Chapter 49

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Episode 49 & 50
Sorry it's late! I was busy. I usually try to upload at five or around that time, but I couldn't today. Hope you like it!


The couple of days that we've been traveling, Kyo has been getting on Inuyasha's nerves. He was just messing around, but I could tell Inuyasha really wanted to kill him. At the moment, we were on Hachie's flying form. Inuyasha and Kyo were running around us. Inuyasha trying to claw at him and yelling at him to hold still. I rolled my eyes at them. I was sitting next to Kagome.
"I was so worried I thought you weren't coming back Kagome" Shippo said
"Sorry about that Shippo" Kagome said
"Hey! Inuyasha!" Shippo yelled but Inuyasha was still focused on getting Kyo, "have you asked for Kagome's forgiveness?"
"Get back here!" Inuyasha yelled still chasing Kyo.
"You really are slow!" Kyo said I face palmed. They acted like children, "how many demons did you say you vanquished?" I was just waiting for one them to fall off. I could hear Miroku's and Sango's conversation from all the way back here. This super hearing was scaring me. My senses were getting stronger, but it wasn't close to a new moon. I mean it just past not too long ago. So what the hell happened? I looked at the mark on my wrist: the spiral.
'That's the mark of my curse' I remember that demon saying. It was still there, so I didn't understand. Is the curse weakening or something? I looked at Kyo who was absolutely enjoying himself while dodging Inuyasha's swipes. Satoshi and Kyo switched bodies. Mitsukiko's soul was displaced from her body and she somehow managed to enter mine. What if she wasn't taken? But because of the curse, her soulless body is out there in some kind of enchanted sleep. I rested my head on Kagome's shoulder and she put an arm around around me.
"What's the matter?" Kagome asked me. Kyo turned to look at me smile fading. I smiled at him letting him know I was ok. Inuyasha took advantage of that moment tackled him right off of Hachie. Those two both went plummeting. All of us gasped.
"Kirara!" Sango said and right as she was going to transform and I was going to use the air, Ryujin appeared with both of them on her back. I let out a breath I was holding.
"Idiots!" I yelled annoyed. Ryujin landed on Hachie and the two got off as Ryujin laid down to rest. I made them sit down the rest of the way , if they didn't they were going to have to deal with me.
"This is all your fault" Inuyasha said elbowing Kyo.
"How's this my fault?" Kyo replied elbowing him back, "who tackles someone knowing clearly that they'd fall off?" then the bickering began along with the hits. I face palmed.
"You know what?" I said annoyed, "spread out! out of arms length, seeing as you guys can't keep your hands off each other, that will have to be a rule for you too Inuyasha"
"Yes mom..." the both said at the same time before they scooted away from each other. I swear these two...if it wasn't for Inuyasha's protective side, they'd probably get along with each other. But that wasn't happening. Inuyasha glared at Kyo, who just smirked at him. what did I get myself into by inviting Kyo to join our group?

I was so grateful when we arrived at our destination: Naraku's Castle. But when we got there, it wasn't much of a castle. I scrunched my nose. The smell of miasma was terrible and it was everywhere.
"So this is where Naraku's castle used to be?" Inuyasha asked
"Yes, there are still traces of his miasma around" Miroku replied, "this is it!" We walked around the castle's premises.
"It doesn't make any sense" Inuyasha said, "there's hardly any ruins, are you sure this is it?"
"You got a point considering it's Naraku..." Miroku replied, "it wouldn't be the first time we were lured into a false castle" I looked around something was bugging my nose.
"Maybe the castle we saw before was an illusion" Kagome said
"No..." Sango replied "it was real" I turned to look at her to see she was knelt down beside a dirt pile. I watched as everyone crowded around Sango, but I couldn't concentrate with my nose acting up.
"What you got there?" Kagome said
"My father's armor" Sango replied I started walking away. Behind the smell of Naraku and his miasma, I was picking up another scent. A familiar scent. I lifted my nose sniffing the air. I know I smelled it somewhere before. I started to follow it into the woods. What was it? whose scent could it be? I stopped at a spot in the middle of the woods. I knelt to the ground and started sniffing it. The smell was strong there. I quickly stood up. What the hell? I looked around. Thank God no one saw me. I can't believe I sniffed the floor like a dog. I looked around. I sniffed around. The seemed to mix up with the others.
'Hey, where'd you go?' I heard Kyo send me a message.
Something I got to do, I'll meet up with you guys later...
I kept sniffing the air annoyed that I was doing this, but my nose wouldn't quit. I started following the scent. Who would I meet at the end of this trail...? Why was my body acting this way? I kept following the scent. The day went by and it was already night. The scent was getting weaker and weaker. It made no sense to me. I mean it should be getting stronger the closer I got right?
'It's late...are you ok? do you need help?' Kyo asked
I'm fine! ask the others, I disappear like this all the time
Suddenly I heard this strange buzzing sound. I looked around as I kept walking, but I didn't see anything. Suddenly someone ran past me making me fall on my butt. A strong waft of their scent hit me.
"Sorry!" they yelled as they kept running. That was the scent. I was looking for him.
"Wait!" I said standing up quickly running after him. The buzzing sound was still loud and clear. I looked up to find Naraku's poisonous insects. I heard a cry. I turned back around to see this giant red demon that had a prey mantis body. But it's face was white and it was just bone. It had blue hair and red eyes. I watched as he was going to swipe at the boy with one of its bladed hands. I focused the air around me and appeared in front of the boy. I used the air to make a barrier around us. The blade smacked hard against it. I swung my hand and sent the demon flying. Then I felt it. The jewel shard was right behind me. The boy I was defending had a shard. I turned to look at the boy. My eyes widened when I saw Kohaku crouched down behind me. I heard the demon start to stand.
"You can not save him!" The demon said, "I will get the sacred jewel shard on his back, Surrender!" He jumped up ready to strike. I focused on the barrier, but the earth, sensing my insecurity on whether the barrier would hold, lifted roots up from the ground. They wrapped around the demon. But one of the demon's blades went through and came down barely missing my face by an inch. Hiraikotsu flew in and severed the demon's head. The demon collapsed to the ground.
'So this is what you count as fine?' I could hear the annoyance in Kyo's voice as he came over.
I nodded my head as he stood in front of me frowning.
"Nothing happened" I shrugged, "demon was easy enough, only thing it had going for it was it's strength"
"Are you two ok?" Sango said rushing toward us.
"Yup!" I smiled
"How is it that she gets mad at me when I interrupt her fights, but she's little miss Sunshine when Sango does it?" I heard Inuyasha complain. I rolled my eyes.
"What about you Kohaku?" Sango asked kneeling in front of him.
"Who are you?" He asked, "Do you know me?" Sango stayed in place completely frozen. I bit my lip. That had to hurt.

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