Chapter 55

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🙏 hope you like it! Please cross your fingers before reading. I promise I tried my best, but I apologize if you expected better.


I felt a sharp pain in my arm as her claws cut into it deep. I fell to the floor. I tried focusing the air around me, but it didn't work. A smirk appeared on Mitsukiko's face.
"What's the matter?" she asked as she held her hand out toward me and I felt the air retreat from me. I struggled to breathe. I put a hand on my throat. "you might have my abilities, but I have more could never use them against me" she swung her hand and I went flying into a building. Pain spread throughout my back. I stood up as she slowly walked toward me.
"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled taking deep breaths, "what is wrong with you?!"
"Nothing..." she smiled, "I actually think I've changed for the better, my brothers never really appreciated me, never listened and I did absolutely everything for them, I just see no point in caring for anyone anymore, what's the point? I should only worry about looking after myself, why should I waste my time protecting the very same creatures that destroyed my happiness and ruined my childhood? Sesshomaru is right, humans are weak and pathetic, they are nothing but a waste of air and they dared treat me like crap! Inuyasha is in the right to go after the jewel to become full demon, but he's not going to be the one to become full demon, I am, I deserve the power the jewel possesses, I deserve to have my wish granted"
"That isn't you!" I yelled, "the demonic aura of the shard is manipulating you! wake up Mitsukiko! you're stronger than this"
"You see the thing is..." She said, "I'm not, because I feel like I finally understand everything, I'm always the one suffering for my brothers stupid mistakes, I'm done being their shield, it's about time I do what I want...why should I care whether it's right or wrong" a little girl ran past her and she grabbed her by the hair. The little girl started to cry and struggled to free herself.
"Let her go!" I yelled
"I know it's wrong to kill this little girl" She said smiling as she put her claws on the little girl, "but what they did to Inuyasha and I was also wrong and that didn't seem to stop them"
"This little girl had nothing to do with that" I said, "you can't blame innocent people for others mistakes!"
"Sad thing is I don't really care" she said she was about to strike the little girl. I pulled out So'unga.
"I mean it Mitsukiko!" I yelled, "let her go...let me help you" She released the girl smiling.
"About time you pull it out" She smiled extending her hand, "now hand it over"
"Don't do it!" Seya said popping out, "So'unga in her hands when she's like this will only lead to destruction!"
"It's my sword!" she growled, "you will hand it to me!"
"No!" I said annoyed, "what the hell is wrong with you?! Snap out of it!" She swung her hand and I smacked into the wall. I tried to move, but she had me pinned. The more I struggled, the tighter the air around me became. I winced as I felt a sharp feeling cut through my skin around my wrist. My blood started to drip from the open wound. I tried focusing the air around me.
"Fine, I'll take it and slay you with it" Mitsukiko said walking up to me. She smiled at me as she pulled So'unga from my waist.
"Hello there beautiful" she said admiring her sword, "I'll take you out with the dragon twister"
" can protect me right?" I whispered
"Against the blade yes" he said as he hid behind my shoulder, "against the dragon! No one can stop that! and no one can survive it, we're dead!"
"Thanks for that positive outlook Seya" I said sarcastically turning to look at him, "if you have anything else, you want to say before I die, it'd be nice to hear a good thing!"
" let me think" Seya said jumbling through his mind.
"You ready?" Mitsukiko smiled as she aimed So'unga at me.
"Hold on a minute would you?!" I complained, "Seya hurry up already! is it really that hard to compliment me?"
"Well if it's the last thing you're going to hear, it should be thoughtful!" Seya said
"My family isn't known for its patience" Mitsukiko growled
"Oh don't we know" I said rolling my eyes. I was just so tired of everything. I wanted to figure out a way to bring Mitsukiko back to how she was, but I had no clue and I didn't want to waste the few seconds of my life stressing out about it, "but seeing as you'd always force your way into controlling my body, it'd be nice if you just gave me a minute, you owe me that much" she frowned, but waited. I wondered if I could possibly keep her waiting long enough to call the others to come like Sessy and Inuyasha. They could talk some sense into her. I was pretty good at manipulating my enemies. Maybe I could do the same with Mitsukiko.
"Ok I got it!" Seya said, "Lady Mitsuki, you are a very special girl and extremely strong willed to be able to contain the So'unga-"
"Nope" I said, "not good, try again Seya"
"Um...ok" Seya said thinking again. I heard an annoyed growl come from Mitsukiko.
Inuyasha you there? Sesshy? can you hear me? I need you! the both of you...please!
"Sh!" I told her, "go ahead Seya..."
"You are very courageous per-" Seya started
"No Seya!" I complained, "I don't want the last thing I remember to be about this era"
"But I only know the you of this era!" he complained, "what do you want me to say?!"
Guys! I really need you! it's about Mitsukiko!
"I don't know!" I complained, "but not about fighting or anything to do with it!"
"You are a very sweet girl, protective, admirable, and beautiful" Mitsukiko said I looked at her, "we butt heads a lot, we're really alike, but always seem to end up on different sides"
"See like that Seya!" I said, "except for the alike thing she had it dead on, but I would never destroy a village"
"Ok so you heard what you wanted to hear" Mitsukiko said preparing her sword again.
Are you seriously ignoring me?! It has to do with your sister! come on!
"No, that doesn't count" I whined, "I don't want the last words to come from my killer, I want Seya to say it!"
"So should I repeat what she just said?" Seya asked
"No, I want it in your own wor-" I started but was rudely interrupted.
"Ok I've waited long enough!" Mitsukiko growled
"Damn it! I guess rudely interrupting someone while their speaking is also in the family genes huh?" I said annoyed.
"I'm done Mitsuki" she said glaring at me, "I've given you enough time"
"Uh no, if time is what we're talking about" I said, "you spent a lot of time taking control of my body, not even a quarter of that time was spent here!"
"I've given you enough time" she said getting ready to swing.
"You better leave Seya..." I said seeing as I wasn't able to control her anymore.
"I would have a long time ago" Seya cried, "but I'm as stuck here as you are"
"Oh thanks buddy.." I said sarcastic, "I should have known, I forgot how similar you and Myoga were"
"Remember she might be experienced with her spiritual powers" Seya said, "but you're full human, you're spiritual powers are far superior to hers" that wasn't true. I can't break free. If I could have I would have by now.
"dragon twister!" Mitsukiko yelled I watched as a bright flash of light came toward us.
"Lady Mitsuki please!" Seya cried
"I can't!" I yelled annoyed. I know I hated it when people told me I was weaker than her, but that didn't mean they weren't telling the truth. I closed my eyes. Seya seems to think I could do it, but then again that's all he can do seeing as he can't run away.
"Ha! I thought I was going to die of a heart attack" Seya said. When I opened my eyes, I noticed the building behind me and most of the forest past that was destroyed. But we weren't touched. "you did it! you made a barrier" Mitsukiko looked at me with a smirk plastered on her face.
"I guess I should give you some credit" she said, "but this doesn't mean you aren't going to die" She swung So'unga at me. I grabbed Seya's sheathe from my waist and used it to block. Mitsukiko released one hand from So'unga and clawed at me. I winced when she got the lower part of my arm. I kicked my foot forward and shoved the sheathe forward putting pressure on her and hooked my leg around hers then pulled it back knocking her to the floor. I went over her and put the sheathe to her neck.
"You might have the demonic powers and experience" I said, "but you've never trained with a demon slayer and they aren't so pathetic and weak as you say humans are"
"Getting a little cocky are we?" she growled
"I guess you're rubbing off on me" I said, "now stop this! You and I both know this isn't you!" she suddenly vanished from underneath me. I quickly stood up and looked around. That's the thing with the air, it could put you anywhere...I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked to see So'unga sticking out from a side of me.
"When are you going to realize I don't need your help?" she said beside my ear, "I am fine how I am"
"You don't really believe that" I struggled to say, "you and I both know this is the demonic aura talking"
"Oh really?" she said I cried out in pain as she twisted the blade before pulling it out. I held my hand over my wound. I fell onto my knees. She walked around till she stood in front of me. She crouched in front of me and grabbed my hair. She pulled it and made me face her. "you won't win, you want to know why?" I glared at her. How do I bring her back?! I need to think.
"Why?" I asked
"Because you hesitate" she replied frowning, "when you attack you don't aim to kill, you think you could save me" she reached and grabbed me by my throat lifting me up. I put my hands on her wrist trying to get her to let go. I struggled to breathe. "but I don't need salvation, and I don't have to take a second thought on whether to kill you or not" I felt her claws digging into my skin.
"T-that's...not true" I choked out. she tossed me to the ground and my head began to throb.
"What could you possibly mean it's not true?" she smirked, "if anyone needs to wake up sweetie it's you"
"If you could kill me you would have done it by now" I said my throat felt raspy and terrible, "when you had me from behind, you could have easily struck me in the back into my chest where my heart was, but you didn' got me on the side, painful yes, but I can survive especially with my healing..." Well healing hasn't been exactly at it's top...
"How do you know I don't want to play with you first?" she said
"You wouldn't have used the dragon twister earlier if you wanted to torture first" I said struggling to stand, "besides deep down, I think you knew I could withstand the dragon twister, just like I know deep down, you're in there fighting...struggling to fight whatever is happening to you" Mitsukiko growled and jumped to attack me. I quickly dodged. She turned and tried to cut me with So'unga. I did my best to dodge her attacks, but I couldn't move so fast. I decided to go on the offense and tried to punch her. She easily caught it. I screamed in pain as she crushed it and I felt like every bone in my hand seemed to shatter. I tried pulling it away, but her grip was tight.
"Please Lady Mitsuki" Seya said, "we must retreat" Seya was already carrying his sheathe away.
"I'll give you a five second head start" Mitsukiko said releasing my hand. I stood there looking at her. "you going to take it or what?" I can't leave her like this...but she's right...I'm at a major disadvantage. I can't hurt her, but she has no problem hurting me. Then it hit me. The sacred tree...she has a bond with the tree! Maybe it could somehow purify her if she's around it. I started running. I used my good hand and grabbed the sheathe from Seya seeing as he was struggling. "smart girl" I heard Mitsukiko say behind us. I ignored the pain from my wound and continued. Mitsukiko soon caught up to us. I'd run in a different direction, but making sure I was still headed to the same destination. She swung So'unga and I blocked with the sheathe before quickly running in another direction, before turning and continuing to the tree. I felt relief start to overcome me, when I saw the sacred tree. Mitsukiko suddenly jumped between me and the tree.
"I'm done playing cat and mouse" she said
"Well good..." I said out of breath, "cause I am done running" I focused the air around me and it started to pick up. She started laughing.
"You can't honestly think you could beat me with the abilities I gave you" she said. I let a small powerful tornado form in front of me and sent it flying toward her. She held her arms out and it easily stopped. She smirked and I smiled. Now while she was distracted, I rose my hands up and roots lifted from the ground and smacked her sending her flying into the sacred tree. The roots wrapped around her strapping her to the tree. I picked up the So'unga that was lying on the floor and put it back in it's sheathe. She screamed and struggled to break free.
"Release me!" she yelled her body started to glow from this purplish/pink aura. She started to scream in pain. I covered my ears to keep myself from hearing them, but it wasn't working. I struggled to keep her bound. I hated hearing her like this, but I couldn't. I had to wait till she returned to normal. But then something unexpected happened, the aura became amazingly bright. I closed my eyes when I couldn't bear it. When I felt it safe, I opened my eyes praying I didn't go blind. I looked to find that Mitsukiko's body was no where in sight. My eyes widened and I felt tears spill from my eyes. I made her explode. A white ball of light that looked like mist floated in it's place. I saw a small pink light, which was the jewel shard. I put my hands to my face.
"I'm so sorry!" I cried, "I didn't mean to make you explode, I just thought it'd take the demonic aura away from you, I never meant for this to happen!" The ball floated toward me. It flew around me then dropped the purified jewel in my hand before entering my body.
Oh stop your whining! that wasn't my body, it was a corpse made from Naraku, somehow he found out about us so he made a false body and used Kana to separate me from you, the demonic aura in the shard was easy enough to fight off, but when I entered that body, it was twenty times stronger and I couldn't break free...ugh! just thinking about where that body came from I think I'm going to be sick...
So this was all a trap? Wait a minute don't you dare! I already cry for you I do not need to throw up for you
Ugh...anyway yeah my body is still out there...I got to admit this was pretty smart though...using the tree like this
The things you said about always paying for your brothers that true?
No...I mean I'm the nosy one that always gets in their business, so I could only blame myself...I'm sorry, I can't believe I hurt you...I am so sorry...and thank you for not giving up on me...
Don't worry about feels nice to have you back in my head...
Why? you miss me?
Well where would I be without my Jiminey Cricket?
I suddenly felt dizzy and fell to my knees.
you lost too much blood, I'll go find help...
I lost consciousness before I could even respond. I was just glad it was all over.


So what'd you guys think? was it worth your anticipation? Was it at least ok? I really tried guys! (>.<) I'm sorry if it was a waste of your time! I'm no good with battle scenes! anyway good or bad, please tell me what you think! love to hear your thoughts!

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