Chapter 10

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We watched from the cloud. I was pissed off. I felt like I should throw something at the two of them. I started taking off my shoes.

"Give them a send off that's unrivaled" Monten yelled, "I'll lend my assistance!"

"Hey! no fair that's two against one" Kagome said pushing him off the cloud. I threw my shoe and it smacked Hiten on the head sending him forward and falling to the ground. I really didn't think I threw it that hard. Hiten glared at me. Inuyasha started laughing.

"Hey Moron! If anyone kills Inuyasha, it's going to be me!" I yelled pissed, "there was nothing in the deal about allowing you to kill him!"

"Hey!" Inuyasha yelled I threw my shoe and it smacked him straight in the face.

"And you! that's two times that you try to kill me! and you've planned it three times" I yelled annoyed, "how dare you leave me in the cave with a black bear?!"

"The bear was harmless" Inuyasha said

"It charged for me!" I screamed

"It likes you!" he said

"Oh shut-" I started but then I saw Hiten ready to attack him, "behind you!" Inuyasha quickly turned around and blocked Hiten's attack.

"Damn it!" I said annoyed, I was talking! "Kagome, give me your shoes" I tried to pull them off her feet.

"No way!" Kagome said next thing I know the cloud disappeared from us. We started falling.

" I knew this was going to happen! I just knew it!" I screamed, "I hate heights!" I flapped my arms hoping they somehow turned into wings and I could fly. I've come to realize anything can happen in this era.

"Hold on Kagome, Mitsuki!" Inuyasha said, "I'll come for you after I finish him off!"

"Well hurry! cause gravity isn't exactly on our side here!" Kagome yelled as we fell. Then I felt this weird sensation. The air...I felt like it was wrapping around me. I watched as Kagome started to fall closer to the ground. When I seemed to stay still.

"Kagome!" I yelled I focused on catching up to her. I grabbed her arm. I tried to do the same thing I did earlier, but it was hard with the extra weight. I couldn't, I only managed to slow our fall. We landed on Monten.

"Well at least the fall didn't kill us" Kagome said

"Right" I said glad she didn't seem to notice.

"No..." A familiar voice from beneath us said, "but I might" Kagome quickly got off him. I stayed on him. If I could keep him down, then he wasn't a threat right? but I wasn't that heavy, so it didn't work. I clung onto his neck as he chased Kagome around the giant hole. He shook me off and I fell on my butt. He turned around and looked at me. He smiled, then walked toward me. I crawled away from him. A spinning top landed on his head. I watched as it got bigger and bigger.

"Come on Kagome" Shippo said from on top, "get out of there Mitsuki" Kagome and I climbed out as fast as we could.

"Thanks Shippo" we said together

" was nothin" Shippo said

"It's far too early for celebration" Myoga said

"You and your big mouth" Shippo said annoyed

"Shippo's so called fox magic is all about illusion" Myoga said

"That's an illusion?" Kagome and I said

"Looks pretty real to me" Kagome added

"And yet it's not, behold" Myoga said we looked to see the top start to shrink. I watched as his mouth started to glow yellow.

Inuyasha Fanfic: Mystery of Mitsuki (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now