird demons jewel..." I sighed, "the faster we get out of this place" we walked back to the wolf den. Inuyasha would catch up eventually and we'd get all four jewel shards if we stayed. At least I knew we were safe especially since they thought I was Mitsukiko. We've actually been here for a while now. Some of the wolves weren't half bad, stupid, but not half bad. Well until I watched as the pigs ate the hog. It was disgusting made me absolutely lose my appetite. Kagome was the same. Kagome had a wolf escort her to get some water while I sat in the hay at the end of the cave throwing bones at the idiots and telling them to chew with their mouths closed.
Now you're getting it, I don't see him anywhere...
Who? oh are you talking about the little kid you told me about? What was his name?
I looked at the idiot stuffing his mouth a little away from me. I threw a bone.
"Ow" he complained
"What'd I say about that mouth?" I said, "and chew slowly, it's not going anywhere, now tell me where's Kaji?"
"Kaji is gone" Koga said sitting beside me, "the Birds got him earlier today when they were switching guard..." I suddenly blacked out. When it came back, I found me sitting on top of Koga with a spear at his throat with my eyes watery.
I got no response. I glared at Koga who refused to look at me. I looked around to see all the wolf demons with their weapons pointed at me.
Shit...Mitsukiko! What the hell!
"Back off!" Koga yelled and the demons did as they were told. "I'm sorry, I was meant to protect him and I failed you, but I promise they will pay for what they did" he looked me in the eyes. "I'm really sorry" I felt tears spill out of my eyes and one landed on his cheek and they wouldn't stop. Damn it...why couldn't they...I wiped my tears, but they would keep coming. I dropped the spear and covered my face. Damn it! why am I crying? Freak this is why you don't keep two minds in one body? Freak...Mitsukiko, I'm sorry...I just let the tears slip out now. No point in trying to stop the inevitable. I felt Koga sit up and hug me. Poor Mitsukiko...this sucks. Then I realized what was happening and I pushed away and slapped him.
"I do not like you" I said getting up and walking away. Where the hell was Kagome? I needed someone to hug me and comfort me...well someone I liked at least. I saw Kagome entering with her wolf escort. I ran up to her and hugged her. The tears kept slipping out.
"Mitsuki...ko, what happened?" she asked she hugged me.
"I can't stop crying" I complained my voice was muffled from her shirt, "and I don't know why...they just don't stop coming out"
"Oh not this again" she said
"What do you mean?" my voice whined
"Remember when we found Inuyasha bound to the tree..." she said, "and you were crying, but you had no idea why" oh my Gosh...she's right! So that means Mitsukiko has been stuck in my head since I got to the feudal era.
"Ok time to go" Koga said sitting up, "gather your armor and weapons"

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