Chapter 21

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I kept looking up at the sky. I couldn't get my mind wrapped around it. What was I doing back in the feudal era? Kagome tried so many times and it didn't work for her. Why me? I don't understand. Am I dreaming? I stood up the best I could. This damn tree took up a lot of room. Why the hell is there a freaking tree in the well in the first place?! Aleu started whining. I am dreaming ain't I? I'm probably bleeding from the crack in my skull at the bottom of the well. This is all just a damn dream. I looked at Aleu and picked her up. She's gotten pretty big. Since this is a dream, can I just dream up an elevator? I closed my eyes. when I opened them up elevator.
"Darn it..." I sighed as I helped Aleu climb out of the well. As soon as we were out. Aleu was a freaking road runner running back and forth smelling the trees and plants. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air. This is definitely a dream. I would never feel so at peace here. Then I sensed it. There were jewel shards nearby. I felt them. There were some in the woods and there was one a little away. They weren't mine or Kagome's either. I looked at the woods. I should go for the few instead of the one.
"Ah! somebody help me!" I heard a familiar voice scream.
"Shippo!" I cried running in the direction of his voice. I felt Aleu running beside me. The sandals were bugging me, so I took them off. I stood by a tree as I saw Inuyasha jump and attack the wolves chasing Shippo using his claws. uh-oh...I grabbed Aleu and hid her behind a tree. If Inuyasha caught me, he'd send me back for sure. I watched from the sidelines. There was this giant brown hamster with red and blue eyes wearing armor attacking them. It spit out black wolves. Then it hit me. How is it possible that Inuyasha hasn't caught my scent? I looked down at my outfit. This is Momo's clothes...not to mention she sprayed her perfume on me. My scent is completely masked. Alright Momo!
"Might you be Inuyasha?" the rodent demon asked as he stood over Inuyasha. I looked at him. He doesn't look so good.
"That depends..." Inuyasha yelled back, "whose asking?"
"I am Ryokhan" the rodent answered, "the guardian of hell" more like the rodent of hell...what the hell does he want? Then I saw something glimmer. I looked at the rodent's forehead and saw the jewel shard. Yeah...he really looked so much like a rodent, I think I'll just keep calling him that.
"Inuyasha-" I yelled but I quickly shut up and hid behind the tree. what was I thinking?! I almost gave myself away. It's just a habit of telling Inuyasha where the jewel is...I'm such an idiot. I peeked to see if he stopped looking.
"Did you hear that?" Inuyasha asked Miroku.
"Yeah sounded like Mitsuki" Miroku said
"You blocked the well remember..." Shippo pouted, "there's no way they're ever coming back"
"Are you listening to me?!" the rodent yelled
"Ryokhan..." Kaede said thinking, "are ye not the gentle creature that guards the forest?"
"That was before I was reborn!" it yelled, "Inuyasha! I have come to slay you!" I watched as it vomited black wolves with three eyes. I watched as the wolves charged for them. Inuyasha attacked but he was a little slow. Miroku used his staff. I focused the air around Kaede who was defenseless against the wolves. I held on to Aleu tight. She really was getting anxious. I forgot how much she adored Inuyasha. The hair on the back of her neck was sticking up and she was baring her teeth and barking at the wolves and the rodent. It was getting harder to hold her. The rodent wouldn't stop vomiting those damn wolves.
"Aleu stop it" I said annoyed, "you're going to blow my cover!" I suddenly felt a strong pull on me. I looked to see Miroku with his wind tunnel exposed as he sucked in the wolves. I focused the air around Inuyasha and Shippo, who were directly in its way. Miroku closed up his wind tunnel.
"Inuyasha hurry this way!" Miroku said but the rodent kept vomiting. Miroku struggled to suck in all the wolves. I saw Inuyasha struggling to keep up with all the wolves. I concentrated on the wind the best I could while fighting with Aleu.
"Stop it! Aleu!" I said annoyed, "I have to help the idiot or he'll die on me and I won't get my revenge!" I had to be the one to make Inuyasha suffer. No one else had that right...not even Naraku. I felt the wind tunnels pull again. I looked to see Miroku about to suck in the rodent.
"Go Miroku!" I cheered then the rodent smacked the ground and this dirt cloud formed. When Miroku sucked it in, the rodent was gone. where did he go?
"Ah! I can't move" Kaede said, "it's like there's some sort of wall" my eyes widened...whoops. I released the air around her. She ran to Inuyasha who was crouching on the floor. Miroku joined. they were talking, but I couldn't hear them and they were too far away for me to read their lips. Inuyasha stood up.
"Naraku! where are you?!" Inuyasha yelled as he started walking...well limping. I swear he looke like a zombie the way he was walking...he must be really hurt. "come out and face me! one on one!" He fell to the floor. I bit my lip. Idiot! What are you thinking?! challenging someone when you could barely walk do you want to die? your pissing me off! you know!
Mitsukiko? That's you isn't it...? it's been a while since you've talked to me, even if your just sending me your thoughts...are you still mad? where have you been?
My eyes widened. What the hell? He heard what I thought and replied...oh gosh don't think of anything...don't think...then it hit me here's my jewels. I closed my eyes still holding Aleu tightly. I thought of my little jar with the jewel shards inside. I felt something show up in my hands. I looked at it to find my shards.
"I got them!" I said excited jumping up and down, "I did it! I did it!" I started dancing around with Aleu in my arms. I was so busy celebrating. I didn't even notice when the others left. I noticed it was getting dark. I released Aleu now that the others were no where in sight. Inuyasha should rest...I'll go get the jewel from the rodent. I watched as Aleu ran down to the battlefield. I whistled. Aleu came running.
"Come on girl" I said petting her head, "we have to get that demon so Inuyasha could rest" I used the air to circle around us. I shifted to many places, but I couldn't find him. He seemed to move from place to place, so it was hard to find him. It was nightfall already and I was getting exhausted. Was the damn rodent still underground? This was pissing me off.
'are ye not the gentle creature that guards the forest' Kaede's voice repeated through my mind. He protects the forest. So the connection with him and the forest is strong, meaning I can't simply picture him and show up in front of him. This sucks...if only I had Inuyasha's sense of smell. Aleu jumped on me. I guess since she saw me getting depressed.
"That's it!" I said looking at her, "find the demon Aleu!" she looked at me and just wagged her tail. "Find the demon" still didn't do anything..."just take deep breaths and follow the scent" she laid on the floor and rolled over. I face palmed.
"Oh come on Aleu please understand what I'm saying" but she didn't. So we walked aimlessly through the woods in search of the demon. I was so tired. I used too much of my energy shifting from place to place all day long. I sighed annoyed. A little bit later, I started to hear crying. Someone was sobbing loudly. I followed the sound holding Aleu close to me. I saw the rodent crawled up in a ball crying at an end of a tree. I was about to confront it, but then I heard a familiar voice.
"I've been searching for you Ryokhan" Naraku said coming into my view. I hid behind a tree holding Aleu's snout closed. She obviously knew Naraku was bad news and wanted to attack. She was whining softly. I did my best to not be seen. I felt my heart racing. I was scared. I can't deal with Naraku now. I'm too weak...I can't fight him right now...I just wanted the shard...was that too much to- wait a minute...I closed my eyes and focused. That's it! the shards...Naraku has the shards I was sensing earlier. I don't like this...
"Naraku..." the demon said scared, "go away! I refuse to battle with Inuyasha again" he was shaking so badly...I actually sort of pitied him.
"Why do you tremble so?" Naraku asked.
"I have no desire to be drawn into a wind tunnel" the rodent said I heard Naraku laugh. It made a chill go down my spine.
"I shall take away your fear" Naraku said holding up a shard, "and stop your trembling"
"No please stop!" the rodent begged. I watched Naraku as he shot the shard at the rodent and it stuck to his head. The rodent screamed. I flinched at the sound. I didn't know what to do...I watched as Naraku disappeared and the demon went crazy. It started running toward us. I screamed as I carried Aleu away and kept running. It was crazy. It knocked over the trees. I found myself at a cliff. The rodent stopped a couple of feet away from me. It's hands grew and so did it's chest. It got taller and it was twice the size it was before. His glowing yellow eyes looking at me. It looked more like a weasel now...I stared at it in horror. Aleu jumped out of my arms. She got in a defensive pose. The hair on her back was up and she bared her teeth. She growled. The demon took a couple of steps forward then howled. I looked at the cliff. It wasn't that steep...but there were a lot of boulders. So it was dangerous. crap! what to looked at me and started walking closer. Aleu barked in warning.
"Look I understand your evil and want to kill Mr. Rodent" I said with my hands up, "but can you kill me when I'm not wearing my best friend's clothes, because if it's ruined I'll have to buy her some new ones and that's going to be hard if I'm dead, do you understand?" He was about to attack me, but Aleu jumped onto him and bit his hand. The demon howled in pain. He swung his arm and sent Aleu flying into me knocking us off the cliff. Damn it! Air...focus on the air. I found myself laying on the floor on the bottom. I stood up looking at my out fit dusting off some dirt. I looked at Aleu. She stood up and shook her fur.
"Are you ok?" I said looking at her. She wagged her tail in response. I heard a howl. I turned to see the rodent and his pack of wolves coming our way. "Run Aleu run!" We started running.
"Faster Aleu!" I yelled she was holding herself back. She'd slow down every time she'd get ahead of me, "don't hold back! run Aleu!" she didn't listen though. I can't let anything happen to my baby, but I didn't have enough energy to get both of us away. I focused the air around her. I pictured Inuyasha. She'd be safe with him. She vanished from beside me. My sight seemed to get this tint of red. I felt as my sense started to sharpen. What was happening? I looked at the sky. It's not a night of the new moon. I must have used too much energy.
"Oh no..." I said, "I am not losing control...especially not to a rodent" I was on this grassy field that seemed to go on forever. I swear there used to be a hut and a hill here before, but right now I was too busy to care.
"Stop girl!" the demon yelled.
"No thanks!" I yelled, "I prefer not becoming a chew toy" maybe if I put the rest of my energy together...I can send them flying...even if it's for a little while...its better than nothing righ-I slammed right into something invisible.
"Ow!" I said as I fell flat on my butt. I quickly sat up and dusted myself off, "very well then I have no choice..." I was starting to feel more like myself. I focused the little energy I had left in the wind. The wind circled around me. It started forming a tornado. I shot my hand out and the tornado headed to the demons picking up the wolves and the rodent. My sight started becoming black. I started falling backward...but I felt someone catch me. then I lost consciousness.

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