Chapter 2 (Edited)

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The next morning, I took a shower and got dressed for school. Kagome, Sota, and I always sat down for breakfast together. Although, Sota didn't have to go to school later than Kagome and me. I grabbed my backpack and started walking with Kagome to school. I was younger than Kagome by one year and a few months, so we went to the same school. We were passing by the shrine when we spotted Sota standing in the doorway.

"Hey, you know you're not suppose to play in there!" Kagome lectured as we stopped beside him. I looked into the shrine wondering what he was staring at to begin with.

"I know, but the cat," Sota replied.

"Did he go down to the well?" Kagome asked.

"Probably," I said. We all took a closer look stepping partly into the shrine. I never really liked this place. It had a creepy vibe to it.

"Buyo," he called.

"I don't know any where else he can be," Sota said.

"So go down," Kagome said.

"But why do I have to be the one?" Sota said.

"Because you're the one that's looking for him," Kagome argued.

"You're scared, aren't you?" I said. I suddenly felt a cold chill run through my body. Something didn't feel right all of a sudden. I heard a scratching sound. I dropped my backpack. Something felt wrong.

"Ah! Something's down there," Sota said nervously. I started going slowly down the steps. I didn't trust this weird feeling rushing through me. Why did I feel so nervous all of a sudden?

"You see, he is in here," Kagome said. The scratching sound became louder as I went down the stairs. I didn't want Kagome and Sota down here with me.

"Buyo," I called scanning the shrine for him, but the only source of light was the one that came through the open shrine doors making it really hard to see. I jumped startled when I realized Kagome followed me down. "No, what are you doing go back up-" I started but then she screamed which made me scream because she startled me.

"Oh, Buyo!" Kagome said smiling as she leaned down to pick him up, "it's just you!"

"Geez, Kagome!" I yelled annoyed as I glared at her for scaring me.

"You made fun of me because I'm scared and you're all ah!" Sota said from on top of the stairs. Kagome grabbed Buyo and started walking back up.

"Look who's talking Mr. why do I have to go?!" Kagome said as she stopped on the second step and looked around. The negative vibe began growing stronger and with that, so did my anxiety. I was done testing the water. It was time to go. It was getting closer...whatever it was.

"I have never been past here," Kagome stated beginning to explore as she went to stand beside the water. It's getting even closer. I looked at Kagome.

"Kagome, lets go back u-" I started, but then the scratching sound was heard again a lot more clearly than before. It was coming from inside the well.

'It's too late,' the words had crossed my mind as the well busted open and this six-armed creature with a centipede's body and a woman's burst out and grabbed Kagome.

"Kagome!" I screamed as Kagome dropped Buyo and reached out for me. I jumped for her only managing to clasp onto her legs trying to pull her back, but I wasn't strong enough and by the end, I was just dragged in too. The brown wood of the well began to dissipate and seemed to get swallowed in a bluish black haze. Although, I couldn't very well focus on the craziness of it all when I could only focus on the six-armed monster latching onto my sister and dragging us deeper into the well. I screamed as I watched the monster lick the side of Kagome's face. Sheer disgust filled me to the point that I wanted to throw up. I can't believe that I was going to be a monster's lunch.

Inuyasha Fanfic: Mystery of Mitsuki (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now