Chapter 63

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I watched as the police handed me over to the caretaker. Every couple of minutes, a kid would run right through me which was really weird. One minute, you're standing there in the hall watching the caretaker trying to quiet down baby you, next there's kid popping right out of you. It was irritating.

"Will you stop that?!" I yelled at the kids knowing fully well they couldn't hear me, but I completely had it. Then it hit me I was sounding like Inuyasha.

"Whose she?" I heard a little boy asked. I looked down and saw a little boy with strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes. I smiled.

"Oh Daichi, She's the new addition to our foster family" the caretaker said

"What's her name?" He asked curious

"Mitsuki" she replied

"Oh" he said I watched as I grew. I followed Daichi all over the place. He looked after me. See at the orphanage, it was first come first serve. There was little food and so many kids. Dai always made sure I ate. If he only managed to get food for one of us, he'd give it to me. If I couldn't sleep, I'd go lay down with him and he'd read me a story. The day Kenji and his wife took a liking to Dai. He promised he wasn't ever going to leave me alone.

"I'll make them hate me, don't worry" Dai said, "I'll think of something...but I won't leave you alone ok?" he put an arm around my shoulder as we were sitting on the bed. I was clutching onto Washa. The day Dai was adopted was a disaster. I was still young, so I really wasn't sure what was going on. All I knew was people came took a kid, then that kid was never seen again. I entered the room and watched as Ms. Kitamura handed Kenji and his wife the papers.

"But you promise you'll adopt her too?" Dai asked

"We're working on it" Kenji's wife said, "don't worry we'd never dream of separating you from your sister, we just have to wait to go through this process again"

"Ok" he said

"He was getting them to adopt me too..." I said, "Dai was keeping his promise..."

"So for now, why don't you say goodbye?" Kenji said he nodded his head and I followed Dai. He went up to the room and found me hiding under the bed hugging Washa.

"Mitsuki what are you doing?" he asked

"Dai..." she crawled out from underneath and hugged him, "I was scared..."

"Of what?" he said

"I was by myself and I couldn't find you" she said

"Mitsuki, I need to tell you something" he said, "I'm leaving today"

"But you said you wouldn't!" past me cried, "you promised!"

"I'm coming back and we're going to be a family ok?" he said hugging her. Three year old me was crying.

"Daichi, it's time to go sweetheart" a voice from below said.

"I'll be back promise" he said as he left. Mitsuki ran over to the window clutching Washa in her hands.

"He's leaving us Washa..." she said as she looked down watching Dai and his new parents get into a car and drive away. "he's not coming back...once they're taken they never come back..." she stayed there staring out the window the rest of the day. She didn't eat. Ms. Kitamura had to send her to bed. But even then she didn't sleep. She laid in bed feeling completely abandoned.

'What if I bring him back?...I could go look for him...' She thought, 'I can find Dai...I'll bring him back, so those mean people can't take him away' she climbed out of bed and sneaked down the hall. A floorboard squeaked.

Inuyasha Fanfic: Mystery of Mitsuki (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now