Chapter 18

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A couple days have passed, I haven't been sleeping well for three reasons. one: the lecherous monk two: that shadow I saw with the painter has been showing up lately...although it seemed to disappear today and three: Kagome...She's been out of it lately. I knew why too. It was because of me. I seen some flashes of her thoughts in my mind. They were of that night with the painter. I was standing in front of them. My body was stiff and the wind was swirling around us. I had this white aura emanating from me. My fist were clenched. The demon was coming closer and closer till it collided with the wind shield I made around us. I wonder if she thinks I'm a freak now...I've been keeping my mind occupied so I wouldn't accidentally read her thoughts. But when I did...that exact scene would pop in. She always seems to have this sad look in her eyes when she sees me. It's almost like its disappointment...probably for being a freak. I mean usually if there's something upsetting Kagome she'll straight out confront you... But that's the exact opposite of what she's doing. So it must be really bad. I was sitting on a tree branch in the court yard of a tavern. Miroku 'sensed' an ominous cloud hovering over it. Honestly, this guy senses the same exact thing every time it's time for bed. It was dark outside. Miroku was walking around putting charms around the house. The others were inside the room eating. I finished eating a while ago. I should have never been so careless. I was actually using my powers a lot and had little regard for if they saw me or not. How stupid could I be? I folded my knees and wrapped my arms around them. I leaned my head against them. So lately I've been avoiding my power. I refuse to use it now...maybe if I stopped using it, it'd just eventually go away. I heard a whine. It was familiar and seemed to be coming from the other side of the wall. I stood up and climbed up as high as I could. I saw A'un standing beside the wall staring up at me. I smiled. I got down as fast as I could.

"Going for a walk" I yelled at the others as I ran out the gate and met up with A'un.

"Are we going to go see Sesshy?" I said smiling They just nuzzled me. I got on their back. I haven't seen Sesshy in such a long time. I really wanted to see him. A'un started to fly. I looked back at the Tavern. I'll be back before they know it...besides I need a break from my stress. Sesshy's quiet demeanor always puts me at ease. The ride was actually a long one. I ended up falling asleep on the way there. I don't know how long it was that I slept, but it wasn't long enough. It was still dark and not to mention we still weren't there yet.

"A'un" I said rubbing my eyes, "can we take a break? I need to-" Next thing I know some kind of tentacle wrapped around him. Others shot out and wrapped around him. A'un struggled to get free. I pulled out the sword Sesshy gave me and I started hacking at them. But with every one I cut purple gas would leak out of them and more tentacles would appear. I had to do something. I put my sword back in its sheath. I grabbed onto one of the tentacles and let myself slide down. I was sliding at a great speed. My palms were burning. I saw a bamboo coat at the end of the tentacles. I pulled out my sword and swung at him. I got him right in the neck. I beheaded him. Yet there was no blood. I pulled off the bamboo coat to find it made of wood. What the hell is this thing? My hands were stinging. I looked at them. the skin was peeling. I bit my lip. I heard a large crash behind me. It startled me and on reflex I jumped away. I turned around to find A'un collapsed on the floor. I crawled over to him.

"A'un...A'un!" I said putting a hand on him. Oh no...what happened? "are you ok? A'un please stand up!" The dragon whined. I felt my eyes start to water. I heard a laughter echo in the air.

"Hello Mitsukiko...its been a while hasn't it?" a voice said. I don't know why but the voice sounded so familiar. It was cold and rough. I really hate it.

"Your the one who did this didn't you?!" I yelled standing up.

"My puppet's tentacles were covered in miasma" The voice said, "I'm surprised your hands haven't disintegrated from how much contact they had to my miasma...I guess even as a pathetic human your immune system is still stronger than your average pathetic human"

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