Chapter 35

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Sesshy and Inuyasha jumped away from me. I watched Sesshy and Inuyasha. Sesshy was still holding on to the Tetsaiga. The others crowded around me asking if I was ok.
Mitsuki...please, let me take control...
Take control? now? in front of everyone?
I know...I'm asking for a lot, but their my brothers! if Kagome and Your younger brother were having a death match, you'd want me to let you take control right?
The Tetsaiga started to ring. I could hear it from here. It was suffering. I watched as Sesshomaru clawed Inuyasha in the face using his other hand.
"I see you found another ugly arm for me to chop off" Inuyasha said
"Go ahead and try it" He said, "this arm acts as a shield against the Tetsaiga"
"That's a dragon's claw" Sango said
"Huh?" Kagome asked
"A dragon's claw will have a great deal more power than a typical demons" Sango said, "I wonder how he's going to use that thing in battle"
"Huh...Dragon's claw whatever" Inuyasha said, "it doesn't look like it's going to do any better than the last arm, I've already taken a good chunk out of it with my sword"
"The Tetsaiga is amazing, despite not being wielded by it's true owner, it's power is still formidable" Sesshy replied, "however, it refuses to reveal the wind scar to the one it has received as a master, Tetsaiga cut through the emptiness and reveal your power"
"Sesshomaru must be able to see the wind scar!" Totosai gasped
"The Wind Scar?" Kagome said, "what is that?"
Mitsuki...please! I'm begging!
I looked at Kagome. I really didn't want her to know. I didn't want any of them to know. I let out a sigh.
Fine, but do it quickly
I closed my eyes. I waited for me to feel like I was falling back, but nothing happened.
It's not working! I can't take control!
What do you mean? I just said go ahead, what's blocking you?
I don't know! I just seem to be pulled back
Well what do we do now?
You try to stop them
Me? me? you can't be serious? 1. Inuyasha doesn't listen 2. Sesshomaru scares the crap out of me! so there's no way possible that I can stop them! you're delusional!
"In a nutshell, the wind scar is the secret to Tetsaiga's ultimate power!" Totosai explained, "slaying a hundred demons in one sweep would be virtually impossible unless you could see the wind scar, Sesshomaru must be able to see it"
"Well if Sesshomaru can see it" Kagome said, "can't you teach Inuyasha to see it too?"
"Wait why are we talking about that?" I asked they don't mean they want Inuyasha to use that on Sesshy do they?
"It is impossible to teach" Totosai said, "Inuyasha must discover it within himself, and if he does not discover it in time, he will surely die!"
Sesshy wouldn't kill Inuyasha would he?
I don't know...they used to fight like this all the time, but I've never seen it so serious before, that's why I'm worried...
I watched as Sesshomaru charged for Inuyasha and he'd use the dragon claw to hit the Tetsaiga. The Tetsaiga was shaking and ringing. I could barely keep up with what was happening. Sesshy was moving so fast. I stood up watching. I didn't understand. Inuyasha was wide open, but Sesshy would just attack the sword. Something wasn't right about this. What was Sesshy planning? I watched as Inuyasha went flying. I bit my lip. Damn it! whose side am I on? I hate them both...but I don't want either of them to die...
"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled
"Just stop it already!" I yelled, "haven't you guys had enough?!" I looked at Totosai. "look what you started! now fix it! Make Sesshy his damn sword!" There was a loud ringing and it was hurting my ears. I turned around to see that it was the Tetsaiga.
"I think the sword is crying" Sango said
"From what I can see, Sesshomaru is attacking the sword itself" Miroku said
"This is appalling," Totosai said, "he keeps hacking away at the sword sending mighty waves of power ringing throughout the blade, even the Great Tetsaiga will break under this pressure" Sesshy kept hitting the sword. Once the Tetsaiga breaks, Inuyasha's done for, but if it isn't...Sesshomaru is done for. Then for a moment, everything went black. When my vision came back, I was holding Totosai by the neck. I looked confused and the others looked at me.
"Did you just call Sesshomaru and Inuyasha your brothers?" Sango asked I looked at her lost.
"What? no!" I said letting go of Totosai who was now taking in air, "I said how dare he put two brothers against each other"
"For a moment, I thought I saw your eyes golden" Kagome said looking closely into them, "huh must have been the light or something"
"Why are we focusing on me?!" I said, "watch the battle! The battle!"
I broke free for a moment, but it wasn't long. I just threatened Totosai saying if one of my brothers died today, I was going to hunt him down and skin him alive and force him to devou-
I think I get the point, but next time don't be so obvious!
I watched as Inuyasha was sent flying again. Freak! what do I do to stop them?
"Inuyasha!" Sango said about to throw Hiraikotsu.
"Stay back!" Inuyasha said Sango stopped, "don't interfere! I will kill Sesshomaru and I'll do it with the Tetsaiga!" But that's exactly what we don't want you to do! Well the others might not care...but I do.
"We have to remember Inuyasha's tapped into Tetsaiga's full power before" Miroku said and I pray that he doesn't...atleast not'd be easy enough to stop Inuyasha from fighting...but how do I get Sesshomaru to walk away? trick question, you can't. Sesshomaru is arrogant and hard headed, now that I think about it so is Inuyasha. That's possibly why they don't get along. They're one in the same. Best to shut up about that, I already know how Sesshy gets when he's compared to Inuyasha. "But it proves that he's capable of doing it again"
"Why won't you roar Tetsaiga?" Sesshy said, "that way you could die with your weakened master" I watched as Sesshy charged for Inuyasha. He grabbed the Tetsaiga with his dragon claw, but right when he was going to punch it using his other hand, Inuyasha moved it and ended up being punched from the forehead. I watched the poison spread into Inuyasha's eyes. He fell back. What if I interfered? Would they stop if I went in between them? Or would they kill me? I walked toward them.
"Mitsuki..." Kagome said confused, "what are you doing?" Inuyasha stood back up as Sesshy hacked at the Tetsaiga again. I suddenly felt it. The closer I got, the stronger the wind seemed to get. Like it was warning me, pushing me back from the danger it sensed. I watched as Inuyasha prepared to swing. My eyes widened.
"Sesshy!" I yelled as I ran. Everything happened so fast. I stood in front of him. The earth lifted up creating a wall in front of me. I heard the cracking sound as the wind scar broke through and there was a bright light. Sesshy pushed me out of the way, before I had direct impact. I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder as I fell. My eyes blurred. I saw silhouettes as they crowded again.
And I lost consciousness.

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