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It had been another two days, and things hadn't changed much. Julia was still glued to Kurts side, Krist was drowning his pity in alcohol, and Dave was acting numb.

Her hope was starting to stagger. Each ounce of determination, diminishing slowly and surely, like leafs at the turn of winter. Heartbreak soon became replaced by frustration with Kurt.

Selfish bastard took those pills. Didn't even think about his daughter, or Courtney, or me.

But her desperation was still present, taking over her every action. It drove her mad. She was beginning to hope her thoughts somehow met with him, and he'd awaken.

Her back was pressed against the beige wall of the hospital room, a tattered copy of the catcher and the rye, in her clammy clutch. A sickening anxiety had taken over too. Her heart had been pounding intensely beneath her ribcage for past few days.

She just couldn't catch a damn break.

Somehow, reading calmed her down a bit. A book in her hand and a cigarette placed between two fingers felt like a warm embrace from a friend. It had managed to drift her thoughts slightly away from Kurt, but not too far.

She was beginning to wish she had never fallen in love with him. She slipped into the tight, unforgiving clutches of love, and it ended up crushing her with its grimey hand.

Her aqua marine eyes suddenly flicked up towards the door, hearing it open. Everyone else had gone down to the cafeteria to get some air from the stuffy hospital room, but Dave had,returned.

He caught Julia's gaze, and smiled sadly. "Hi." She croaked, her voice weighed down by grief. She felt like she had been in a tight chokehold for the past few days, unable breathe.

She wondered if it would always be this way.

Dave felt awkward, hanging around Julia all the sudden. She was in an intensely fragile spot, her boyfriend knocked out from pills and champagne, and her hope slowly fading.

They hadn't exchanged words since her announcement of her closeted relationship with the lead Nirvana singer. Dave's anger and jealously had faded off, and had since been replaced by more empathy, and pity.

But sadness flickered like a blue flame within. He knew he had to conceal that. Julia couldn't handle anymore stress. He slumped down beside his ex fiancee. He looked down at her worn book, his face warming slightly as he had a recollection of reading it to Julia aloud once in '91.

"Do you need anything?" He asked gently, storing his memory away. She simply shook her head. The atmosphere became silent and stiff, once again. Neither of the two knew what to say, but there wasn't really anything that needed to be said.

After a few moments of the quiet, Julia spoke up.

"How are you doing, Dave?" She asked, sympathy laced in her voice. He shrugged. "As ok as I can be.." He replied, laughing dully. She snorted in dark amusement. "Yeah, me too."

She sighed, her head drooping sadly. "Why did that asshole have to do this to us?" She grumbled, looking up at Kurts bed. Fury was ablaze in her bones once again, just by simply glancing at his limp body.

"Wish I knew."

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