Chapter 51

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Episode 53

I woke up early in the morning when I felt movement. I saw Inuyasha walking away. I went after him.

"What'cha doin?" I asked as I caught up to him.

"Go back to bed Mitsuki" he said as he kept walking.

"No, I'm not tired" I said even though I was exhausted.

"fine, do what you want" he said as he walked. I walked beside him.

"We're going to Totosai's aren't we?" I replied as we kept walking along. Inuyasha kept quiet. "You want to make the sword lighter huh?"

"I need to be able to handle it" He said, "I can't risk letting it go"

"Yeah..." I replied remembering how he was. He looked at me.

"There is one curious thing that I remember before the transformation..." he said scrutinizing me, "you transformed the Tetsaiga, how'd you do it?"

"Hehe...maybe I should go to bed" I said starting to walk back. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Oh no you don't" he said looking at me, "the only way you could wake up the Tetsaiga's power is if you're a half demon and you are not"

"Well I don't know!" I argued trying my best to lie, "it just happened ok?! Maybe the Tetsaiga loves me more than you, I'm just so awesome, it decided I didn't need to be a demon to transform" I stuck my tongue out. Inuyasha went into serious deep thought. I frowned. He wasn't acting like himself. I felt like I needed to do something. Maybe if I act like a brat...

"Inuyasha, I'm tired carry me" I said yawning. He knelt down.

"Come on" he said now I knew something really was wrong, he was suppose to be yelling 'you should have stayed with the others!' and all that.

"No I'm not tired anymore" I said walking away. He stood up and continued walking beside me. "You do realize you can talk to me about anything right?" he looked at me. "I mean if you want to talk, I mean it's better to let your emotions out in the open instead of letting them build inside" yeah...look whose talking. I let out a sigh. But my secret is different. It's life changing. It took us about half the day to get there. I looked at the hot rocks.

"Yeah, I'm not stepping on that" I said, "you being a half demon, your feet can handle it, but if my shoes way"

"This is why I told you to stay" He said before lifting me up in his arms. He walked over to the cave. We walked in.

"Hey, you there Totosai?" Inuyasha said. we found Totosai in the middle of forging another sword. "We need to talk"

"Ah! yes" Totosai said, "I'd expected you would come" Inuyasha wanted to set me down.

"No way!" I said clutching to his neck, "I'll melt! the floor looks like lava's going to spill out any minute now"

"Fine then sit on my lap" he said

"But what if the lava spills out?" I complained, "I don't want to die! why can't you stay standing! we're perfectly fine like this"

"You wanted to come here so don't start" Inuyasha said annoyed. Finally I'm sensing the anger, about damn time. Quiet an serious Inuyasha was getting on my nerves. I like him better when he's easily angered. I've been trying to piss him off for the longest now. I let out a sigh.

"Fine, let's sit down" I replied, "but if I die, I will haunt you"

"Yeah, yeah" he said sitting down with me on his lap. I felt like a child in their parents lap. It was annoying, but I put up with it for the sake of my life. Last time I came here, it was with a telepathic link, where I couldn't die. I completely forgot about his floor. I hated this.

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