Chapter 12

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We were back once again from the feudal era. Inuyasha didn't really care this time. He's been kind of out of it lately, I'm guessing because he saw Mitsukiko. Anyway, we could hear Grandpa telling another ridiculous story of our illness.

"Oh grandpa..." Kagome said ready to start yelling at him. I didn't mind Grandpa could say as many stories as he wanted. I completely hated school.

"Your doing great gramps" I said as I walked toward the house.

"Mitsuki! don't encourage him!" Kagome said annoyed. Even though we already had our excuses for today, Kagome dragged me to school anyway. It was ok since I actually really missed my friends. We were walking toward the park where I first met Sena and Satoshi. I got on the swings. My friends were concerned about my sicknesses. I told them I was feeling fine. I sat on the swings.

"Your going to fail all your classes" Ai said, "if you keep missing out"

"I'll be fine" I said I saw Kagome on the other side of the park. I waved at her. feel that?

Feel what? I don't feel anything

Close your eyes and concentrate

I did as she told me. then I sensed it. I felt this heavy presence. It was coming from the center of the park. I opened my eyes to see a little girl emanating that same energy. I watched her throw a flaming firework into all the others. The fireworks lit up the parents quickly grabbed their children and carried them away from there.

What is she? Is she a demon?

No...more like a vengeful spirit

Kagome chased after it. I got off the swings.

"Hang on, I'll be right back" I said to my friends and then chased after Kagome.

Careful vengeful spirits are just as dangerous as demons maybe even worse..

I caught up to Kagome. The girl turned and looked at us.

"What'd you scare all those kids for?" Kagome said, "that wasn't very nice!"

"Kagome..." I said with a warning tone

"Wait a second, you mean you can see me?" The little girl said the little girl had her dark brown hair in pigtails. She wore a pink jacket over a green shirt and dark blue skirt. She didn't have any shoes just white socks. It was hard to believe she was a ghost when she seemed like any other kid. Kagome seemed confused.

"Kagome, she isn't..." I looked at the girl. For some reason, I didn't want to say it in front of her. I mean it was mean and rude.

Oh just tell her, the girl already knows she's dead anyway

You have no consideration for others' feelings

I have plenty, but I ignore them if it involves one of my loved ones getting hurt, which your sister's going to, if you don't warn her!

Ok ok

"Look, you owe those kids an apology," Kagome said walking toward her, "I'll come with you to make things easier" Kagome reached out to grab her hand.

"Kagome" I said the girl smacked Kagome's hand away. Then a ring of fire surrounded them.

"Kagome!" I said looking at the fire seeing how I could get through.

"Mind your own business!" the girl yelled, "I don't want to talk to you anymore, leave me alone!" the girl vanished and with her the flames. Kagome fell to her knees. I ran up to Kagome. I smacked her.

Inuyasha Fanfic: Mystery of Mitsuki (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now