she's lost control

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Julia hadn't gotten any sleep, she had just been by Kurts side for the past 24 hours. He was showing some signs, squeezing her hand, and reacting to his name being called.

Courtney had flown in, and left Frances with Kurts mom.

It was early in the morning, and no one had gotten a minute of sleep. Dave, krist, Rosie, Courtney, and shelli were in the room. Krist was in a chair, shelli in his lap, and Rosie and Dave were sitting on the floor. Courtney had lit a cigarette, and opened a window.

Julia was in a chair, right next to Kurt. She kept herself from holding his hand while others were in the room, but she was growing tired of this charade, this secret she was keeping.

Especially at a time like this.

She shut her eyes as She felt tears arising in them. She didn't understand how she had any tears left from all the crying to had been doing for the last day. But she was still full of emotion, yet so exhausted, and desperate.

Dave was also more distraught then he had been since him and Julia split. He'd never say it, but Kurt was a brother to him, even if relations were tense between the two.

Kurt was family.

He couldn't sleep, eat, or talk. He was a mess. He didn't know what to say, and he didn't want to say anything either. Krist was feeling the same way, and drowned his sorrow in the warm arms of alcohol. He had been drunk for a large majority of the time.

Courtney was being irrational, snapping if anyone dared to breath in her direction. Her mood changed just like the weather, and when it rained, it really poured. She'd be ok sometimes, but then switch back into her angry, irritable mode.

But Julia was heartbroken, destroyed, crying relentlessly most of the time. She was beyond terrified of losing him. He was all she had.

"I need to tell you guys something." Her voice was tired, and scratchy. Everyone's heads slowly rised. "What is it?" Shelli asked, sounding just as exhausted. Julia took a deep breath. These words had never came past her lips before.

"Kurt and I, we've been in a relationship. For the last few months, we've been dating."


There had been a silence in the hospital room for 24 hours, but that was from the pure exhaustion, and emotional distress everybody was feeling.

But the silence that took over this time, was a veil of discomfort.

After a few minutes, a raspy laugh broke the sound of silence.

It was Courtney.

"Doll, I could tell, almost immediately." She said, smirking slightly.

Julia was conflicted, unsure of whether or not she was upset. "Are you angry?" She asked, afraid of what the answer would be. Courtney turned towards julia, flicking a few ashes off her cigarette.

"I'm not mad, Jules. We weren't in love. I'm glad you finally found someone again." She said sweetly, smiling slightly. "I love you court." Julia said, feeling a tear drip onto her leg. "Love you too."

Dave, on the other hand, wasn't feeling so serene. His heart was in flames. Everything he had suspected was true. She really was in love with Kurt. His possessive feelings for her were strong.

I love her. She's mine. How could Kurt do this?

He then realized how horrible Julia must've felt when he cheated.

Everyone else was just surprised. No body else had picked up on what was happening between the two.

"Well, I'm next in line I guess.." Krist joked, trying to break the tension. It worked, making a few people chuckle.

She signed, and turned back to Kurt, wishing he were awake.

But he wasn't.

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