the lost child

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"She lost the baby."

My ears felt like they were ringing all the sudden. "What-What? How?" I whispered. "They don't know. She really took care of herself, and the baby." He replied. I rubbed my eyes, surprised to find that they were wet.

"How far along was she?" I asked, just wanting some closure. "About 5 months. That's why you didn't see her ever after my birthday. We all tried pressuring her to tell you, we really did, but she stayed sure that she would tell you once she was 6 months along." He said, rubbing his face.

I looked over to her.

"They had to sedate her. She absolutely lost it." He muttered sadly. I let out a sob. I didn't even know how to control my emotions. I ran my hands through my hair and tried to pull myself together.

"Im really, really sorry, Dave." Kurt whispered, rubbing my back. I covered my face with my hands.

"Dave?" A strained voice croaked. I slowly removed my hands. "Jules." I said quietly. She was sitting up, wide eyed. I approached her bed.

"Im gonna go to the hall." He said. I then heard the door click shut. I sobbed harder as I looked at her. She rubbed her face, tears running down her cheeks. I was floored from the feeling of her weak arms around me.

I responded by hugging her back. She cried into my chest. I stroked her hair. All the toxic feelings we had evaporated into thin air. We put it all behind us and mourned for the lost child.

Our lost child.

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